請幫我看看Denmark,sweden and norway行程

哈羅 各位前輩 我會在六月到北歐旅行約21天 看了論壇裡的很多文章 可是對行程和交通的安排 還是有疑問 請大家幫幫忙:-S

6/9-6/13 Stay in Holstebro,from Holstebro to Copenhagen by train,do I need to buy eurail pass or scandinavian rail pass??

6/14-6/18 Stay in Copenhagen,one day for Malmo,one for Arhus or Odense,which one is worthy visiting?

From Copenhagen to Stockholm,by train?
6/19-6/21 Stay in Stockholm

6/22-6/25/,From Stockholm to Oslo,by train?
6/22-6/23,stay in Oslo
6/24.Norway in Nutshell,
6/24-/6/25,stsy in Bergen
6/26,From Bergen back to Copenhagen ,by cruise??,stay in Copenhagen,
(Not sure about this part?)

6/27,leave for Athen.

I am so confused about the transition from Copenhagen to Stockholm,Stockholm to Oslo,Bergen to Copenhagen.
Shall I miss Stockholm,and go to Oslo by cruise instead?
how and where can I come back from Norway?
Is it worthy to stay in Bergen for 2 nights?
Should I buy Eurail pass for 3 countries?or I can also use Scandinavian rail pass for my whole trip?

is it safe to stay in a dorm of a hostel with some people I don't know?:-S