
計劃明年中旬先去雪梨﹐ 不過看起來好像不是很多人會把雪梨放成首選﹐ 因為年前去過澳洲一趟﹐ 我比較喜歡城市﹐ 所以想從先從雪梨開始。 上網查過幾所代辦有關於語言學校﹐ 看看有沒有人比較了解﹐ 我希望加強自己的英文程度﹐ 在回國之後比較有競爭力。 我在問過之後這家學院還不錯的樣子﹕

而剛好有一個韓國朋友也在那邊讀書﹐ 他在那邊讀英文有打算要讀TESOL。 他跟我說雪梨其實不是大家說的那麼貴﹐ 他WH一圈之後﹐ 覺得其實是達爾文物價最高﹐ 雪梨的工作特別是服務業也不是那麼難找(我猜也是因為韓國人多他才會那麼覺得)﹐ 因為他告訴我學校裡面有專員會協助幫忙﹐ 或者同學會分享資料。 有去過雪梨的人請來討論一下吧﹗
Are you coming with Working holiday visa? If so, you may come first and look for a college which suits you the best. I have to say, most language colleges are about the same to Taiwanese people and companies. And if you plan to study English only (without a degree) then which college you go or which certificate/diploma (such as Business, Tourism) you'll get doesn't really matter. It would be better for you to come and pick a college which you think it worths that kind of money.

If you really need to pick a language school in Taiwan to get your visa, may I suggues you to pick a school under a university or a school which offers the uni pathway? The course may be more helpful and well-structured in this case.

Well, this is just my personal point of view. :)
[email protected]