
因為已經預約朝陽リゾートホテル ,
不知道該怎麼辦才好?一直猶豫要不要取消? :-S



You provided me with very good information. By the way, am thinking of staying either at Sounkaku Grand or Choyotei. Which will be better?

I am not able to get Sounkaku Grand on a weekend (full) and if I choose to stay here (cheaper), would have to stay on a weekday and miss the fireworks. Should I be paying a lot more (and stay in Choyotei) so as not to miss the events of weekends?
早在上個月頭日日去他們的web site 看幾時可 book 房間,
全部無曬 房!!!

專登send e-mail 問都答無!
現在都不知道住那兒好啦! :'(
You provided me with very good information. By the way, am thinking of staying either at Sounkaku Grand or Choyotei. Which will be better?

I am not able to get Sounkaku Grand on a weekend (full) and if I choose to stay here (cheaper), would have to stay on a weekday and miss the fireworks. Should I be paying a lot more (and stay in Choyotei) so as not to miss the events of weekends?

I lived in Choyotei Hotel and felt good. Do not save a litttle money and miss something worth to you. I paid 2,200円 (1500 fishing+(500+200) cooking) for my son to fish on frozen Lake Abashiri, because it's worthy to him.

You provided me with very good information. By the way, am thinking of staying either at Sounkaku Grand or Choyotei. Which will be better?

I am not able to get Sounkaku Grand on a weekend (full) and if I choose to stay here (cheaper), would have to stay on a weekday and miss the fireworks. Should I be paying a lot more (and stay in Choyotei) so as not to miss the events of weekends?

I lived in Choyotei Hotel and felt good. Do not save a litttle money and miss something worth to you. I paid 2,200円 (1500 fishing+(500+200) cooking) for my son to fish on frozen Lake Abashiri, because it's worthy to him.

I agree with your statement but the difference is not a little. Choyotei is 33,ooo yen while Sounkaku is 17,000yen (weeknight). Both are buffet only. Both rated equally well in Jalan, and Sounkaku is nearer to festival site. My only problem is not able to view fireworks on a weeknight. That firework will cost 16,000yen!

The ice-fishing price is reasonable since I think it will cost more in Lake Akan and (I think), Furano. How long is the fishing session? We are very keen in it too.
非常感謝您的回應 ,我大致了解情況了!! :-)

另外還想請教前輩們 ,
因為我的行程安排是從網走方向到上川 ,所以去程無法搭乘朝陽亭的接送巴士, 得多花一筆錢, 但好處是也許能早點抵達層雲峽 ,倘若是這樣, 公車站牌好像就在觀光案內所前? 所以下了公車後, 先寄放行李, 搭乘纜車玩一玩, 不知飯店也有提供到此接旅客的服務嗎?

飯店應該有吧 公車站牌接送
打電話給我住的 層雲峽觀光飯店 來載我 呵呵



另外, 旭川到層雲峽的巴士需要預約嗎?

謝謝~~ :-)
上川巴士站牌就在出去後右手邊約10公尺 通常這種公車都會等火車來才走 不用怕
You provided me with very good information. By the way, am thinking of staying either at Sounkaku Grand or Choyotei. Which will be better?

I am not able to get Sounkaku Grand on a weekend (full) and if I choose to stay here (cheaper), would have to stay on a weekday and miss the fireworks. Should I be paying a lot more (and stay in Choyotei) so as not to miss the events of weekends?

I lived in Choyotei Hotel and felt good. Do not save a litttle money and miss something worth to you. I paid 2,200円 (1500 fishing+(500+200) cooking) for my son to fish on frozen Lake Abashiri, because it's worthy to him.

I agree with your statement but the difference is not a little. Choyotei is 33,ooo yen while Sounkaku is 17,000yen (weeknight). Both are buffet only. Both rated equally well in Jalan, and Sounkaku is nearer to festival site. My only problem is not able to view fireworks on a weeknight. That firework will cost 16,000yen!

The ice-fishing price is reasonable since I think it will cost more in Lake Akan and (I think), Furano. How long is the fishing session? We are very keen in it too.

When you pay 1500 yen, they will bring you to the frozen lake and drill a hole for fisning. They also provide you a chair, a fishing rod with 6 baits and an additional box of baits.
You can fish as long as you can, but it is cold there. We had satyed there for 1.5 hours and almost got 30 fish. They helped us to take care the fish for 500 yen and cooked by yourself for 200 yen. We were very happy to eat. Later, the only way to leave is to ask them to call the taxi and drove to the jail museum.
Tell you one more thing. When the first day we had arrived, we went to the ice festival in Sapporo. The Japanese had begun to repair their statues at 9 or 10 pm, they invited my son to mix water and snow to mend.
上川巴士站牌就在出去後右手邊約10公尺 通常這種公車都會等火車來才走 不用怕

謝謝您 :-) , 這樣就放心了~

那請問您知道如何預約嗎? 因為回來的時候要從層雲峽一路坐到旭川.

wow! 30 fish is a lot! Are they a good size or small, tiny fish? Your son must have had a great time, especially being able to partake in the fixing of the sculptures! How old is he? How did he take to the extreme cold?