
Dear Seasoned Backpackers...

小女子想要前往秘魯印加古道, 鍛鍊體力, 看看Machu Picchu, 但是一句西班牙語都不會...

詳閱各位大大的經驗談, 我初步有下例的計劃, 煩請各位大大提供意見 or 解答

1. 考量秘魯的治安...想先去瓜地馬拉 Antigua 學一個月的西班牙語, 來回機票 TPE - GUA 為SQ, NT$36000, it seems like a good bargan :-) ...但是不知有何public transportation from Guatimala City to Antigua?

2. 在瓜地馬拉買往秘魯的機票會比較便宜嗎? 是請當地的旅行社處理, 還是我應該在台灣先打點好?

(3. 原本想在Bolivia學西語, 但怕那兒不夠熱...Bolivia現在應該是秋天了吧)
感謝各位指點 :-)
You can take a shuttle from the airport to Antigua, it costs US$10. I just went to visit Celas Maya Spanish School. It seems like an organized and good school. Heard a lot of good thing about it. But I found Xela too polluted and boring for me. Antigua is more beautiful and not as big. Xela is very very big. I personally prefer Antigua. If you are gonna be here for 3 months, you can buy Taca ticket, LAX-Guate-Peru-LAX for about 600 or 700 us dollars.
US$700 :-| man! traveling in SA ain't cheap...
I bought a one way ticket (from Guatemala city to Lima) in Antigua few days ago. It costs about US$370 with student card. If you don´t have student card, travel agencies can apply one for you. No certiface is needed. It costs US$10 - US$40.