澳洲雪梨 – 傳說的港灣/ Homebush Bay, Sydney, Australia


This is not really a famous spot. We took about an hour of bus to get around here. And we asked locals is there a spot that there is a tree on a boat? Even locals are not sure about it. So we were going here… and there… and the sun was coming down. We were so frustrated and just about to give up. Let we found it! The sunset light was shining on the lake. The view is just so beautiful like everything should stop and have a look. It’s amazing that the sunset even make the scenery more beautiful. Wow…I knew we came at the right time to visit her.

Homebush Bay,這裡曾經是放置廢棄船隻的一個港灣,SS Ayrfield就是其中之一,從1966年就已經沉睡在這裡。如今這邊成為一個很特別的地方,老舊的鐵塊,成為侯鳥的集散地,但周遭卻早已大樓林立,被美麗的飯店團團圍繞。

Homebush Bay, it was a harbour for abandoned ship. The ship, SS Ayrfield, she is one of them. She was here since 1966. And now it became a beautiful spot. An old piece of metal became a home for sea birds, and surround by modern hotels and skylines.

這個港灣是Parramatta river的一部分,是一個發展完善的城市,佇立在這岸邊,不時可聽到汽車引擎呼嘯而過的聲音,各個高聳的大樓與施工中的鷹架成為這年齡過百歲Ayrfield的背景,形成一種強烈的對比。儘管引擎的轉速再高,高聳的樓層持續增加,她依然靜靜的躺在這湖面上,湖面也柔和的讓人覺得平靜,彷彿這裡是喧囂城市中一處寧靜的避所;彷彿不管這世界如何變動,她依然靜靜地沉默,又或者是靜靜地寂寞?

This harbour is a part of Parramatta River. A well established city. You can hear noise from car’s engine went through a near highway. The building and scaffolding are the background for this view. Although the engine noise is getting louder and the buildings are getting taller. She is still quietly sitting there on the lake. The water is so gentle. It seems like a quiet spot in this urban city. Seems no matter how the world changes, she will not care and still remain there silently.


This view is so gentle makes people slow down. Think of the past and tomorrow. Wondering what the days will bring. A friend threw a stone into the lake and said “make it far away… ”. And…I told myself “yes… make it far away”.