Flushing 短期住宿


法拉盛金城發超市正對面,境優交便,多輛公車全天後行駛,或走路至7號地鐵僅十分鐘,近皇后大學,2樓有一大房間、客廳、廚房與衛浴,另一房間在3樓,兩層樓共約950呎,座北朝南,適合學生短期旅遊,信用好,每天$40或每週$250 (水電暖氣全包與網路)。可於現在搬入至10/31/11止,詳情請洽屋主: 林先生 (臺灣人) : 1-347-652-5588,謝謝!

Newly renovated one family house in Flushing, NY (1 living room, kitchen, bathroom, 1 single spacious rooms for rent)

Right opposite to the Golden City Super Market in Flushing (30 sec. walk to Kissena Blvd.). There are many buses pass on the Kissena Blvd. which you could take any one with only 3 stops to the #7 train Flushing station. It's also close to Queen College. The whole area is about 950 feet, and it's a perfect fit for a student or young professional looking for a clean, cheap and decent place. Available to move in NOW till 10/31/11. Rent is $40 per day or $250 per week (with all utility, heat and internet included) Please contact Mr. Lin @ 347-652-5588 if interested. Thank you very much!

**PLEASE NOTE: There is only One single room available for rent with a sharing living room and kitchen with the other tenant only from NOW till 10/31/11 for $40 per day or $250 per week (with all utility, heat and internet included)