[約旦] 約旦綜合問題

各位大家好! 我是新的版友叫Mustafa :-) 小弟我這個月底要前往約旦玩,但看了一些網站還是有些覺得不太清楚的地方,希望對約旦熟悉的版友們願意花一些時間解答我的困惑 > <'''

1. 看了Ruth的網站(jubileejordan),他寫道"Since the beginning of
January 2005 entrance to Petra costs 23JD for one day, 26JD for
two days and 31JD for three days, with the fourth day free.
There is no longer a reduction for student cards "
請問這是真的嗎?(真貴...) If so, 那還有必要辦國際學生證嗎? 約旦的其他地

2. Petra的three-day pass是"選擇三天進去"還是"連續三天進去"?如果下雪

3. 雖然天冷(而且好像真的很冷....我的媽啊),但我還是想去Wadi Rum過一夜,但
我隔天想直接去Aqaba, 但是有公車直接從Wadi Rum到Aqaba嗎?要在哪
如果是回Petra搭巴士, Ruth網站上寫the first at 6am the last at 4pm,
不知道有人知道發車頻率是多久一班? (因為總不可能6am就殺回Petra了
吧). 感覺要等很久說.

4. 因為Ruth的網站一直鼓吹大家跟Charl先生連絡,參加他安排的bus tour,
which costs 13JD, with an one-hour stop at Karak and 15-min
stop at Wadi Mujib. 因為他一直廣告看的我有點不太喜歡,雖然價錢可以接
受,不知道有沒有版友參加過這個tour? How was it? 如果我決定不參加,那有
公車從Madaba to Petra嗎? (網站寫the only alternative then would
be taking a taxi, but I doubt it, since there's bus going from
Amman to Petra, it should stop at Madaba to pick up passengers
there. But again, it's just my assumption.)

5. Madaba附近似乎景點很多,除了那個教堂,Mount Nebo,死海外,有人推薦去
像是Hammanet Ma'in for the hot spring, Um Al Rasas, Mukawir 或

6. 抵達安曼機場後,要在哪裡換JD比較好? 我會帶美金去.

7. 因為冬天聽說會下雨下雪,那....約旦人撐雨傘或穿雨衣嗎? 哈哈這個問題很笨,
actually I don't think they have any. 所以就問一下囉!

不好意思逼哩啪拉問了很多,且每個裡面又有小問題.因為期末到了沒有很多時間上線,所以只好累積很多才一起問,希望大家可以spare me some time and answer the questions.

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it! Shukran jazilaan!!
Best Regards from Mustafa
Petra one day pass 學生價 11JD, 原價的五折,所以辦張學生證可省很多.但搭長程巴士好像沒有學生價
Three-day pass是連續三天的,好像在票上面還會寫日期以及持票人的姓名.下雪下雨應該還是可以進去,只是在爬去Monastery八,九百層階梯的時候要非常小心
換JD大約是1USD=0.7JD,應該是到了市區的價錢比較好,我在以色列邊境換到的匯率是0.6 :'(

請問這是真的嗎?(真貴...) If so, 那還有必要辦國際學生證嗎? 約旦的其他地
I bought 2 day pass at 13.5 JD, student price. The adult price is 26JD. ISIC card is useful in Jordan. Also have discount in Jerash, student price 5 JD. I didn't go to the other places and didn't know the exact discount with ISIC card.

2. Petra的three-day pass是"選擇三天進去"還是"連續三天進去"?如果下雪
I'm not sure b/c we went there for continuous 2 days. On Ruth website, it said Petra is closed at rain or snow. The weather was sunny when we were there...but still cold.....especially at night.

3. 雖然天冷(而且好像真的很冷....我的媽啊),但我還是想去Wadi Rum過一夜,但
我隔天想直接去Aqaba, 但是有公車直接從Wadi Rum到Aqaba嗎?要在哪
Yes, there's 7am or 8am bus from Wadi Rum to Aqaba. I left Wadi Rum to Aquaba on 12/30. I didn't take bus b/c there's 4 people to share the taxi. I joined the Bedouinroads tour. The guide will match up passengers for you to share the taxi to Aquaba or Petra. You can also choose to take bus if you want to save cost.

4. 因為Ruth的網站一直鼓吹大家跟Charl先生連絡,參加他安排的bus tour,
which costs 13JD, with an one-hour stop at Karak and 15-min
stop at Wadi Mujib. 因為他一直廣告看的我有點不太喜歡,雖然價錢可以接
受,不知道有沒有版友參加過這個tour? How was it? 如果我決定不參加,那有
公車從Madaba to Petra嗎?

I met a Chinese couple in Wadi Rum who referred on Ruth's recommendation and stayed at Mariam hotel (Charlie's hotel), took the King's highway to Petra by the taxi organized by Charlie. They said the route is about view. The couple said if you don't have time to go from King's Highway, you don't really miss a lot.

6. 抵達安曼機場後,要在哪裡換JD比較好? 我會帶美金去.
There's money exchange in the airport, right beside the arrival visa. You have to exchange money without choice b/c the arrival visa cost 10 JD. The exchange rate said 1USD=0.7 JD. They charged the commision. So the actual rate after commision is only 1USD=0.68 JD. Exchange the money just enough for arrival visa and the transportation cost bringing you to downtown. The exchange rate in downtown is around 1USD=0.7~0.75JD without any commision. The rate is for 100/50 USD bill. If you bring small notes, to say 20USD or 10USD, the rate is worse. I found a exchange rate at 0.725, but for my small notes, they only gave me 0.68.

7. 因為冬天聽說會下雨下雪,那....約旦人撐雨傘或穿雨衣嗎? 哈哈這個問題很笨,
actually I don't think they have any. 所以就問一下囉!

It rained a lot in Amman and Jerash when I were there. A lot of rain through the day. I didn't bring an umbrella and almost caught a cold. I saw other foreign tourists buying the umbrella at 5JD in Jerash. Bring water prove coat with cad if possible.
真的是很謝謝你們詳細的回答. Your answers are of enormous assistance to me. However, I've got some further questions below to clear things up. Hope any of you still has some time for me :-) I'd really appreciate it!

2. (恕刪) The weather was sunny when we were there...but still cold.....especially at night.

那大概要怎麼穿呢? 穿"一件""一般"(像是一般襯衫那些的,不是毛衣,)的長袖衣服加上冬季大外套夠嗎?

3. I joined the Bedouinroads tour. The guide will match up passengers for you to share the taxi to Aquaba or Petra.

So I'll just tell the guide that I wanna travel from Wadi Rum to Aqaba (instead of returning to Petra), and see if he can match up some other tourists for me to share the tazi fare, right? And how much did you spend on the trip? 40JD as stated?

4. I met a Chinese couple in Wadi Rum who referred on Ruth's recommendation and stayed at Mariam hotel (Charlie's hotel), took the King's highway to Petra by the taxi organized by Charlie. They said the route is about view. The couple said if you don't have time to go from King's Highway, you don't really miss a lot.

那請問有公車從Madaba to Petra嗎?

Once again, I'd really appreciate any responses. Shukran jaziilan!
Best regards from Mustafa.

那大概要怎麼穿呢? 穿"一件""一般"(像是一般襯衫那些的,不是毛衣,)的長袖衣服加上冬季大外套夠嗎?

Enough with winter coat. But I still wore sweater inside. It's a lof of walk and hiking in Petra. By the noon with sunshine and exercise, your body will warm up. On our way back from Monestary in Petra, we took off the coat after long distance hiking. It also depends how cold you can sustain? I'm not afraid of coldness and like snow quite a lot. ( in fact, I like and welcome cold weather as long as it doesn't rain)

So I'll just tell the guide that I wanna travel from Wadi Rum to Aqaba (instead of returning to Petra), and see if he can match up some other tourists for me to share the tazi fare, right? And how much did you spend on the trip? 40JD as stated?

In the email Bedouinroads replied to me, it said 40JD/per for 2 ppl if no one else share. You can print down their page, the page writing 40 JD/per for 2 ppl , 35 JD/per for 3 ppl.....

They didn't talk about the price until the end of the trip the guide dropped us at the rest house. You can ask in advance when you meet the guide. (we didn't ask) They put us in group with others who had the same itinenary. My group is composed of 6 people. All the group will be back to the same camp base to spend night together. Bedouinroads built a firm and fixed camp base with clean toilet (no flush). You can meet guides of other groups and tourists doing different activites, and maybe tourist who have spent days there or who has returned for the 5th times. I like it the way they pool all the group better than the way B&W desert package in Egpyt do. I feel safe and sound with goup of tourists and guids in a big camp. Bedouinroads have five guides and each of the are good looking :-D , fit, polite and fun.

At the end of the trip, our guide match 4 people for us to share a cab to Aquaba. My friend ask how much and the guide thought while and said 40JD per including the taxi fare. We didn't object and paid although I know it's higher than it should be. We treat the overcharged part as the tip to the guide. If you don't want to over pay, don't ask how much. Instead, tell the guide : it's 30JD with more than 4 ppl in the group, right? how much to split the cab?
If necessary, show your print of the price page. ( I did have it with me but since the guide already said 40JD including taxi, I was embarrased to argue with him since he's really a nice person)

If you really want to calculate the price punctually, I think I should pay 30JD + taxi. A taxi is 16 JD to Aquaba according to Ruth website, ok, let's say 20JD at most , split by 4 ppl, it should be 35JD per maximum. The guide thought a long time and told us 40JD.
I found the price on Ruth website is quite acute. More close than the real price we paid than Lonley Planet Jordan.

It's fun that when we sat down waiting for the guide to do briefing at the begining of the trip, 3 couples (me, a mainlander Chinese couple from Londion, a New Zealand couple) took out their reading mat'l and all are the same stuff printed from Ruth's website. But the New Zealand couple printed in color yet mine was with recycling paper. 當場遜下去 :-$

4. I met a Chinese couple in Wadi Rum who referred on Ruth's recommendation and stayed at Mariam hotel (Charlie's hotel), took the King's highway to Petra by the taxi organized by Charlie. They said the route is about view. The couple said if you don't have time to go from King's Highway, you don't really miss a lot.

那請問有公車從Madaba to Petra嗎?
I'm not sure and don't think there is. There seems no bus from Amman to Petra through King's HWY and therefore I don't think there's one from Madaba if none from Amman. You can write Ruth to ask. She is active to answer questions on LP Thorn Tree
Thanks a lot, lilychen52! Based on the info. that you kindly provided I've made several major changes to my itinerary to make it more plausible and reasonable. But as the research goes on, more unclearities emerge, so any response is sincerely welcome and appreciated ^^

1. What time does the foreign exchange at the airport AND in downtown Amman close? Cause my flight arrives in Amman at 15:30, which seems to me that everything should be pretty much closed by then.
2. 要從安曼去al-Karak Castle,是不是不管搭巴士還是搭白色計程車,都只會停在山腳下,然後得再轉搭小巴上去? 如果是降的話,回程(回安曼)的巴士或計程車會不會要等很久?
3. Does anyone know which “circle” in Amman to which the Embassy of Israel is close?
4. Has anyone ever taken Qatar Airline and thus encountered any nuissances as a result of baggage loss, flight delay, or the jam-packed flow of paasengers in the "super small" Doha airport? Cause I glanced thru the Thorntree forum on LP website and found many conflicting experiences and remarks.

Many thanks! :-)
1~3 sorry, I really don't have any idea
4. Yes, unfortunately I had a bad flight delay experiences with Qatar airline. For detail you can read my 2 posts at
I stuck in Doha for one day to wait the same flight next day
我看了,結果搞的我現在開始緊張了 :-S 因為我這次其實挺倉卒的,萬一又來個突發狀況.....也許真的只能in shaa' 'allaah了,但其實我個人有點小希望回程會delay讓我可以進去卡達(雖然最多也只有一天),因為上課時老師有講到地中海東岸的較傳統阿拉伯國家和波斯灣沿岸的產油有錢國的差異,讓我很想去看看那種contrast. 相比之下曼谷就比較沒吸引力了,雖然應該也不賴 :-D

對了1~3題如果有任何先進知道的話,也麻煩請不吝惜給小弟一些回覆吧! 謝謝你們!

Best Regards
關於第五點的Ma'in 溫泉
有個地方Umn Qass 感覺還不賴
有點像Jersah 只是規模比較小