
Nzstop Job vacancy ~乳牛場工作機會~

NZSTOP最近積極跟許多乳牛場聯繫 ~希望可以爭取更多好的工作機會給各位背包客們~ NZSTOP網站上會每天不定時更新資訊~有興趣的朋友可以多去查看~
也希望大家多多支持NZSTOP~ 給我們支持的力量~讓我們可以做得更好~

Job 1: Casual farm assistant (fixed term for 12-16 weeks)
Description: Assist with milking, calf rearing and all other aspects of dairy farming over calving and mating period of about 12-16 weeks
Location: Eketauna, in the Wairarapa region (Near to Palmerston North, lower part of North Island)
Accommodation: Furnished sleepout, tidy single accommodation
Working hours: 6 days per week, 6 hours per day
Hourly rate: Negotiable

Please email [email protected] if you are interested, and attach your CV and valid working visa, and let us know whether you can start immediately. :)

工作 1: 乳牛場助理 (固定期限 12-16週)
工作描述:協助牧場擠牛奶,飼養乳牛, 還有任何其它跟乳牛場有關的工作.
工作地點: Eketauna, Wairarapa region (近Palmerston North, lower part of North Island)
住宿: 設施齊全的干淨單人房間
工作時間: 一周6天,一天6小時
时薪: 可議

有興趣申請這份工作的話,請趕快把履歷和工作簽證頁面發送到 nzstop或在我們FACE book留言 , 並且告訴我們你是否能立即開工~