
4/15 我懷著愧疚的心情到了機場,即將開始我獨自一人為期23天的英法自由行,為了不讓自己退縮,我到機場的第一件事就是check in, 我想一旦我把行李交出去,我就沒有回頭的路,就剩下勇敢的衝了。
一路上跌跌撞撞,拉著行李箱狼狽的樣子,迷路就跟吃飯一樣的簡單,從不敢開口問路到最後幾乎想幫別人指路。錯過火車check in 時間,誤把警衛當成騷擾房客的壞人,在夜路遇到恐怖搭肩的人,在旅館以為自己遇到鬼,在機場聽到自己名字被廣播後的狂奔,還有一路上所遇到的每一個人,這些都是我這一趟旅程中最美好的回憶。謝謝所有的一切,讓我完成了這一趟豐富的旅程,雖然我的心還在巴黎。
I arrived airport with a guilty heart on 4/15. I started my adventure by myself for twenty-three days. To be brave, checking in was my first step. I had no choice to return, all I can do was going ahead.
I drank a cup of bubble tea because I would miss it very much and I called my family that I would be absent for a long time.
My motivations were as below:
First, I wanted to challenge myself; if I could do this adventure, what’s the thing I couldn’t do? Here, I had to thank for all backpackers, without you, I would not be here.
Second, I wanted to do something different; I wanted to tell my sons and daughters that I had traveled alone; I wanted to be a thoughtful and historic woman.
Furthermore, I didn’t know what job I like, I couldn’t feel accomplished and happy with my previous job. When I looked at my coworker, I imaged I would be her one day/some day(in future); that wasn’t what I wanted to be. I decided to quit my job and find what I like.
One of my motivations was quitting my job. It’s difficult to quit a job, but I knew I couldn’t have a long vacation like that. To fulfill my dream, I had to quit my job.
Finally, I had to thank my ex-bf. I had to learn how to grow up because of his leaving, I had to take responsibility for my decisions. I couldn’t complain to anyone because I was alone. I had to say that I missed him very much, whatever I did, he always came to my mind. I decided to forget him and bury my memory about him in River Seine.
I was staggering and embarrassed in my adventure. I was afraid of talking with other people. Got lost, missed the train I booked, regarded a security guard as a bad guy who wanted to disturb hostel guests, met a weird guy who put his hand on my shoulder at night and ran in the airport.
All people I met were the best memories in the adventure.
Thanks for everything, my heart is in Paris, but I’m back in Taiwan.

I don't know how to express myself, but I think you motivated me. Thanks 前輩!