
hi , 唔該想問吓有冇人 , 識係墨爾本買二手車呀 , 因為我個細路想係墨爾本買架日本二手車,想問吓係上網買便宜d定係係車行買便宜d ?
hi , 唔該想問吓有冇人 , 識係墨爾本買二手車呀 , 因為我個細路想係墨爾本買架日本二手車,想問吓係上網買便宜d定係係車行買便宜d ?
hi , 唔該想問吓有冇人 , 識係墨爾本買二手車呀 , 因為我個細路想係墨爾本買架日本二手車,想問吓係上網買便宜d定係係車行買便宜d ?

It will be cheaper to buy online or from the private seller. But there will be no guarantee, always will be a risk.

From the car yard/car sale dealer, you may pay more but will have the guarantee if anything was wrong within the policy.

Unless your brother knew how to check the car, he may buy it from a private seller for a bargain.

One of my friend thought he knew how to check the car. After he brought the car from a private seller, he was regret. It had the problems of leaking. He could not fix it until he sent it for a car service. It cost his fortune.