
日本机场的所有的softbank柜台都不是Softbank家的。 是一家73个人的小公司, 名叫GSM Rentafone 开办的。 来由是2003年Vodafone 在日本开始运营时GSM Rentafone 租用网络在日本开始运营, 后来Softbank把Vodafone 日本并购以后,GSM Rentafone 延续了合约。

今天因为和机场Softbank 为一起投诉不能解决,打到Softbank总部客服,询问后,客服告诉我, GSM Rentafone 和Softbank没有任何投资或者隶属关系, 只是租用网络, 出了问题, 只能找GSM Rentafone 解决。

目前事情还没有解决, GSM Rentafone 很牛气, 可能因为本身 利用Softbank 的牌子赚钱,但是不用受任何Softbank的规管的原因, 从处理的方式,面对面沟通,行文能感受到公司人员素质基本是2-3流公司的水准。 而且, 明显感觉这帮会说英文的日本人( 有的是日本的混血) 对于华人的轻浮和傲慢( 如果仅仅和柜台接待人员打交道是感觉不出来的), 完全没有纯日本公司对于客户服务的执着追求。

第一天,我去羽田機場確認所需文件,我拿到一本softbank服務手冊,GSM Rentafone 的口頭告知要求和上面不一樣。第二天, 我打電話去再確認, 說沒問題, 於是我買了softbank的手機, 第三天去辦手續这位店长以我护照上没有家庭地址, 直接拒绝了我的申请, 即使我提出其它解决方案。我問他為啥先前2次和他们确认申请需要的手续,都没人和我提过。 我找羽田的店长 大沼 亘 要白纸黑字, 他居然告诉我他們沒有文件。 我要找他的经理,他说只能找他,我说找他们公司总部,他就给我Softbank的客服电话说打过去问他们。还好, 我知道这些规矩是GSM Rentafone 定的, 不是Softbank . 我就直接告诉他我知道他们公司不是Softbank , 这些规矩是他们自己订的,不要在这里误导。这下他稍微老实一点。

其实最关键的问题是, GSM Rentafone 自己定规矩不说, 定规矩前也没有调查清楚主要客人的护照都有家庭住址栏。 定了规矩有没有能和客户将清楚,出了问题, 不去想办法解决, 就知道耍滑头,愚弄误导客户( 如果不知道这两家的关系, 就真的现场打电话给softbank客服了, 一点问题都解决不了), 自己的责任和问题也不去好好反省,改进。

可能因为目前Softbank 的租赁生意就它一家在做, 而且价格比其它纯日本租赁公司( 租用Docomo 网络的)都要高。

总之, 目前现在大沼 恒也没有道歉,他的主管经理也不出来, 找了个小客服写封邮件职业性的道歉, 甚至连个电话都不打过来说明一下。找了Softbank 的人,他们也觉得处理的很不妥,但是说他们也管不了, 因为没有任何隶属关系。

附上大沼 恒的名片
我以前在softbank rent手機……每次都是在網上填了表,然後在機場拿手機就好了啊……很方便,很簡單。態度也很不錯,就是講解時間太長,讓我這種要赶到東京的人很無奈……
不過softbank的內部溝通是有問題。例如,我上年去問關於smart phone的事情,他們竟然分別不同的人給了兩封郵件,然後是不同的回答==我真的一個無奈啊~~最后其中一個人又來信説,聽另外一個人就好……

我看到了……就是那個prepaid plan,應該是版主説的那個吧……我覺得版主投訴應該是無效的==
firstly, from http://www.softbank-rental.jp/e/selection-pre.php
Purchasing Procedures

Passport is required at application. Bring original documents; copies will not be accepted.

Visit SoftBank Mobile Corp. website for more information.

Document ID for personal identification
1. Driver's license
Must be issued by the Public Safety Commission in one of Japan's prefectural or city governments and still be valid at the time of application.
Ensure your name, address and birth date on the driver's license are identical to those on the application form.
If this document contains a different address than that specified on the application form, you must submit other proof of your current address.
2. Japanese Passport
The passport you use should still be valid at the time of application and your name, address and birth date printed inside must be identical to those written on the application form.
The passport must also include your current address.
If this document contains a different address than that specified on the application form, you must submit separate proof of your current address.
3. Certificate of alien registration + Passport
The applicant must be eligible to stay in Japan for 90 days or more after the service application has been accepted.
The certificate and the passport must be valid at the time of application.
The certificate and the passport must include a photograph of the applicant's face, name, birth date and address, all of which must be identical to those written on the application form.
If the address on the certificate or/and the passport is different from the current address specified on the application form, you must submit separate proof of your current address.
4. Health insurance card + proof of your current address
Any of the following certificates can function as health insurance cards:
Social insurance card, national health insurance card, mutual aid association membership card, SDF personnel medical card, seamen's insurance card, retired citizen's national health insurance card, long-term care insurance card, or medical care identification card for the aged.
All the ID cards and certificates mentioned above must be still valid at the time of application, and the applicant's name, address and birth date printed on it must be identical to those specified on the application form.
5. Certificates for people with special needs, nursing care needs, or mental disability certificate
Ensure your name, address and birth date printed on each certificate are identical to those written on the application form.
The issue date has to be stated on each certificate, or the certificate must still be valid at the time of application.
If this document contains a different address than that specified on the application form, you must submit separate proof of your current address.
6. Basic residential registration card
The card must still be valid at the time of application, and the applicant's name, address and birth date printed on it must be identical to those written on the application form.
The person depicted on the card must be the same as the applicant.
If this document contains a different address than that specified on the application form, you must submit separate proof of your current address.
7. Student ID card with your photo + health insurance card
A photograph of the applicant's face, and the name and birth date can be identified via the student ID card.
Your name and birth date, which are printed on the student ID card, must be identical to those printed on the health insurance card.
Ensure your name and birth date printed on them are identical to those written on the application form.
Your address written on the application form must be identical to that included on the health insurance card.
Both cards should still be valid at the time of application.
If this document contains a different address than that specified on the application form, you must submit separate proof of your current address.
Minors (aged 12 or above)
8. Applicant's Document ID (from 1 to 7 above)
+ Letter of consent of the parent/legal guardian
+ Document ID for identification of each parent/legal guardian
(from 1 to 7 above)
The parent/legal guardian for the minor should always directly fill out and affix his/her seal to his/her letter of consent.
Where applicable, we will contact the parent/legal guardian for reconfirmation. If we fail to get consent, the application may be canceled.
Those who are under the age of 12 cannot apply for this service.
