五月摩洛哥之旅:從 Erfoud 脫隊包車到 Fes 的問題

大家好,我們目前計劃是 5/20 or 5/21 出發,行程大至如下:

5/20 Madrid -- Marrakesh
5/21 Marrakesh
5/22 撒哈拉三日遊 1
5/23 撒哈拉三日遊 2
5/24 撒哈拉三日遊 3:從 Erfoud or Rissani 脫隊,包車到 Fes
5/25 Fes
5/26 Fes -- Rabat
5/27 Rabat -- Asilah
5/28 Asilah -- Tangier -- Madrid

有點怕撒哈拉出不了團,也擔心從 Erfoud 包車到 Fes 會有問題 :-P
再淡也出得了團 不想冒險的話就選大家推薦的那間旅行社
包車沒啥問題 900DH是行情價
想省錢其實也有CTM or local bus可坐 100DH上下
個人覺得 三四個人分台大taxi 比坐巴士貴一點
CTM早上九點出發 票可能要先定好
You can also ask the staff of hotel of Sahara tour to arrange the Taxi. We paid 1000DH for a grand taxi and the taix wait us in the way to Erfoud. They said the driver has to submit some document to police. If they arranged for us, it would save us time to prepare the document for the police and did not need to detour for the police station. (I don't know what document it was, but the driver really go to police station to submit something.)Since we wanted to reach Fes as early as possible, we agreed to take the grand taxi. We arrived Fes at about 6:30-7:00pm.

The bus schedule in Erfoun and Rissini seemed not matching our schedule, therefore we gave up the bus despite the cheaper price.