
Day 1 Airport (11:40) to 富良野 (16:00) (Car Rental)

Day 2 富良野 (14:00) to 登別 (18:00)
富良野: 花田, 薰衣草霜淇淋
登別: Dinner, 溫泉 - 旅亭花遊樂

Day 3 登別 (13:00) to 洞爺湖 (14:00) -> 洞爺湖 (16:00) to 函館 (19:00)
登別: 地獄谷, 登別熊牧場
洞爺湖: Sightseeing
函館: 夜景 - 函館海濱La Vista飯店

Day 4 函館 (15:00) to 小樽 (20:00)
函館: Seafood Market
小樽: 運河

Day 5 小樽 (15:00) to 札幌 (16:00) (Return Car Rental)
小樽: 運河, 北一哨子
札幌: Shopping, Dinner - 札幌京王廣場飯店

Day 6 札幌 (full day)
札幌電視塔,札幌市鐘表台,Sapporo Beer 博物館,白色戀人公園,蟹將軍

Day 7 札幌 to Airport (14:35)

1) Is there any area that might be too rush?
2) Anything to do @ 富良野 night time? If not, I am thinking to go CTS outlet mall before heading to 富良野.

Thanks everyone in advanced![/COLOR]

Original Post
Hi everyone, any suggestion on my following plan?

Day 1 東京 - 札幌 (Arrive 11:40am)
- Sightseeing/shopping in 札幌
- Stay 札幌京王廣場飯店

Day 2 (Car rental) 札幌 - 旭川 - 富良野 (4 hours drive)
- Afternoon sightseeing in 富良野
- Stay 富良野NATULUX 飯店

Day 3 富良野 - 小樽 (3 hours drive)
- Morning 富良野
- Afternoon/evening sightseeing in 小樽
- Stay in 小樽 (hotel not decided yet)

Day 4 小樽 - 登別 (2 hours drive)
- Morning 小樽
- Afternoon/Evening 登別
- 旅亭花遊樂

Day 5 登別 - 洞爺湖 - 函館 (4 hours drive)
- Morning 洞爺湖
- Night 函館 night scene
- Stay 函館海濱La Vista飯店

Day 6 函館 - 札幌 (5 hours drive - Return car rental)
- Morning 函館
- Evening 札幌
- Stay 札幌

Day 7 札幌 - 東京 - 香港 (14:35 flight in 札幌)

1) Is there too much driving?
2) Debating to skip 旭川, anything good that? (Not going to the zoo)
3) Goal for the trip: Shopping, good food, little bit of sightseeing

Please advise!
Can't. I redeem mile points for the ticket and somehow they only let you fly to CTS.
Can't. I redeem mile points for the ticket and somehow they only let you fly to CTS.

Hi welcome. Do you stay in Tokyo before going to Hokkaido? If you fly with JAL, they should have HND > AKJ flight, but you may not change the destination if ticket is already issued (asiamiles?)

Return to your questions...

1) Is there too much driving? Yes, a bit rush
2) Debating to skip 旭川, anything good that? (Not going to the zoo) The zoo is worth to visit

I you can skip any place, my suggestion is below, see if you can change the hotel booking...

Day 1 東京 - 札幌 (Arrive 11:40am)
- pick up car for 富良野
- Stay in 富良野
Day 2 富良野 > 旭川
- Zoo
Day 3 旭川 > 登別
Day 4 登別 - 洞爺湖 - 函館
Day 5 函館 > 札幌
- return car
Day 6 札幌 + 小樽 (by JR)
Day 7 札幌 - 東京 - 香港
Hi welcome. Do you stay in Tokyo before going to Hokkaido? If you fly with JAL, they should have HND > AKJ flight, but you may not change the destination if ticket is already issued (asiamiles?)

Return to your questions...

1) Is there too much driving? Yes, a bit rush
2) Debating to skip 旭川, anything good that? (Not going to the zoo) The zoo is worth to visit

I you can skip any place, my suggestion is below, see if you can change the hotel booking...

Day 1 東京 - 札幌 (Arrive 11:40am)
- pick up car for 富良野
- Stay in 富良野
Day 2 富良野 > 旭川
- Zoo
Day 3 旭川 > 登別
Day 4 登別 - 洞爺湖 - 函館
Day 5 函館 > 札幌
- return car
Day 6 札幌 + 小樽 (by JR)
Day 7 札幌 - 東京 - 香港

Thanks atco!

Yes I will stay in Toyko for a couple days before I head to Hokkaido and the flight ticket already issue so it can not be changed. I have not book any hotel yet so I can still adjust my plan within the 7 days in Hokkaido.

Actually I like your suggestion going to 富良野 first. As for 旭川, I hear a lot of good things about the zoo, however my fiancées is not a big fan of animals. I will amend our 行程 based on your recommendation.

Thanks so much! Appreciate your input!:-)
2) Anything to do @ 富良野 night time? If not, I am thinking to go CTS outlet mall before heading to 富良野.

Go to this:

You arrive CTS at 1140, can still do some shopping in the outlet, but suggest you go earlier in winter time and arrive before sunset.
Thanks! 那個地方晚上似乎不錯!

除此之外, 整個行程有任何地方會太趕嗎?
10月份,太陽應該在5:00pm 就快下山了; and如果遇到冷天,有些地方可能也下了點小雪 or 路面晚上會結冰 .
但看版大最新的行程,不僅有5:00pm~8:00pm 還在開車(山路or 鄉間小路),每天開車的時間落在 2~5 hrs . 白天的總時間算十個小時,等於 30%~50% 在開車.

是不是可以放棄一些景點 ?
10月份,太陽應該在5:00pm 就快下山了; and如果遇到冷天,有些地方可能也下了點小雪 or 路面晚上會結冰 .
但看版大最新的行程,不僅有5:00pm~8:00pm 還在開車(山路or 鄉間小路),每天開車的時間落在 2~5 hrs . 白天的總時間算十個小時,等於 30%~50% 在開車.

是不是可以放棄一些景點 ?
Thanks jhyu1111!

造成大量駕駛的是富良野and函館...哪一個我應該放棄?? I am really interested in both...

可以重新安排行程to make it不會太趕ma?

PS: I am going in early Oct, hope it won't be too cold yet.
除了函館山頂常常有霧,只住一晚不見得能看到函館夜景,住兩晚比較保險(小弟就是第一晚上山一片霧茫茫,第二晚再拼上去才看到夜景) 其它景點還有女子修道院,五稜郭,金森倉庫,教堂區,大沼.

因為你是Day1 東京前往札幌,時間較早,來得及從新千歲搭 JR 直接到函館.晚上還可以看夜景. (and 函館市內移動可以不需要租車)

Day1 : 新千歲->函館 with JR .(如果時間夠,還可以先大沼公園 1hr ->函館夜景)
Day2 : 函館一日遊
Day3 : 函館-->登別 with JR .
Day4 : 登別 --> 小樽-> with JR 旭川
Day5 : 旭川(租車) -> 富良野/美瑛.
Day6 : 旭川(還車) -> 札幌
Day7 : 札幌->東京->香港 .
小弟的 函館遊記 (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!jr4GSP6LEQ5MGcZ_QZzo4Kp6bA--/article?mid=6782&prev=6816&next=6726&l=f&fid=87) , 供參考 .
除了函館山頂常常有霧,只住一晚不見得能看到函館夜景,住兩晚比較保險(小弟就是第一晚上山一片霧茫茫,第二晚再拼上去才看到夜景) 其它景點還有女子修道院,五稜郭,金森倉庫,教堂區,大沼.

因為你是Day1 東京前往札幌,時間較早,來得及從新千歲搭 JR 直接到函館.晚上還可以看夜景. (and 函館市內移動可以不需要租車)

Day1 : 新千歲->函館 with JR .(如果時間夠,還可以先大沼公園 1hr ->函館夜景)
Day2 : 函館一日遊
Day3 : 函館-->登別 with JR .
Day4 : 登別 --> 小樽-> with JR 旭川
Day5 : 旭川(租車) -> 富良野/美瑛.
Day6 : 旭川(還車) -> 札幌
Day7 : 札幌->東京->香港 .
小弟的 函館遊記 (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!jr4GSP6LEQ5MGcZ_QZzo4Kp6bA--/article?mid=6782&prev=6816&next=6726&l=f&fid=87) , 供參考 .
Thanks once again jhyu1111

我們希望花更多的時間在札幌than旭川,所以我會保持原來的計劃for now. Thanks for your input regardless! 但真的很感謝您指出日落之後駕駛的危險。我會小心掌握時間,避免在黑暗中駕駛。


Day 4 函館 (15:00) to 二世古 (18:00)
函館: Seafood Market
Stay in 二世古

Day 5 二世古 (08:00) 小樽 (10:00) to 小樽 (17:00) to 札幌 (18:00) (Return Car Rental)
小樽: 運河, 北一哨子
札幌: Shopping, Dinner - 札幌京王廣場飯店

Day 6 札幌 (full day)
札幌電視塔,札幌市鐘表台,Sapporo Beer 博物館,白色戀人公園,蟹將軍

Day 7 札幌 to Airport (14:35)