
打算在八月十四日至八月二十一日去北海道蜜月消遙遊; 以下是我們的行程:-

第一天 (14/8, Tue) 台北 (9:10 am) - 千歲 (2:00 pm) - 札幌 (1040 yen)
(从札幌直奔美瑛 [宿美瑛])

第二天 (15/8, Wed) 美瑛 . 富良野 [宿美瑛]

第三天 (16/8, Thu) 美瑛 . 旭川 [宿美瑛]

第四天 (17/8, Fri) 美瑛 - 札幌 - 函館
(从札幌直奔函館 [宿函館])

第五天 (18/8, Sat) 函館 [宿函館] (一日welcome pass, 1500 yen???)

第六天 (19/8, Sun) 函館 - 札幌 [宿札幌]

第七天 (20/8, Mon) 札幌 . 小樽 [宿札幌] (一日welcome pass, 1500 yen)

第八天 (21/8, Tue) 札幌 - 千歲 (3:00 pm) - 台北 (6:05 pm) (1040 yen)

Day 1,2,3 & 4 用四日Pass (5200 yen)
Day 4,5 & 6 用三日Pass (14000 yen)

這樣的安排划算嗎? 行程安排得如何?請各位大大帮幫忙給点意見,謝謝!
Hey...i am also malaysian working in Singapore now. I am going to Hokkaido in early July. Your itineary seems fine. If you are using the 4 days pass, you can also take the Twinkle Bus Tour as it is complimentary. Have you got your accommodation? better do it early as its the peak period.
R u free & easy? i haven't book for the accommodation yet... have to apply visa first. can i know which hotel or homestay u choose?
我要快來改行程了.... :'(
打算在八月十四日至八月二十一日去北海道蜜月消遙遊; 以下是我們的行程:-

第一天 (14/8, Tue) 台北 (9:10 am) - 千歲 (2:00 pm) - 札幌 (1040 yen)
(从札幌直奔美瑛 [宿美瑛])

第二天 (15/8, Wed) 美瑛 . 富良野 [宿美瑛]

第三天 (16/8, Thu) 美瑛 . 旭川 [宿美瑛]

第四天 (17/8, Fri) 美瑛 - 札幌 - 函館
(从札幌直奔函館 [宿函館])

第五天 (18/8, Sat) 函館 [宿函館] (一日welcome pass, 1500 yen???)

第六天 (19/8, Sun) 函館 - 札幌 [宿札幌]

第七天 (20/8, Mon) 札幌 . 小樽 [宿札幌] (一日welcome pass, 1500 yen)

第八天 (21/8, Tue) 札幌 - 千歲 (3:00 pm) - 台北 (6:05 pm) (1040 yen)

Day 1,2,3 & 4 用四日Pass (5200 yen)
Day 4,5 & 6 用三日Pass (14000 yen)

這樣的安排划算嗎? 行程安排得如何?請各位大大帮幫忙給点意見,謝謝!

如果我把札幌和函館的行程調換, 三日Pass就会用在Day 6,7 & 8, 那請問三日Pass有包括函館去千歲機場嗎?
三日PASS有包括函館去千歲機場 不需另外付費
R u free & easy? i haven't book for the accommodation yet... have to apply visa first. can i know which hotel or homestay u choose?

Yes, I am doing it free & easy and I am going on my own. I am going in 1st week of July but I still havent do my visa yet. haa..

U better book your accommodation first as it is peak period in Aug. I will stay in mostly pension such as Bibihouse and Jacatra in Biei area. As for Sapporo, I plan to stay in business hotels such as Norte II and Toyoko Inn.

My trip is still not finalized as I am pending my leave's approval. Hows your planning so far? Hokkaido is a nice place for honeymoon. So romantic..
三日PASS有包括函館去千歲機場 不需另外付費

我下午三点从CTS飞, 那我應該什么時候离開函館呢?
R u free & easy? i haven't book for the accommodation yet... have to apply visa first. can i know which hotel or homestay u choose?

Yes, I am doing it free & easy and I am going on my own. I am going in 1st week of July but I still havent do my visa yet. haa..

U better book your accommodation first as it is peak period in Aug. I will stay in mostly pension such as Bibihouse and Jacatra in Biei area. As for Sapporo, I plan to stay in business hotels such as Norte II and Toyoko Inn.

My trip is still not finalized as I am pending my leave's approval. Hows your planning so far? Hokkaido is a nice place for honeymoon. So romantic..

we planning to change our flight to end of Jul, from what i know, mid of aug might not see the Lavander. If there has seat available then we can book our accommodation.

we planning to stay at Kumar San Log House at 美瑛, Marks Inn at Sapporo & 青空 at 函館... hope we able to get it.
Kumasan is actually at 美馬牛. Your itiineary seems quite rush as u cover quite a fair bit within a short period of time.
三日PASS有包括函館去千歲機場 不需另外付費

我下午三点从CTS飞, 那我應該什么時候离開函館呢?

3點從CTS到TPE, 所以兩個鐘頭前 也就是1點要到達CTS, 所以最慢0930要離開函館([特急]北斗5号 0930(函館)~1230(南千歲))再轉車進入CTS.

建議你可以早一點起來到驛前朝市(火車站前)吃個早餐 逛一逛 再坐車喔