改完再改既2011CNY北海道行程 - 11天

因為要就JR及巴士的schedule, 再加上drift ice的問題, 行程一改再改...我要放棄我既船長之家及drift ice diving :\'(

麻煩各位花少少時間看看我的行程, 給些意見...

Day 1 - Jan 29th
12:30 到新千歲機場, 坐airport express 到札幌
14:20 - 16:38 or 15:50 - 18:14 Take JR 札幌 to 帯広駅, 十勝川温泉田園 pickup @ 帯広駅
20:00-21:00 Take shuttle bus to 彩凛華 @ 十勝が丘公園

Day 2
6:30 - 熱気球体験 (田園安排)
8:44 or 10:24 - Bus 45 十勝川温泉, 到帯広駅バスターミナル11 , 或田園接送
11:00 - 12:40 Bus from 帯広駅 - > 然別湖, 然別コタン冰上村"體驗冰上露天浴池,冰制教會,冰房酒吧
16:10 - 17:50 Take bus from 然別湖 - >帯広駅
Dinner @ 帯広
20:16 - 21:43 or 22:13 - 23:42 - JR 帯広駅 - > JR 釧路
Stay @ 釧路Super Hotel

Day 3
Breakfast @ 魚一らぬん工房
8:25 - 13:10 阿寒国際ツルセンター, Take 阿寒 bus to 丹頂の里 (觀光巴士)
14:00 - 15:50 Free Pickup, 釧路駅前バスターミナル発 to 阿寒湖鶴雅
20:00 Diamond Dust in Kawayu
Stay @ 阿寒湖鶴雅

Day 4
7:35 - 9:35 Take bus 阿寒湖 -> 釧路
Breakfast @ 釧路和商市場
11:36 - 13:08 Take JR 釧網本線釧路 - > 川湯溫泉
13:20 - 16:28 by 屈斜路bus to 硫黄山 (20 min), 砂湯 -> コタンの湯
17:22 - 18:49 or 19:59 - 21:25 JR 川湯溫泉 -> JR 網走
Dinner @ 網走, 北の新大陸発見!あったか網走
Stay @ 綱走東橫INN

Day 5
9:00 - 10:30 Drift Ice Walk
綱走市內觀光, Dinner @ 綱走市
22:40 - 06:00 Take Nite Bus to 札幌

Day 6
7:00 - 10:11 Take JR from 札幌->函館
Buy 市電・函館バス共通1日乗車券
NIte time五稜星の夢
Stay @ 函館 (near 函館JR station)

Day 7
7:00 Breakfast @ 函館朝市
8:30 - 10:41 or 9:30 - 11:52 Take JR to 登別
地獄谷, 登別溫泉
Nite time 湯鬼神KAGURA
Stay @ 登別溫泉 (T.B.C.)

Day 8
10:00 - 12:00 Take hotel shuttle bus to 札幌
12:14 - 12:46 Buy 札幌-小樽Welcome Pass, JR札幌->JR小樽
小樽雪燈之路 ,前往小樽逛運河及堺町通週遭, 運河夜景
Dinner @ 小樽
Stay @ 小樽 (near JR station)

Day 9
Take JR 小樽->札幌
札幌 snow Festival, 札幌白色燈樹
Stay @ 札幌

Day 10
Stay @ 札幌

Day 11 - Feb 8th
13:30 Go to airport

1) 我應該買JR 4 days pass or 7 days pass 比較好呢??
2) Day 3那天的早上, 去阿寒国際ツルセンター還是釧路市濕原比較好呢??

Thanks for spending time to read my schedule8-|
請問你day 5 drift ice walking是要趕早車到知床嗎?
還是到網走北邊另一個drift ice walking?
Drift Ice Walk?請問是甚麼?像知床的流冰體驗??即是讓你走或浸在流冰中的嗎?*-)

請問你day 5 drift ice walking是要趕早車到知床嗎?
還是到網走北邊另一個drift ice walking?
Yes yes yes, Drift Ice walk = 流冰體驗 - need to go to 網走市呼人 to do. I asked several shop for Drift ice walk, they said that if at 知床, the drift ice walk can only do at Feb 7th - 10th >_< That's why I need to change all my plan, which I suppose plan to go to 知床 as well.
Yes yes yes, Drift Ice walk = 流冰體驗 - need to go to 網走市呼人 to do. I asked several shop for Drift ice walk, they said that if at 知床, the drift ice walk can only do at Feb 7th - 10th >_< That's why I need to change all my plan, which I suppose plan to go to 知床 as well.

Oooo... but this tour meet up point is at 網走市呼人, if u're going to stay at 網走. just 1 JR station, pretty close.
可以請您post網走市呼人drift ice walk的link嗎?
我只在網走觀光協會找到二ツ岩海岸的drift ice walk
NP, here's the link I found with drift ice walk tour.


http://www.tar2uga.co.jp/facility.html <- The one I will join.


Hope this info can help :)

For those who want to do drift ice diving, can only do it after Feb 10th.
Yes yes yes, Drift Ice walk = 流冰體驗 - need to go to 網走市呼人 to do. I asked several shop for Drift ice walk, they said that if at 知床, the drift ice walk can only do at Feb 7th - 10th >_< That's why I need to change all my plan, which I suppose plan to go to 知床 as well.

是真的嗎? 還排了2月5日到知床玩流冰體驗 >_<
知床Grand Hotel住宿+流冰體驗行程都在2月5日開始提供呢!
還有樓主DAY 3 晚上看的是阿寒湖冬華美吧, Diamond dust在川湯呢.

我則排阿寒国際ツルセンター看丹頂鶴, 阿寒巴士有經丹頂の里 到阿寒湖, 不用走回頭路到釧路.