
最近剛好花了一點時間寫了篇旅遊英文的文章,舉凡機場/飯店/餐廳/問路等情境都有最常使用的單字語句子,有錯誤請糾正 :)




稍微準備一下自我介紹 順便能讓更多人知道台灣

Where are you from? 請問您從哪來。

I come from Taiwan./ I'm from Taiwan. 我來自台灣

My name is ____. (I'm ___.)  我叫___。

(It's) nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。

Hope to see you again. 希望再見到你。

Have a good time./Have fun. 玩得快樂

Thank you./Thank you so much. 謝謝!/非常感謝你

Excuse me. 通常人多想要借過時可以使用/想問路時或問問題時的開頭

Thank you for helping me. 謝謝你的幫助。

2.問路篇: 自助旅行偶爾會迷路或是出發前就可以詢問住宿櫃檯該怎麼走

Excuse me, How do I get to the ________ ?

*bank 銀行/ train station火車站/ XX hotel飯店/ airport機場/ XX restaurant餐廳

XX museum博物館/ metro地鐵/ post office郵局/ tourist information office 旅遊資訊中心

Excuse me, Is there _____ near by?
請問附近有沒有 _____?

*bakery麵包店/ bar酒吧/ bus stop公車站/ cafe咖啡廳/ change bureau兌換錢的地方

/ pharmacy藥局/ hospital醫院/ post box郵筒/ public toilet公共廁所/ travel agency旅行社/ youth hostel青年旅館

東西南北:east/ west/ south/ north 左/右/直走:left/ right/ go straight

First left/right 第一個轉左/右的路

3. 餐廳食物種類與餐廳點餐點飲料:

Do you have a menu in Chinese/ English?

May I see the wine list?
可否讓我看看酒單? 紅酒/白酒/香檳: red wine/ white wine/ champagne

Could you recommend some good wine?

Do you have today's special?

Do you have vegetarian dishes?

How do you like your steak?

Well done (medium/rare) ,please.

I am allergic to __________ 我對什麼東西過敏

*Peanut 花生/ nuts 堅果/ cheese 起司/ dairy products奶製品等

早餐/中餐/晚餐/下午茶/早午餐: breakfast/ lunch/ dinner / afternoon tea/ brunch

肉類:pork 豬肉/ beef 牛肉/ chicken 雞肉/ turkey 火雞肉/ rabbit 兔肉/ fish 魚肉/ snail 蝸牛肉

食物種類: rice 飯/ (ham)burger 漢堡/ steak 牛排/ pasta 義大利麵 / pizza 披薩/ spaghetti義大利細長麵

sandwich三明治/ grills 炭烤類/ wraps 卷餅類/ salad 沙拉/ seafood 海鮮/ finger food 小點心像雞塊薯條等/ dessert 甜點

飲料方面: alkohol-free 無酒精飲料/ juice 果汁/ soda 汽水/ water 水/ tea 茶/ coffee 咖啡

liquor 烈酒像威士忌/ cocktail 雞尾酒/ beer 啤酒/ soft drink不含酒精的飲料(果汁汽水等)

去冰去糖: without ice / sugar 小費:tips

3.住宿check-in及任何相關單字: 有時會想詢問櫃檯有沒有毛巾吹風機等東西

I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation.

I'd like a room with a nice view (a balcony). Is hot water available any time?


Do you accept credit crads?

Could you keep my valuables?

What time can I have breakfast?

Can I have a card with the hotel's address?

When do I have to check out?


Where is the nearest subway station?

_________ is broken, can you get someone to repair?


* air conditioning 冷氣 / water heater 熱水器/ heater 暖氣 / refrigerator冰箱/ TV or television電視/ closet衣 櫃/ safe 保險櫃

Do you have kettle/ towels/ ear plugs/ internet or wifi?
你有熱水壺/ 毛巾/ 耳塞/ 網路嗎?

Where can I get a city map?


Can you make a reservation in XX restaurant for me?


房間的種類:single room 單人房/ double room 雙人房/ twin room 雙人房但是床是兩張單人床

interconnecting room兩個房間算是連在一起,有時有門隔著/

adjoining room兩間房間是分開的,但是就緊鄰隔壁房/ suite高級套房

生活用品: shampoo 洗髮精/ conditioner 潤法乳/ body lotion 身體乳

body gel or shower gel 沐浴乳/ soap 肥皂/ toothbrush 牙刷/ toothpaste 牙膏/ comb 梳子


international airport 國際機場 domestic airport 國內機場

airport terminal 機場候機室   terminal 航廈

international departure 國際航班出境 domestic departure 國內航班出站 

arrivals 進站 (進港、到達) exit; out; way out 出口 

nothing to declare 不需報關(走綠色) goods to declare 報關物品 customs 海關

scheduled time (SCHED) 預計時間  landed 已降落

departure time 起飛時間  delayed 延誤 boarding 登機

money exchange; currency exchange 貨幣兌換處

luggage locker 行李置物櫃 boarding pass (card) 登機票

luggage claim; baggage claim 行李領取處

transfers 中轉 transit 過境

ticket office 購票處 duty-free shop 免稅店

car rental 租車處 toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room 廁所 tax refund 退稅處


family/last name 姓 first (Given) name 名

sex 性別 male 男 female 女 date of Birth(Birth date) 出生日期   

nationality 國籍  passport No. 護照號 phone number 電話號碼

country of Origin (Country where you live) 居住國家

destination country  前往目的地國

city where visa was issued 簽證簽發地 date issue 簽發日期

address 地址 number and street 街道及門牌號 city and state 城市及國家  

year 年(yyyy) month 月(mm) day 日(dd) 

occupation 職業  signature 簽名 official use only 官方填寫   


May I see your passport please?

What is the purpose of your visit to XXX ?

This visa is good for two weeks. Do you intend to stay longer than that?

What do you have in the bag ?

This is just a routine check. Would you mind opening the bag for me?

5. 交通工具及搭乘交通工具:

train 火車/ boat 船/ car 汽車/ taxi 計程車/ bike 腳踏車/ walk 走路/ tram 路面電車/ bus 公車巴士

Excuse me, where can I buy tickets ? 請問哪裡可以買票?

Excuse me, which line shall I take ? 請問我該搭哪條線?

Excuse me, which stop shall I transfer/ get off ? 請問我該在哪站轉車或下車?

How long does it take? 大約多久?

How much is the ticket? 票價多少錢?

票種: round trip ticket 來回票/ one way ticket 單程票/ return ticket 回程票

day ticket or day pass 單日票/ regional ticket 地區性票/ set ticket 套票

information desk 詢問臺 ticket office 購票處


有問題也可以在臉書找到我 :)