Plan to visit Africa in 2008

hello... i would like to go to Africa (beside South Africa) next year... need some recommendations from people who had visited there before.
When is the best time to visit? (i wanna see wild animals.. )
What countries i should go and visit first?
and how much it cost for 2 weeks plan?

thank you so much [/i][/b]
hello... i would like to go to Africa (beside South Africa) next year... need some recommendations from people who had visited there before.
When is the best time to visit? (i wanna see wild animals.. )
What countries i should go and visit first?
and how much it cost for 2 weeks plan?

thank you so much [/i][/b]

非洲很大的, 你要去哪呢?

如果要看動物, 哪非屬東非不可了.

東非大抵有兩個乾季. 12-1月(較熱), 7-8月(較涼). 這是兩個適合的季節

雨季從3-5月, 遊客較少, 價錢比較好殺價.

我想, 其實一年到頭東非都適合拜訪, 我是雨季來的, 遊客真的較少.


坦尚尼亞serengeti 國家公園裡的非洲野牛, 斑馬, 每年7-10月會大遷移到肯亞的Masai Mara自然保護區
