Just do it, taiwanese .....澳洲打工渡假回報

Hi all!

Sorry I can't type Chinese here...

I have arrived Australia for two months and I'm picking grapes in Tasmania. I stay in backpacker and I found lots of korean and
japanese come to Australia for working holiday. Some of them, their English is very bad, with no money in their pocket. But they
are brave and they want to see, to experience the world. It's very popular in japan and korea.

Now, taiwanese you have the chance. Don't be "chicken". One ticket, some money for 1 or 2 months, and a brave heart. That's all
you need to know the world. There is nothing to lose. What are you waiting for??

I have worked in the vineyard for 2 weeks and the job will finish soon. After that I'll join some conservation volunteer job here and
travel around. I'll go back to melbourne in the middle of May and go to the great ocean road, Adelaide, and Kangaroo Island.

Now what's your plan??
嗯 嗯....我也來提供一下經驗好嚕.....我是今年8月初要參加CVA的志工....不過台灣辦事處要付代辦費(3000多吧).....不想當冤大頭...就自己上他們網站報名....不過因為是在台灣報...所以只能參加他們一次2.4.6週的計畫....像我是參加2週總共 AUD460(含食宿360,T-Shirt21.8,Membership40,Plus GST38.18 )....要事前繳清...

其實現在想想....到澳洲再報名應該比較省....至少不用被迫花21.8買一件T-Shirt :-D ....但是要注意一下唷...我有打電話去詢問過澳洲辦事處(5月中時問的)....那小姐說七月的志工只剩阿德雷德...八月應該也快額滿ㄌ唷....如果要一到澳洲就當志工滴夥伴記得先確定一下你要去的時間.及所剩的工作地點唷^^

PS.如果要網路報名滴..一定要跟他們確認是否有收到報名表....我第一次寄等了大約2星期都沒收到通知....結果打過去才知道他們壓跟就沒收到 :-( ...有夠糗的
The Amazing Race : 影集內容是有六至七隊背包客互相競賽,是真實情境秀的影集,今天發現有線電視 AXN頻道也有播出,真是高興

另一影集 LOST (AXN也有播)與 CSI,也是挺受背包客的歡迎(當然澳洲人也蠻喜歡的)

還有AFL(澳洲式的FOOT BALL) 這是相當受到澳洲當地居民喜愛的運動節目

5.employment agency只跟公司收費不跟找工作的人收費 所以儘量多登記幾家
我記得我登記完第二天agency就有工作要給我(當然是短期的) 但是那時我已經答應別人了 登記的話越早越好 因為有時候也會等個兩三個禮拜到一個月


今年7月底要去BRISBANE 參加環保志工
看了有點小難過...人家只是一個窮學生呀 :'(
不過每次MAIL到BRISBANE OFFICE...他們都能熱心回覆! ;-)

這是我第一次自助旅行ㄝ....澳洲我來了!!呵~那我也是"背包客"!! (F)
我想要請問一下要通過健檢的標準是蛇麼?我打算今年12月要辦working holiday visa 可是我的左眼是弱視...這樣對簽證方面會有困難媽?


我8/2去體檢時,剛好遇到一個女生 也是弱視
不過她是要去唸書 不是去打工渡假
”台灣的朋友們要拿打工渡簽証到澳洲,建議先去小城市,再往大城市走. ”
回應Elisa的話,,,,我贊成.......先到小城市適應生活, 開銷也少,,,再去大城市"!!
i'm in adelaide!i'll finish CVA this friday.I've found jobs in the city.the pay is very low.i think i might not get balance with my living.however,still wanna try.also i've found a share house in oakden.the house owner would come to pick me up after my work.in the beginning i'd spent a lot of money on tranportation be cause i'm not a concession student.$7 a day is bloody high!i wonder if i shoul go to sidney for better jobs.I haven't met taiwanese yet!if i run out of money,i would go back to taiwan :'( ~good luck to me! ;-)

Hi all!

Sorry I can't type Chinese here...

I have arrived Australia for two months and I'm picking grapes in Tasmania. I stay in backpacker and I found lots of korean and japanese come to Australia for working holiday. Some of them, their English is very bad, with no money in their pocket. But they are brave and they want to see, to experience the world. It's very popular in japan and korea.

Now, taiwanese you have the chance. Don't be "chicken". One ticket, some money for 1 or 2 months, and a brave heart. That's all you need to know the world. There is nothing to lose. What are you waiting for??

I have worked in the vineyard for 2 weeks and the job will finish soon. After that I'll join some conservation volunteer job here and travel around. I'll go back to melbourne in the middle of May and go to the great ocean road, Adelaide, and Kangaroo Island.

Now what's your plan??
加油! cheesewhite!
我想 你的CVA所在地比較偏遠 只能坐private bus 所以才那麼貴
private bus有些也沒有concession優惠的
以前我上學 也都是一趟$5 來回$10呢
澳洲抓票嚴 一旦被抓到 就是$100-$200的罰金
I have been here about 3 months with WHV, I don't have much money in my pocket ,I can't afraid the school tuition, so I went to learning centre, It is also called "neighborhood house",I just need paied a little money, becuase they need money run on their centre such as paying bills or buying somethings for centre, there are some volunteer teaching English in centre, they are a small group in classroom, less than 10 persons,sometimes only 3 or 4 students in classroom, I very enjoy it, becuase, they are come from different countries and friendly and nice. I met many friends here.I have many good times with them and some persons I met here. First day I came here, I didn't know what were they talking about, and I didn't know how to speak as well. I went to English school in Taiwan for 3 months before I came here.Because I worried about my English, but I still couldn't speaking and listerning when I arrived here, but just 3 months, everybody said my English was improving quickly. I was very happy,becuase I didn't know how to use English in my life even I had studied hard,but in here, I usually have fun everyday, I haven't studied very hard here, but I found I could talk with another people in English.Before wrote about 10 sentence in paper was very difficult for me, but now I can write a essay full of paper,in here you don't worry about your grammar and your English, you will learn from your life, and you will know how to make up a sentence,now my classmates are admir me for my english, because first day they knew I didn't know what were their talking about.I think I need another place to master my English, so I am going to another place for my English, maybe I will working in farm, I need make some money.I will have a different life with others.It is still practicing my English....."I want English become a part of my life, not a part of my study"