【影片分享】北海道札幌慕尼黑大通公園2016耶誕燈會 聖誕市集German Christmas Market in Sapporo

北海道札幌慕尼黑大通公園2016耶誕燈會 聖誕市集German Christmas Market in Sapporo - YouTube
拍攝時間2016 dec 16
北海道札幌大通公園2016耶誕燈會 聖誕市集
每年11月底開始的聖誕燈會和耶誕市集一直延續到隔年一月底的雪祭 冰雕展 一直是北海道最大的盛會 現
German Christmas Market in Sapporo will this year mark its 15th run since its start in 2002 on the 30th anniversary of becoming sister cities with Munich, when the event was founded to get more citizens interested in our German sister city. Come out and enjoy booths with European flair and a romantic atmosphere decked in magical lights!