
本想回國再作整理 但經棧友建議 決定先跟大家分享在cuzco鬼混一個月的心得 請各位先進不吝指正 :-$ 行程規劃:
因為sacred valley跟馬丘比丘是一個迴路 所以可以這樣走:
cuzco(bus:2sol)-pisaq(bus:1.5sol)-urubamba(bus:1.2sol)-ollatantambo(train69.02USD來回)-馬丘比丘(train)-ollatantambo(bus:1.5sol)可穿插到moray跟maras但此段無公車-chinchero-cuzco(1sol=10NTD) 自己去的話建議約兩天 可住宿在urubamba (hotel urubamba 通鋪7sol,單人房10sol都共用浴室 不是很乾淨 但2樓的有比較好的價錢高一些 請自行斟酌)
cuzco的sacred valley tour大多是一天的 聽過較便宜的11美金或15美金,行程大多是cuzco-pisaq-urubamba-ollatantambo-chinchero-cuzco 也有多天的但我沒打聽價錢,所以去馬丘比丘的話 還要從cuzco再坐火車去 若自己買票者 火車只有一家叫PERURAIL 目前由智利人經營 約兩年後秘魯政府會收回經營權 公告的票價backpackers級65.45美金早上約6點出發 10點10分到,回來下午3點55分開 晚上8點20分到cuzco ;vistadone級101.15美金6:30am出發 9:40am到 15:30回 19:20到cuzco 若從ollatantambo坐居然沒有比較便宜 要69.02USD班次有10:30am.14:55pm,從馬丘比丘回來的班次有8:35am,1:20pm實際的價格會有出入 (我有點納悶不知道是不是收IGV19%的關係)參加tour的我就不知道價錢了

而moray(看印加圓型梯田古蹟 現已不用)跟maras(看鹽田 還在使用)位於ollatantambo-chinchero的中間 可先從ollatantambo坐公車跟司機說要到moray,司機會讓你在主要道路下車,坐taxi到moray小鎮要1sol 但到moray的梯田跟maras的鹽田就完全沒交通工具 taxi開價到15sol單趟 我遇到的觀光客有兩種 一是在cuzco參加tour的坐公車,二是在cuzco參加biking的 我當初因不知道沒有小巴士可以坐所以打算用走的(來回18公里) 正買好麵包跟水時當午餐時遇到搭便車 收我5sol單趟 回來時遇到搭便馬(騎馬)也收了5sol 只能說運氣好 ....續 :-P
Centre Market 為當地人採購食物的地方,可買到便宜食物. 2~3s meal
Internet 1s hour
Chifa 貴許多

Cuzco 住宿,老闆免費旅行資訊提供!!
近Plaza de Armas中央廣場
El Elco , 2F.樓下皆為Maxico餐廳,internet
就在Procuadores上, Plaza de Armas地點方便
10S dorm style,住閣樓幾天還可殺價,有廚房.
行李寄放在cuzco的旅館 不用錢

獲贈維力雜醬麵一包聖誕禮物 :'(
Cozy, we miss you so much. You are really nice and offered us a great help in Puno. We are now in Cusco and waiting for the Inka Trail. The agent offered us a 4-days trek for only $260 but we dont have enough time for that.

How is your trip in Bolivia?
:-) hello!I am in La Paz now,I also took the picture of sunrise from Isla del sol(Island in lake titicaca but bolivia side),but I like sunrise at Isla Amatani better,although most people like the view of lake titicaca in Bolivia,I prefer peruvian side,maybe because I can share the happiness with you guys :-D hope everything will go smoothly,take care!
When I was in Isla Amatani, I met a girl from England. She told me that she did 4-days trek for only US$220. Maybe it's because of someone's cancellation. That's why the price is so cheap. Or maybe you get more times to spend in Cuzco and ask each agents there. You may able to get that kind of cheap price.

As for me, I did it in an easy way. Just take a train and then bus to go up there. Oh...please do not forget to go up to Wananypicchu. It's great to view Machu Picchu from the top of Wananypucchu. You won't forget the nice view if you do it.
Cozy已經到玻利維亞啦! 祝你一路順風哦! 看到大家這樣熱烈討論秘魯,讓我超懷念的,去年的今天,我剛好踏上祕魯! 原來晃眼一年已經過去了~~
Now I have spend 4-5 days in Cuzco and waiting for the trail. Cuzco is very beautiful city and I drink coffee and Pisco in front of the Plaza de Armas everyday.

Wananypicchu is a must. The giuld told me that it just takes about 45 mins to climb. I wont miss it.

In cuzco , travel agency sells ´Horse Riding Tour´
to those ruins around Cuzco ,
you can choose your destinations ,
either you have turist ticket or not.

The prices are about 27 soles to 40 soles,
But service and route are the same.

I paid 27 for the horse riding,
It´s very cool to do that,
no one hold the rein of your horse,
So, if you know the knowlege for riding horse,
You can ride it by yourown.

There is a cheaper way for horse riding.
Go to Sacsayhuaman , and there are a lot of ranches,
I asked the price, its about 15 soles for 3 hours...
Almost half price compares with buying the tour from agency.
:-) happy new year!!
I went through ¨the most dangerous road in the world¨twice,it rained so hard that I stucked in jungle for one more day,I took 11days in total to complete my jungle &pampas trip in Rurrenabarque with many suprise(accidents)...in fact I have been to jungle trip in Ecuador,Peru,Bolivia so far that I recommend the one in Bolivia,which pay less and see more,but....beter not coming in the rainny season
and I had a fever,diarrhea,vomitting for almost 3 days in Sucre,It was a difficult time for me..now I am in Potosi and gonna go to Uyuni tomorrow,and I feel much better now...... :-D
(因為實在太久了 只記得有Sacsayhumn)
我們上次 是由一個馬夫帶領4匹馬+4個遊客
馬夫除了正常的柏油路 也會帶我們繞到旁邊的山路 高高低低的 很刺激喔
所以老闆用200台幣 左右的價格 賣我們這個行程