歡迎您來入住 加拿大本拿比白金漢獨立屋


本拿比白金漢獨立屋一樓,學區好,環境優美,安全寧靜、臨DeerLake 、 Museum、Shadbolt Center、 面Buckingham elementary school 、Central secondary school,商場、交通、購物方便。
2分鐘步行至公車站144 (直達SFU、 Metrotown )、129 ( Edmonds skytrain )、123 (經過BCIT、Brentwood Mall),搭車約15分鐘至skytrain站。
一樓空間逾1000平方呎,有二房(安靜寬敞大小臥室,一大房可放兩張Q床、另間一張Q床) 客廳、廚房、衛浴、獨立洗衣間、獨立Alarm System,使用約1000平方呎,適無煙寵。
歡迎洽詢778-688-1699,E-mail : [email protected] 意者七月可入住。

租金: 1200元 ( 含網路)

Burnaby Buckingham area single floor for rent
Independent entrance and exit

Located in a very safe and quiet neighbourhood, very close to Buckingham elementary and Morley elementary. Burnaby Central secondary school is a 15 minute walk away; nearby parks include Deer Lake and Shadbolt center. Easily accessible bus stops (144 Metrotown/SFU, 123 Brentwood Station, 129 Metrotown/Edmonds station.) Metrotown, Crystal mall, and High gates are also located nearby. The floor for rent has roughly 1000 sqft of room and has two bedrooms ( 2 queen sized beds, and 1 queen sized bed rooms) Includes independent living room, kitchen, washrooms, laundry room and alarm system. Please feel free to contact me at 778-688-1699, or at 604-516-8668.

Rental: 1200/month
Utilities: Shared
Excellent location for non-smoking, non pet owners, students and small families.