

要是你機票是同一家航空公司 (例如 都是British airline 那就應該沒有問題)
要是自己買兩段票(內陸廉價航空 加上 BA London-HK) 那就要申請了

建議你還是打電話 到辦事處去問問吧
要是你機票是同一家航空公司 (例如 都是British airline 那就應該沒有問題)
要是自己買兩段票(內陸廉價航空 加上 BA London-HK) 那就要申請了

建議你還是打電話 到辦事處去問問吧

Why ppl never pay attention to the original documents from UK visa website. It has stated very clearly. No matter you will be transferring in the same airport or in two different airports, you are not required to have a UK visit or visitor-in-transit visa as long as you are satisfied with these requirements!! The original regulations are as following:

If you are a visa national or a DATV national (see below) who is exempt, you can transit without visa if you will:
• arrive at a UK port on a ship and leave on the same ship within 24 hours; or
• arrive and leave by air within 24 hours and have no intention of staying in the UK (you can travel by rail or road between two airports); and
• have a confirmed onward booking that will leave within 24 hours of your arrival in the UK.

You must also have the documents you need:
• to enter the country you are travelling to; and
• for any other country that you may pass through on your journey.

How can you transfer between two airports without passing through the custom? According to this rule, it should be no problem for you to enter. Bring this documents when you travel there. Show it and explain to them, if they refuse your entry. Plus, there are several successful cases of transiting without visa.
樓上大大!! 小弟曾經在2002年11月從佛羅倫斯搭機至gatwick,再坐出租車去heathrow轉長榮回台. 當時過gatwick海關時官員問我如果她願給24小時轉機過境簽證我是否來得及搭上下個航程.<因為離長榮起飛時間僅有3小時半而已>我回答她我要搭出租車去heathrow如果您肯幫忙我一定趕得上.她立刻蓋上了簽證.後來我花了65鎊的車資,也順利的趕上飛機.(大概還有一個半小時飛機就起飛了) 雖然也有巴士,但除非您的轉機時間有5小時以上,否則還是考慮坐出租車吧 !!給您做參考;-)
Why ppl never pay attention to the original documents from UK visa website. It has stated very clearly. No matter you will be transferring in the same airport or in two different airports, you are not required to have a UK visit or visitor-in-transit visa as long as you are satisfied with these requirements!! The original regulations are as following:

If you are a visa national or a DATV national (see below) who is exempt, you can transit without visa if you will:
• arrive at a UK port on a ship and leave on the same ship within 24 hours; or
• arrive and leave by air within 24 hours and have no intention of staying in the UK (you can travel by rail or road between two airports); and
• have a confirmed onward booking that will leave within 24 hours of your arrival in the UK.

You must also have the documents you need:
• to enter the country you are travelling to; and
• for any other country that you may pass through on your journey.

How can you transfer between two airports without passing through the custom? According to this rule, it should be no problem for you to enter. Bring this documents when you travel there. Show it and explain to them, if they refuse your entry. Plus, there are several successful cases of transiting without visa.

嗯 上網看了一下 網路上是有降子寫
為了保險起見 還是要印出來 還有隨時上網看有沒有更新
另外 還是打電話去簽證處問問比較好

在台灣起飛應該還可以 但是在歐洲起飛的話 就要有心理準備 可能會拖比較久
畢竟 很多人還是沒有聽過台灣(認為是中國)
剛上網查了,我去年九月在倫敦轉機到愛爾蘭時,海關就告應我,我需要轉機簽證才可入境,後來是因為我有愛爾蘭發的學生簽證,是D 簽證,符合該網頁下方所列的f條件,所以才讓我入境。當時我沒去查,以為是海關搞不清楚,因為我06年時到歐洲觀光也是在英國轉機,當時也沒問題。
哎… 到哪都要簽證,真的好不方便啊!!! 勞民又傷財啊~~~
Why ppl never pay attention to the original documents from UK visa website. It has stated very clearly. No matter you will be transferring in the same airport or in two different airports, you are not required to have a UK visit or visitor-in-transit visa as long as you are satisfied with these requirements!! The original regulations are as following:

If you are a visa national or a DATV national (see below) who is exempt, you can transit without visa if you will:
• arrive at a UK port on a ship and leave on the same ship within 24 hours; or
• arrive and leave by air within 24 hours and have no intention of staying in the UK (you can travel by rail or road between two airports); and
• have a confirmed onward booking that will leave within 24 hours of your arrival in the UK.

You must also have the documents you need:
• to enter the country you are travelling to; and
• for any other country that you may pass through on your journey.

How can you transfer between two airports without passing through the custom? According to this rule, it should be no problem for you to enter. Bring this documents when you travel there. Show it and explain to them, if they refuse your entry. Plus, there are several successful cases of transiting without visa.

Am I exempt from the DATV requirement?
You will be exempt from the DATV requirement and may be able to transit without visa if you hold one of the following.

* A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America and a valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from another country or territory to the country for which you have the entry visa.
* A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America and a valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from the country for which you have the visa to another country or territory.
* A valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America to another country or territory, as long as you do not transit (pass through) the UK on a date more than six months after the date on which you last entered Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America with a valid visa for that country.
* A valid USA I-551 permanent resident card issued on or after 21 April 1998.
* A valid Canadian permanent resident card issued on or after 28 June 2002.
* A valid common format category D visa for entry to an EEA state – see our 'EEA and Swiss nationals' leaflet for a list of EEA states.
* A valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state under Council Regulation (EC) number 1030/2002.
* A diplomatic or service passport issued by the People’s Republic of China.
* A diplomatic or official passport issued by India.
* A diplomatic or official passport issued by Vietnam.

Notes on DATV exemptions

1. A valid US immigrant visa packet (form 155A/155B) is a 'valid visa' for DATV exemption.
2. If you have an expired I-551 permanent resident card issued on or after 21 April 1998 with an I-797 extension letter issued by the Bureau of Citizenship, you do not need a DATV.
3. If you have either:
* an I-512 parole letter or an I-797C (notice of action) instead of a valid US visa; or
* a transportation letter instead of a valid US permanent resident card issued on or after 21 April 1998;
you are not exempt and need a DATV.
4. If you hold a valid travel document with a US ‘ADIT’ stamp saying – 'Processed for I-551. TEMPORARY EVIDENCE OF LAWFUL ADMISSION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE VALID UNTIL [date]. EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED', you are not exempt and need a DATV.
5. If you hold either an I-512 Parole letter or an I-797C (Notice of Action) instead of a valid US visa, or a Transportation Letter instead of a valid US Permanent Residence Card issued on or after 21 April 1998, or a US visa foil endorsed, "NOT A VISA. FOIL PREPARED AT DHS REQUEST", you will not qualify for exemption and will need a DATV.
6. Whether holders of non-national (including refugee) travel documents require a DATV depends on their nationality and whether they qualify for one of the exemptions listed above. So, for instance, the holder of a non-national travel document (such as a refugee travel document) who is a national or a citizen of one of the countries listed on the DATV list (for example, Afghanistan) will need a direct airside transit visa (DATV) if they are travelling to the UK in transit to a third country.

真的要看清楚,"Am I exempt from the DATV requirement?" 這個先決條件並不是每位台灣同胞都符合的,大家出發前還是要多做功課才是,免得掃興了!!!
請問一下 我的機票行程是從德國 經英國LHR機場轉機回來 問長榮航空跟英國航空服務處 得到的答案都很不確定 所以想請有經驗的大大們 請給我解答吧
請問一下 我的機票行程是從德國 經英國LHR機場轉機回來 問長榮航空跟英國航空服務處 得到的答案都很不確定 所以想請有經驗的大大們 請給我解答吧

請問一下 我的機票行程是從德國 經英國LHR機場轉機回來 問長榮航空跟英國航空服務處 得到的答案都很不確定 所以想請有經驗的大大們 請給我解答吧

從英國移民署 (http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/)網站查到的資料如下圖所示



