
最近我爸爸來,我常常帶他去釣Salmon Chum..
大概是在mission那裡..Maple ridge過去 10 more mins away.
sure always welcome you, if you coming here next year.
just message me and I can bring you around
I belive next year there will be a pink run.:D
pink man....
pink is one of kind salmon

I am 100% sure you can get a chum.

yup you just drive the car near the river, and its so easy, its just like fishing in a fishing tank.damn hell lots fish man..even beinger
can catch tons of fish. :d but u ganna buy the licence though

my msn [email protected]

我有興趣, 可惜目前人在台灣.
明年會過去加拿大, 有機會的話也想去釣鮭魚.
可以再描述地點清楚一點嗎? 開車可以直接到河邊嗎?