
在此提醒!!!!請下載後更正檔案:3/13 從Kandy→Haputale的火車票少了一個1,價錢是210盧比,不小心被我劃掉了,沒檢查到!真的很抱歉!現在才發現!~
路線=Negombo、Dambulla、Sigiriya、Polonaruwa、Anuradnapura、Kandy、Haputale、Dambatenne(Lipton’s seat)、Dalhousie(Adam’s Peak-Sri Pada)、Deniyaya(Sinharaja Forest)、Tangalla、Mirissa、Unawatuna、Galle、Hikkaduwa、Bentota、Induruwa、Kosgoda、Anbalangoda、Negombo.
(不含來回機票)以下攻略以及價格,是以兩個人為計算,至於住的在斯里蘭卡少有多人一間的Dom (除了首都外),因此一個人住宿原則上會比兩個人或是三到四個人貴上許多。行程如果喜歡再自行更改,所有行程幾乎都是搭公共交通工具,因此可參考價錢、點對點以及通車時間的交通路線。我們移動等以LP做為參考,但斯里蘭卡版的LP真的沒有很好,RG版本比較好。
斯里蘭卡的食物非常的辣,有一次吃了三角形的Rotti包裹咖哩餡,整個人辣到說不出話來,如果你喜歡吃辣的人,這裡是你的天堂 。
Rice Curry 100~ 200盧比、Kotthu Rotti約90~150盧比、炒飯100~150盧比,Samosa等是一些麵包類大約從15~30左右,或有時候前天會買多的零食、麵包等,做為隔天的早餐,不過因為愛吃,所以花在吃的地方也挺多的;奶茶大約在




LP他會有比較明確的價格。但 RG只有一個價格的範圍。
LP會大範圍的訴說整個地區的故事,但 RG有時後會有更多故事。
而 LP因為實在太有名了!有時後很多GH或是餐廳也跟著水漲船高~~
一直執著在一本嚮導書上一直不是我的旅行宗旨,但 第一次造訪一個國家,是真的需要一個嚮導書,那麼換家出版社,我個人覺得是不錯的選擇!(H)
The well-known three temples,the Embekke Devale, Lankatilake and Gadaladeniya,which are often combined into a day-trip on foot. This three-temples loop can start at the Embekke Devale and finish at the Gadaladeniya and vice versa. However, is it difficult to take such a walk trip? I mean can we easily find the way to three temples each?
u can go to bus station take NO.644,and it will take u go to Embekke Devale then u can chose walk or took bus again to Lankatilake.

But i am not sure bus NO.644 can go to Gadaladeniya.
From Lankatilake to Gadaladeniya we did it by foot that around 3~4 KM, from Gadaladeniya to main road takes 5 mins by walk.
From main road u can easy take bus back to Kandy.

That mean u can take the bus and easily to reach Gadaladeniya from Kandy.

So if ur plan is not one day trip by foot ,chose 2 days for visit these temples.
One day visit Embekke Devale and Lankatilake.
One day visit Gadaladeniya .
All by bus.
u can go to bus station take NO.644,and it will take u go to Embekke Devale then u can chose walk or took bus again to Lankatilake.
How far is it from Embekke Devale to Lankatilake? Can we easily find the way to Lankatilake if walking to there?
But i am not sure bus NO.644 can go to Gadaladeniya.
From Lankatilake to Gadaladeniya we did it by foot that around 4~5 KM, from Gadaladeniya to main road takes 5 mins by walk.
From main road u can easy take bus back to Kandy.

Are there any road signs to show the direction to Gadaladeniya?
That mean u can take the bus and easily to reach Gadaladeniya from Kandy.

So if ur plan is not one day trip by foot ,chose 2 days for visit these temples.
One day visit Embekke Devale and Lankatilake.
One day visit Gadaladeniya .
All by bus.

Thanks for your information.
Thanks for your information.

when u get out of bus and see the sign about Embekke Devale ,u still have to walk around 1km.
Lankatilake just under 2km on foot north of the Embekke Temple(when u front of the road sign ),but if fallow the guide book 「The three-temples loop」way,it was so complexity to me.(i am so confused ,WTF they talking about?????? ex:go back Embekke Village,climbing a steep hill...????? )

if is me from Embekke to Lankatilake by foot(anyway is so cheap take the bus ,if u decide to take bus just ask bule temple or Lankatilake...they all understand.)...huhuhu... i will chose go back the road that bus stop and fallow the road ,u will see the sign of Lankatilake but unfortunately after sign it still take time to reach Lankatilake.it look like u saw the temple on the Hill but where is the way??? (asking some one when u see anyone on the way:-$)

^o)We didn't find the bus NO.643(all the guide book write down this ghost bus.)we pass an hour just ask all the bus stations in Kandy,no body knows it??
That's why i am not sure from Lankatilake u can take NO.644.

for the Gadaladeniya. it's most easy ....take any buses from Kandy pass Colombo high way(non-express buses).....^^~and say to driver or ticket man, u would like to go to Gadaladeniya,they will drop u on the good stop.
same way for go back kandy!:-D
when u get out of bus and see the sign about Embekke Devale ,u still have to walk around 1km.
Lankatilake just under 2km on foot north of the Embekke Temple(when u front of the road sign ),but if fallow the guide book 「The three-temples loop」way,it was so complexity to me.(i am so confused ,WTF they talking about?????? ex:go back Embekke Village,climbing a steep hill...????? )

if is me from Embekke to Lankatilake by foot(anyway is so cheap take the bus ,if u decide to take bus just ask bule temple or Lankatilake...they all understand.)...huhuhu... i will chose go back the road that bus stop and fallow the road ,u will see the sign of Lankatilake but unfortunately after sign it still take time to reach Lankatilake.it look like u saw the temple on the Hill but where is the way??? (asking some one when u see anyone on the way:-$)

^o)We didn't find the bus NO.643(all the guide book write down this ghost bus.)we pass an hour just ask all the bus stations in Kandy,no body knows it??
That's why i am not sure from Lankatilake u can take NO.644.

for the Gadaladeniya. it's most easy ....take any buses from Kandy pass Colombo high way(non-express buses).....^^~and say to driver or ticket man, u would like to go to Gadaladeniya,they will drop u on the good stop.
same way for go back kandy!:-D

The rough guide to Sri Lanka said"To reach the Embekke Devale(RS.200),and the start of the walk, take bus #643 from the clocktower bus station(every 20 min;1hr)". Do you mean the bus is no longer available? If yes, perhaps we should ask someone at bus station what bus to take to get to Embekke Devale.
We just want to follow RG's instructions on how to finish the three-temples loop on foot. However, the statements are so complicated that we are afraid that we maybe lose our way in the network of tiny roads. I don't know if we can easily find someone on our way to Lankatilake from Embekke Devale. We actually need someone to show us the way to Lankatilake.

Your information is good enough to guide us towards the three-temples, and I will follow it up. Thanks once again.
LP他會有比較明確的價格。但 RG只有一個價格的範圍。
LP會大範圍的訴說整個地區的故事,但 RG有時後會有更多故事。
而 LP因為實在太有名了!有時後很多GH或是餐廳也跟著水漲船高~~
一直執著在一本嚮導書上一直不是我的旅行宗旨,但 第一次造訪一個國家,是真的需要一個嚮導書,那麼換家出版社,我個人覺得是不錯的選擇!(H)

The rough guide to Sri Lanka said"To reach the Embekke Devale(RS.200),and the start of the walk, take bus #643 from the clocktower bus station(every 20 min;1hr)". Do you mean the bus is no longer available? If yes, perhaps we should ask someone at bus station what bus to take to get to Embekke Devale.
We just want to follow RG's instructions on how to finish the three-temples loop on foot. However, the statements are so complicated that we are afraid that we maybe lose our way in the network of tiny roads. I don't know if we can easily find someone on our way to Lankatilake from Embekke Devale. We actually need someone to show us the way to Lankatilake.

Your information is good enough to guide us towards the three-temples, and I will follow it up. Thanks once again.

I can't say bus No.643 is no longer available,but we couldn't find it.
no one knows . After we find No.644 can bring us to Embekke Devale and Lankatilake. So where is No.643. I really don't know.:-S

當然這是兩家不同的指南公司,因此 在選擇住宿以及強調特色上,也會有所區分,想要成為各自的特色。
原因只在於,LP真的是太紅了! 斯里蘭卡是個不大的國家,而一切都歸咎於 「紅」造成了原本應該是LP強項的地方價格等,都不再是可以參考的地方,加上只要有LP加持,客滿的機率高達九成。(再加上LP販售公司出去後,以印度來說,我們第一次快三個月是使用RG,其實一路都挺開心順利的,但第二次四個多月,是使用現在LP新版的印度,在編排上多了很多細節沒錯,但 很多錯誤並未改正,光是大吉嶺的地圖已經連錯三版,現在還是錯的!而LP相關的店都水漲船高。)

因此,經過 翻閱RG跟LP後,我們一致認為,在斯里蘭卡部分可以嘗試使用RG,畢竟換本旅行指南也是不錯的。交換使用可以使旅遊指南更加的便利,而不是一本獨大嚕!:-D