克羅埃西亞-千年古城薩格勒布的清明節 / All Saints Day in Zagreb, Croatia

離開了匈牙利,來到了克羅埃西亞,也許我們對這個名稱比較陌生,其實就是南斯拉夫。這個國家有許多歷史悠久的古城,包括了她的首都Zagrab薩格勒布。雖然是國內的第一大城,但是走在路上完全不感到擁擠與匆忙,路邊的戶外咖啡椅坐滿了聊天喝茶的人。一走到站前廣場,一群排列井然有序的鴿子朝我們滑翔過來,我不自覺地把頭低下來閃避,讓他們迅速地從我頭上擦過。站前廣場是豎立著她們的民族英雄 Ban Josip,喬瑟夫。聽當地人說他對這個國家有巨大的貢獻,讓這國家可以脫離當時奧匈帝國,成為一個獨立的國家。

We left Budapest and came to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. It’s a really relaxing city and no rush. Hardly image it’s a capital of a country. There is a status “Ban Josip” in the center square. He probably was the one who made it as a country out of Austria-Hungary Empire.

It’s not a tourist city and I felt comfortable and peace here. The buildings are old but full of styles, and the city is really clean. Just sitting there and see the sunlight come through the old wood windows makes me feel reflash.
這天剛剛好是他們的All Saint Day,也叫All Hallow’s Day對於天主教是非常慎重的節日。就像我們的清明節,大家都去掃墓 。西方的清明節 All Saints Day在11/1.中文直接翻譯其實也叫”萬聖節”,就在我們熟知10/31的”萬聖節Halloween”後一天,當然這不是巧合,是有典故的。All saints day是來自天主教,Halloween的起源更早,來自英倫地區原住民,賽爾提克人的豐收祭叫Samhain,挖南瓜的習俗就是源自這個。Halloween(Samhain)的傳統隨著人類的遷徙,散撥到歐洲各地。而後來崛起的天主教傳遍整個歐洲,且為了抑制其他宗教,所以後來天主教廷把All saints day訂在11/1 (據說這節日最早在5/13),而且也把10/31改名叫Hallow’s Eve. 所以才演變成現代的Halloween這個名稱。有點複雜吧! 所以歷史課先上到這邊就好。

It was all saints day while we visited this city. Kind of surprised that it’s pretty much like the Tomb Sweeping Day in Taiwan. I couldn’t help but wondering how this day came from. And Surprisingly the all saints day was on 13th of May at the first place. The Roman Catholicism moved the day to 1st of November for Samhain(the Halloween today) due to religion issue. That’s why we got Halloween and all saint days together. It’s always interesting to learn something like that.

There is a graveyard in northern city. The city even managed free bus for people to get there. We took the bus as locals did and went to the graveyard. It’s more like a park instead of a graveyard. It’s peaceful and nice. We watch who locals used candles and flowers to memory the death. May them rest in peace. Somehow I felt a bit of joy. One of the good things about travelling is being a part local’s festival. We were happy to be part of it.

當時在墓園的情景是 天色灰暗 , 狂風暴雨剛過 , 樹葉滿地飛 ....