工作機會 - 北島Levin小鎮農場戶外工, 紐西蘭人老闆

工作機會 - 北島Levin小鎮農場戶外工, 紐西蘭人老闆

現在開始招聘 名額有限 請盡早報名

地點 : 北島南部 Levin 小鎮, 蔬菜農場 (近威靈頓)
工作性質 : 採毛利瓜/ 採胡蘿蔔 (户外工)/ 包裝工
工資 : 時薪 (穩定收入)
工作季節 : 十月至六月
工作時間 : 一星期工作 6 天
住宿 : 公司可幫忙安排住宿
上下班交通工具 : 需要自己有車
有意者請聯絡 Andres ([email protected])
公司網址: http://kapitigreen.wix.com/kapitigreen#!home/mainPage

Location: Levin (Southern North Island)
Job: Harvesting zucchini , harvesting carrots, packhouse
Payment: hourly
Time period: October-June
Days: 6 days a week, outdoor
Contact Andres: [email protected]
Company website: http://kapitigreen.wix.com/kapitigreen#!home/mainPage
Accomodation: we could help to arrange staying in backpackers.
Transportation: you need your own.
hi, this is Eugene.I would like to work in North Island.
My email is [email protected]
Phone number is 0225777622.
Please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thanks a lot.
Eugene Chin

 we are two girls from Malaysia and holding woking holiday visa. We are interest about this job.We will appreciate if you can give us a chance. My contact number is0221935821. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks.