無所羈絆的旅人_來自莫斯科的Roman Khromov

  我們這次訪問了一位旅人,他叫做Roman,很令人羨慕的是他已經環遊世界五年,我們都很好奇他經歷過的故事,於是預約了此次採訪,也讓大家看看還能有什麼方式能成為Go Nomad一員。

  Roman說他的旅程一開始,是過著享受的旅遊方式,一直到身上的錢所剩無幾,才開始工作賺錢,他覺得有多少錢就過怎樣的日子,這是他想要的自由,他說這樣的方式反而讓他看到了生活的無所侷限,開啟了更多對於這世界的認識。而他作為一個自由的旅人,他也不規劃自己的時間,任憑命運活在每個當下,這個當下這麼想,他就在這個巷口轉彎,若是突然來了下個念頭,他也可能買張機票就到下個落腳處,自由自在的過日子,他是名符其實的nomad (遊牧民)。
  他至今已旅行30個國家,在這五年中,他經歷了很多特別的事,像是他曾經在馬來西亞的山上遭受雷擊卻能幸運地活下來;到了澳門一度身無分文,但是竟幸運的在賭場賺到2000美元;在澳門擺攤賣照片,竟被警察抓起來,這事情也上了媒體,;以及他徒步環了泰國一圈,交了很多朋友。已經經歷過豐富刺激的旅人生活的他,他知道他可以就這麼放棄然後回莫斯科過著日復一日的生活,但他不想,他希望能keep going!他清楚自己要的是什麼,所以沒錢不是阻礙,想辦法賺就好了,而且他說千萬不用害怕,像他從來都不會攝影,但是他靠自己學會了,現在能靠攝影維生,任何人只要找到自己的興趣,都一定有辦法生存的。跳脫了我們凡人的侷限,似乎沒有什麼事可以困住他,他讓自己徜徉悠游在這世界的汪洋裡。



  Today we are going to interview an adventurous backpacker. His name is Roman. What makes him an interesting interviewee is that he has already travelled around the world for about 5 years. We’re all curious about the stories he has experienced, so we decide to book a time slot to interview him. Let’s look at how to become a Go Nomad member here!
  Roman comes from Moscow, Russia. He is 32 years old now. How can he let go of everything to travel around the world is something we’re all curious about? We found out that there were several dreams that he failed to accomplish in the past, so he decided to fly away from his hometown. First, he dreamed to become an actor. He was trained and performed on stages. But while performing on stage he found out that he fears the crowd. Second, He dreamed to be a professional athlete, unfortunately he had to give up due to his injured knee. Lastly, he was also heartbroken at that time, he did not enjoy living in Moscow because of air pollution and the high cost of living. Therefore, he took out all his money and bought a one-way ticket departing from Moscow.
  Roman said, at the first beginning of the journey, he lived a luxurious life. He didn’t start working until he was penniless. He was very care-free and only adjusted his lifestyle when he’s under financial burden, but this is what he called freedom. He said this actually opens his eyes to see the world and live without much boundaries. As a backpack traveler, he didn’t really make plans in his daily life. He just went with the flow and lived in the moment. One day he may stay in the city, and the next day he may just purchase a ticket and flew away. He was the real “nomad”.
  He has already traveled 30 countries thus far – with a lot of different interesting experiences! He was strike by the lighting in Malaysia and fortunately survived, he was once penniless but won 2000 dollars in Casino in Macau. Also, he was caught in Macau when he was selling his photos on the street and it was actually even on the news! But one of the highlights must be his adventurous backpack trip to travel around the entire Thailand by his bare foot for 2700km! After all these amazing experience Roman knew he could just end his trip and returned back to Moscow to resume his routine life - but this is not what he wanted! Indeed he was crystal clear about what he wanted in life. Financial burden couldn’t stop him from exploring the world – “Never be too scared of the challenges ahead” is his motto. For example he didn’t know anything about photography but he was willing to learn! Nowadays, he makes a fortune in photography. It shows that we all can make a living by following and stick with our own interests. Nothing can stop Roman once he pushes himself beyond his limits, he is now such a free bird flying above the boundless ocean.
  “Think about what you really want in life” seems to be what every nomad believes in. Think thoroughly and hold on to what you believe in, this will give you an ultimate power to work hard and overcome all the difficulties.
  Roman now captures all the interesting moments of his backpack life in photos and sell it for profit. He also comes up this cute idea of a cartoon character called KANUI to attract eyeballs attentions. As of his next step, Roman plans to write down all his stories in a book and publish it. (It seems that he really doesn’t need to worry about how to make money for traveling now!). At the end of the interview, Roman recommends everyone to go traveling around the world, because he believes everyone should follow his heart and explore their own journey!

作者:人生有限,不如Go Nomad (https://goo.gl/F5NlHh)