用InterRail Finlande Pass 芬蘭的火車 船問題

我想到北歐玩,但只想買張 InterRail Finlande Pass,我有資格可以買這種票,只是我不曉得如果使用這種票跟買火車票學生票來回(Helsinki-Rovaniemi)會不會比較划算,不知道用這種票訂夜車臥鋪要加多少錢?
我只打算買三天,不曉得假如我1號搭的夜車,2號到達目的地,這樣是算一天還是兩天的使用呢? 因為還想用票搭船瑞典
I think the pass you want to buy is the Finland railway Pass. And i think the less day is four days, no three days pass. You can not buy the student tickets if you are not studying in Finland, but if you are studying in Finland student tickets is the better choice. The best choice for you is buying the Finland railway pass. It will help you to save lot of money.
If your train is departure at 7:00 pm, you have to write down next day in your pass. The seperate time is 7:00PM.
You can take the ferry and get the discount if you have the railpass. You don't have to fill the date on it.
感謝樓上的回覆,我查過了InterRail Finlande Pass最少是三天沒錯,你說的Finland railway Pass是另外一種pass,我是想用國際學生證的價格買火車票,不知道跟用這種pass比哪種便宜,三天的pass是109EUR,就不知道用pass訂臥鋪要補多少錢,不知道該怎麼查,希望知道的能幫忙解惑,謝謝!!
到VR看了規定,發現原來學生價非芬蘭學生真的不能買了,Please note! The conditions for receiving a student discount have changed. From 1.12.2007 a student discount is granted only to persons studying in Finland.
感謝樓上的回覆,我查過了InterRail Finlande Pass最少是三天沒錯,你說的Finland railway Pass是另外一種pass,我是想用國際學生證的價格買火車票,不知道跟用這種pass比哪種便宜,三天的pass是109EUR,就不知道用pass訂臥鋪要補多少錢,不知道該怎麼查,希望知道的能幫忙解惑,謝謝!!

Finland railway Pass是129euro,用pass訂臥鋪+26euro