round the world trip -- Bolivia(2005.03.23-2005.04.20)

% From Puno to La Paz (or Copacabana), it´s better to book a direct bus from Puno. When I crossed the border, the Peruvian police saw my passport and thought that I am from China. They took me to a room and got everything out of my bag and checked in details. Loosing some little money leagelly or illealelly is possible. Because I left my big luggage on the bus, they didn´t check it. Bring as less stuff with you as possible while crossing the border. When I returned to Puno from Copacabana, it was quite smooth. No hassel.

% La Paz is energetic; Potosi is charming; Sucre is beautiful.

% Uyuni : coming from La Paz, you can arrive there at 6-7 am, at that moment, a lot of travel agencies will come to you. It´s quite ok to book the trip in the morning and leave at the same day. Don´t book your trip in other cities, it´s more expansive. All of travel agencies offer same trip : 3- or 4-day. Basicly, these 2 trips are the same. If you want to save 1 day, just do the 3-day trip.

% Potosi : mines tours is really impressive. The tour guide will ask you for buying some coca leaves or water as gifts to miners. Just do it. Miners do need it. It´s better to bring a mask with you, it´s quite dusty inside the mines. After doing this trip, I felt so sad, so sad.

% Rurrenabaque : there are 2 ways to get to from La Paz : by air and by bus. Coming by bus, you have to pass the most dangerous road in South America. It´s called the death road. It takes about 19 hours. I took the bus to get to Rurre, I would say that it is really dangerous. One Bolivian woman has taken this bus 5 times, but she still cried on the bus because it is very dangerous. When the bus passed the narrowest road, the tires are no more than 30cm away from the cliff. I took the bus again to come back to La Paz. If you want do experience it, I recommend you take the bus from La Paz to Rurre, because the bus pass by the most dangerous section in the day time. You can see it. From Rurre to La Paz, the bus pass it in the night time. You see nothing then.
There are 2 tours in Rurre : Papams and Jungle. Both take 3-day as standard. You can see the real rainforest in Amazon by doing Jungle tour. You can take the boat on the river in Amazon by doing Papams tour. Both are good. If i can only do one of these 2 tours, I will just cry. When I did safari trip in Tanzania, I saw a Jurassic Park then. When I did Pampas tour in Rurre, I saw a Jurassic Bird Park. By the way, there were many, many, many, many mosquitos.

% Isla del Sol : if you planned to stay in the island for 1 night, probably it´s better to stay in the south part because it´s more beautiful. However, all of the hostels locate on the top of the hill. It means you have to carry your luggage and climb up. Bring as less stuff as possible. The sunrise is not that exciting but different.

% accomendation : La Paz -- POSADA del ANGEL is good. $50Bs including breakfast. address : Illampu Avenue 867. tel:2450492.e-mail:[email protected]
other traveler recommended HOSTEL COPACABANA, locates on the same street.
Rurre : I stayed in HOSTEL LOBO which is still under construction. It is one of the best hostel I have ever stayed in my life. $25Bs per bed. When you arrive at Rurre, just tell the motor-taxi driver sent you to LOBO. They know it. Rurre is quite small, you can visit all of the travel agencies in 15 minutes.

Lago de titicaca在秘魯已經去過了!
但包括Uyuni、La paz、Potosi感覺都很棒!這趟應該會去吧!


玻利維亞在哪裡? 有什麼特色
玻利維亞在哪裡? 有什麼特色



最著名的景點是與秘魯邊境的Titicaca Lake(Logo de titicaca)世界最高的高山湖泊!海拔3850公尺(與台灣第二高峰的雪山差不多高),面積達8500平方公里左右、台灣的1/4大(台北到苗栗一整片都是湖),超美!但我只在祕魯那邊的的的喀喀湖待過,也曾在其中一小島住上一晚!很棒~


第三的應該會是亞馬遜河流域的亞馬遜探險之旅之類的!但....源於祕魯、玻利維亞的亞馬遜支流,河水比較偏向黃色,而且雨林裡面蚊蟲很多(在巴西瑪瑙斯的Rio Negro黑河上游源自哥倫比亞熱帶雨林區,河水偏深墨綠或暗黑色,水質呈酸性,不易滋生蚊蟲)


最後大概就是世界最高的首都「La Paz」拉巴斯了吧!海拔將進4000公尺(跟台灣最高峰玉山差不多)....




我也去爬過 Potosi 的礦坑.

鹽湖只有在雨季才會有水, 其他時候是乾的.
La Paz 的海拔是 3600 左右.
玻利維亞和秘魯本身就是同一個國家, 人種語言都一樣, 會變成二個國家是 Simon Bolivar 的私心.
玻利維亞+秘魯大戰智利的那場戰役, 史稱太平洋戰爭, 想暸解的可以問 Google.

至於玻利維亞有什麼好玩的, 可以看我很久以前寫的 "玻利維亞旅遊規畫".

謝謝煙斗 實在太詳盡了 六月的煙斗聚會 想必也是知無不言 言無不盡吧! 聽眾有福了
When I was in Salt Lake at the end of March, there was some water in the lake ( only few centimeters). The jeep drove on the lake. It was more beautiful and interesting. Yes, that scenery was classical.
湖面有水的話, 只有雨季才有, 而且是雨季前後才有.
有點水的話, 行程也會縮水, 因為鹽水很傷車.
看過雨季時的照片, 真的超美超感動.

OOXX的一堆, 似乎讓我覺得沒有雨是幸福的.

印象中有本旅遊書的封面就是有水的鹽湖, 果然被我找到了.

