
NZSTOP Job Vacancy ref nzstop#105: kiwifruit packhouse helpers

Dear all @ NZSTOP
A kiwifruit packhouse at Te Puke, is needing 8 workers to start tomorrow, the length of job will be further decided on a later date depending on the packhouse's situation. The pay is $13.50/hour plus holiday pay and work is for around 8-10 hours per day. To work in this job, you have to stay at a backpackers and pay $150/week, have your own car or share with others as it takes around 10mins of driving to the packhouse. If you are interested, please contact us ASAP and we will provide the details to you.

現在在北島TE PUKE有一家奇異果果園急需8名PACKHOUSE幫手,明天就可以立刻開始工作. 工作時薪是$13.50+假期薪, 一天工作大概8-10個小時. 做這份工作的要求是必須在周圍一家背包客棧住宿,一周一個人是$150,同時也需要有自己的交通工具以方便到工作地點(住宿離PACKHOUSE開車要10分鐘). 有興趣申請這份工作的朋友,請盡快跟NZstop聯繫。
