

April 4 夜宿Lima
April 5-7 搭飛機到Cusco跟團 包括Machu Piccu, Sacred Valley, Cusco
April 8 早上坐巴士到puno, 夜宿puno, 到之後再找住宿的地方
April 9 Lake TitiCaca 一日遊, 晚上坐夜巴到Arequipa
April 10-11 尋找到Colca Canyon的團或是當地遊覽 (因為行程很趕最多兩天在Arequipa, 所以不確定Arequipa城裡, 或是去Canyon好), 11晚上坐夜巴到Nazca
April 12 早上看完Nazca, 下午坐巴士回LIMA, 夜宿LIMA
April 13 LIMA亂看, 凌晨飛機去美國

1. 請問祕魯的巴士會很方便, 班次很多嗎? 尤其是Puno和Arequipa, Arequipa和Nazca,Nazca和Lima的, 怕點之間銜接不上就很麻煩,行程都會延誤到
2. Puno和Arequipa住宿的地點到當地再找還是先找好比較好呢?
3. Arequipa城和Colca Canyon哪個比較值得看, 因為我的行程很趕,所以這兩個只可以選一個, 如果是Colca Canyon的話, 我當天到那邊再訂團會不會來不及?Arequipa和Colca Canyon當天來回可行嗎?

I am now in Peru and have been to Lima, Arequipa, Nazca and now staying in Cusco. My advice is better to keep some times for some accidential events.
For your questions,
1.You can check the bus schedules on internet, the best company in peru is Cruz del Sur. And you can even reserved the ticket. I have travelled from Nazca to Arequipa by bus, which the travel time is about 9hrs and only night bus is provided.

2.In my experience, I have reserved the hostals according to the introduction of LP or FP by phone a day before you arrived there. It is more efficient esp when you get there in the early morning.But you have to notice that not all the hostals in charge person can speak English.

3. It depends on your interest. But Colca Canyon is really far from Arequipa and you have to spend a night there in order to wait for the condor in the early morning
Dear all :

if u want to save some money..

in Peru all buses price is 1 hr 3 soles (eg : 5 hrs bus price should be less than 15 soles) I was stayed Peru more than 7 weeks and it works everywhere

in south america night buses r good ..safe and cheap...don´t need to worry (I took around 20 night buses so far... )

Colca canyon (near Arequipa) did´t need to pay 35 soles entry fee
and very easy to go by yourself (want to see condor then need to pay..otherwise no..
if somebody ask just say "already bought... put in hotel.. already saw condor before"....
no problem and is not illeagle....they just want money..)

and if u really want to join tour ..is possible book in the morning..
BUT they start 6-8 AM ...17usd is lowest price I heard for 2d/1n

p.s. do u know from Puno to Arequipa only 5 hrs by bus ...?!

Colca Canyon 團有兩種, 一種是兩天一夜是早上出發, 另一種是一天一夜, 半夜出發, 如果 April 10 早上去找團可能無法參加兩天一夜的團, 除非能預訂. 另一個建意是到一個地方先把車票搞定再開始玩. 另外秘魯巴士班次是很多, 不過還是可能售完沒位, 特別是星期天晚上出發早上到 lima 的車.

April 9 Lake TitiCaca 一日遊, 晚上坐夜巴到Arequipa
April 10-11 尋找到Colca Canyon的團或是當地遊覽 (因為行程很趕最多兩天在Arequipa, 所以不確定Arequipa城裡, 或是去Canyon好), 11晚上坐夜巴到Nazca
April 12 早上看完Nazca, 下午坐巴士回LIMA, 夜宿LIMA
April 13 LIMA亂看, 凌晨飛機去美國

1. 請問祕魯的巴士會很方便, 班次很多嗎? 尤其是Puno和Arequipa, Arequipa和Nazca,Nazca和Lima的, 怕點之間銜接不上就很麻煩,行程都會延誤到
2. Puno和Arequipa住宿的地點到當地再找還是先找好比較好呢?
3. Arequipa城和Colca Canyon哪個比較值得看, 因為我的行程很趕,所以這兩個只可以選一個, 如果是Colca Canyon的話, 我當天到那邊再訂團會不會來不及?Arequipa和Colca Canyon當天來回可行嗎?

Dear all
只有COLCA CANYON沒有去, 有點小遺憾
在AREQUIPA吃壞肚子了= =

因為吃壞肚子, 可真不是一兩天會好的!