Peru, Bolivia & Chile 請幫我看看

請大家幫我看看這樣的行程可以嗎? 請給我建議&指教. Thanks a lot.

Date 行程 交通 住宿

11/7 mon LAX to Lima (Air) Hostel Espana : Jr. Azangaro 105, Lima, Peru (51-1-428 5546)

11/8 tue Lima city tour As above
11/9 wed Lima to Cuzco LP 111S(Air) Hospetaje Torcasa, La calle Marquez N. 238 (51-84- 224952 - 51-84-232265)

11//10 thu Cuzco : Scared valley As above
11/11 fri Cuzco : Machu Picchu As above
11/12 sat Cuzco : churches As above
11/13 sun Cuzco to Arequipa Bus 12h On bus
11/14 mon Arequipa Hostal posada de sancho : Santa Catalina 213A and 223A, (near convent) Arequipa
(51 54) 287797

11/15 tue Colca valley tour ($25) With tour 2 days
11/17 thu Arequipa to Puno Bus 11h On bus
11/18 fri Puno, Sillustani Hostal Extra Puno: Moquegua Nº 124
(051) 35-1123

11/19 sat Puno~ Titicaca Lake tour As above
11/20 sun Puno to Capacabana Bus Hotel Utama, Michel Perez s/n, near Plaza Sucre.

11/21 mon Copacabana to La Paz bus Hostel Galeria del Rosario, Santa Cruz 583
11/22 tue 3 days in La Paz As above
11/25 fri La paz to Sucre Bus 12h On bus
11/26 sat 2 days in Sucre El Hostal de Su Merced : Calle Azurduy No. 16 Sucre (591-64-42706)
11/28 mon Sucre to Uyuni Bus Hostal Hotel Palace Uyuni Main Square (East Side). Tel.+591 714 63854

11/29 tue Uyuni As above
11/30 wed 4 days tour to San Pedro tour With tour
12/4 sun San Pedro de Atacama Valle de la luna KATARPE HOSTEL : Av. Suecia #0119 Of. 408 (+56 2 9462950)
12/5 mon San Pedro to Iquique Bus 10h On bus
12/6 tue Iquique Residencial Manutara : 18 de Septiembre 1512 (tel 418280)

12/7 wed IQQ to National Park Lauca As above
12/8 thu IQQ to Antofagasta bus Hotel Antofagasta
Balmaceda 2575, Antofagasta, Chile

12/9 fri Antofagasta to La Serena Bus 6h On bus
12/10 sat La Serena (nice beach) Francisco de Aguirre Hotel
Cordovez 210, La Serena, Chile
12/11 sun La Serena to Valparaiso bus Hostelling International Valparaiso : Bernardo Vera 542, Pilcomayo 491

12/12 mon Valparaiso As above
12/13 tue Vina del Mar bus Gisela & Carlos house: Avenida Las Mercedes 203,

12/14 wed Vina del Mar As above
12/15 thu Vina del Mar to Santiago bus Bellavista Hostel : Dardignac 0184 - Providencia, Barrio Bellavista

12/16 fri Santiago to Puerto Montt Air Hotel don Vicente : Avda. Diego Portales 450, Puerto Montt (56-41-747000)
12/17 sat M/N Skorpios III 6 days tour vessel With Skorpois III
12/23 fri Punta Arenas Hospedaje Magallanes : Magallanes 570, Punta Arenas

12/24 sat Punta Arena to Santiago Air Bellavista Hostel : Dardignac 0184 - Providencia, Barrio Bellavista
12/25 sun Santiago Bellavista Hostel : Dardignac 0184 - Providencia, Barrio Bellavista
12/26 mon Santiago to LAX-TPE
4天前來到Arequipa. 參加3天Colca Canyon tour (w771殺到 US$33/pp). 前1.5天半很輕鬆. 第2天10AM 開使走. 整團只有我和一個英國男生 & a local guide 走. 其他的人是2 days tour. 3人從Cruz del condor (3500m 高) 走下坡2.5 hours 至San Juan del Chuccho 午餐. 14:15PM 在山路走(中午真的很熱), 4:15PM 到達 Sangalle. 因"溫泉"只是20oc. 我不敢洗. 快速的洗了cold shower後, 6AM 吃"燭光"晚餐. 真的是燭光晚餐喔(因都沒電).

7PM 躺平睡覺(睡很簡單的草屋), 整晚很不平靜. about 8PM時我聽到燒焦聲, 是放在木桌的蠟燭把保特瓶燒焦了, 差點把整間草屋都燒了. 真是危險. 9PM 時那隔壁床 英國男生叫我起床, 說已經3AM了 (因local guide 說2:30AM 要起床). 在黑暗中他用打火機看一下手錶. 原來才9PM而已, 看錯方向了. 我真的很懷疑他是在做夢or 是用有燈的錶.

Then 整晚不知是馬 or 驢子一直叫不停. 那叫聲真的很好笑. 不知牠們是否也晚上"做愛做的事". 每隔half hour or one hour 就聽到那種類似很興奮驢子的聲音. 還有就是蟲叫聲. 真的是很精彩的夜晚.

3AM 從Sangalle 伴著月光走. 夜真的很美. 但都是走上坡. 也無心欣賞. 真的很類. 另一團的英國女生請馬伕的馬載30/s 至頂端. 6:15AM 走到吃早餐的小鎮Cabanaconde. 真的快累斃了. Any tour about Cañon del Cotahuasi (deepest canyon 3919+163m in the world)???
For the hostal in Cuzco, I stayed with Amaru I & Amaru II.
Some people also say that LOKI backpackers Hostal is a good one.
In Lima, I stayed at Hotel Espana which is OK to me (but not very clean). 因我被跳蚤咬了.
請慎選TAXI in Bolivia

Dec. 1st. 2005
As for my experience in La Paz, it was bad experience to me.
That afternoon I was on my way to Bus stataion for heading to Sucre. I found a taxi in front of hostal Copacabana. I guess the taxi driver was waiting for the backpackers, coz "Tour Peru" final stop is there from Puno or Copacabana. I think that taxi should be safe since it is outside of the hostal copacabana.

I asked the taxi driver : how much is the cost to go to bus terminal. He told me 4/B. Well, it is OK. coz I asked others, it is about 6/B to go to bus terminal.

Then I put my backpack which is about 20kg into the taxi. Coz I shopped something in La Paz. and a daypack with me.

Well, 2 mins later I guy got into the taxi sitting next to me. Oh.....NO, cannot be.
我開始緊張起來. 因我不知在Lonely planet website or somewhere 看過這種事. 為了掩飾我的不安, 我試著跟他聊天. 好好他也是觀光客. 來自厄瓜多. Everything is OK.

Then 2 mins later, another guy got into the taxi sitting next to the diriver. OH....NO. AGAIN???!!!
He showed his ID card to us and told us that he is a policeman. But he did not wear uniform.

He asked us to show him passport and everything. I gave him a copied one. He said NO to me.
想逃也不行. 因大背包在後車箱&車子正在行駛中. Then I had to give him the original passport and checked my daypack.

之後竟要求搜身. oh...NO. all my important stuff 都在腰帶的小包包. 被搜到後, 他叫我拿出來. 我整個心跳都快停止了. 被拿走大鈔USD後, 他就Taxi driver 把後行李箱的東西拿到路旁. Then he asked me to get out of the taxi. I said here is not the bus terminal yet. I do not know where is here. I guess I am quite stupid to ask this question.

Here I was : In the middle of nowhere. Did not know which way to go. I found a person waking on the street. Then I asked him which way to go to bus station. He pointed me a direction. I quickly found another taxi to go to bus station. I was almost late for the departure. 下午時間, La Paz 的交通真的很塞.

我知道La Paz 有很多假警察, 只是不知自己真的倒楣會遇到.
慶幸的是, 他們沒傷害我.
Dec. 2nd, 2005

在Bus 往Sucre路上, 我想座Bus cama 得人應該比較有程度. 所以把daypack放在我位置的上方. 因腳邊的暖氣太強了. 我怕會少到背包. Stupid me! 忘了相機在背包裡. 我覺得基本上backpacker or 像我這種東方面孔, 東西一定會被搜過的. oh...相機被偷了.
真想罵人, 因我真正在意的是已照的25張films.
Dec. 2nd, 2005.
In Sucre, I stayed at Gloria sur Residencia which is in front of bus station. 20/B per night.

因旅途中遇到的backpackers 都會互相分享彼此的甘苦談. 其中一人說她在Sucre時, 有天傍晚要出去吃飯, 才剛走出hostal 門口就被人從後方掐住脖子就昏倒了. 她失去了所有錢財. 還好沒傷害她.

我就想我應該把重要東西分開放, 身上不要帶太多外出. Then again, 我在Gloria Sur Residencia的東西在我白天外出時全部都被搜過. 又恢復原狀. 我甚至未查覺到有異樣. 直到我到Potosi 時才發現. 這次我真的很想哭.
因真的錢都被偷光了. 不知該如何繼續還有一半的行程???

在Potosi 往Uyuni 的bus station 那, 我真的忍不住了. 我把帽子戴上, 眼淚一直流不停. 無助的一直哭.

哭過之後就比較好. 依然要想辦法. I know I have two options : 1) forget about rest of my jounery, just go home. 2). be brave and find the way to continue my jounery.
The good thing is that I still have my visa card and bank card with me. So I picked #2.

When I arrived Uyuni, I tried to find ATM. Hope I can use my bank card to withdraw $$$. 很不幸的不可以用. 在Taiwan 時CHB告訴我只要ATM 有Cirrus 的標誌with my pin number都可提當地貨幣. 但要扣手續費. 試了所有的地方皆不行.

Some of the travel agents do not accept credit card in Uyuni, but some do. At that time, I just wanted to out of Bolivia ASAP. I needed to find the way out. Then I used my VISA card in the bank to withdraw cash. They charged me 5% commission fee.

有點像逃離似的離開Bolivia. 希望壞運快結束.
Dec. 2nd, 2005.
In Sucre, I stayed at Gloria sur Residencia which is in front of bus station. 20/B per night.

因旅途中遇到的backpackers 都會互相分享彼此的甘苦談. 其中一人說她在Sucre時, 有天傍晚要出去吃飯, 才剛走出hostal 門口就被人從後方掐住脖子就昏倒了. 她失去了所有錢財. 還好沒傷害她.

我就想我應該把重要東西分開放, 身上不要帶太多外出. Then again, 我在Gloria Sur Residencia的東西在我白天外出時全部都被搜過. 又恢復原狀. 我甚至未查覺到有異樣. 直到我到Potosi 時才發現. 這次我真的很想哭.
因真的錢都被偷光了. 不知該如何繼續還有一半的行程???

在Potosi 往Uyuni 的bus station 那, 我真的忍不住了. 我把帽子戴上, 眼淚一直流不停. 無助的一直哭.

哭過之後就比較好. 依然要想辦法. I know I have two options : 1) forget about rest of my jounery, just go home. 2). be brave and find the way to continue my jounery.

看來這邊自助的警戒指數 得要提高粉多 還有點防不甚防的感覺 :-S
女生出門在外 真的要非常小心 幫你加加油 (Y)
祝之後的旅程都有好運眷顧你 (F)

Angel 59
自從進入Chile 後, 我就還滿幸運的. 還受到佛光山在Santiago分部師父們的幫忙. 真的很感激大家的關心&幫忙. 前幾天我已經安全回到台灣了. 回家的感覺真好.

雖然在Bolivia遇到這些慘痛的經驗. 不知為何我還是很喜歡Bolivia.
Peru is not bad too. but 很多觀光區都變的很商業化.
大概是因為太多backpackers & 觀光客的原因吧!?

因相機被偷, 想在買個便宜的. 在Sucre的街上跟店家討價還價. 那阿伯最後熬不過我的"魯功", 以80/B賣給我手動相機. 便宜的被偷才不會太心疼.
旁邊2個賣雜貨的女士, 一個38歲, 一個42歲就對我很有興趣, 一直要跟我聊天.
而我竟然站著跟他們聊天近一個小時, 他們3個後來連生意也不做, 有客戶來要詢問東西也不太想理會, 只想天南地北的隨便聊. 真的是很可愛的Bolivianos. 也很感謝他們所提供給我到Potosi的資料.

Sorry, 不是很齊全. 因在La Paz 看到很多相片沖洗店就拿一捲(在Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Puno, Urus Isla, Sillustani and Isla Amantani照得) 去洗. 價格跟Taiwan 差不多, 但品質比Taiwan 差, 又沒送CD. 有點後悔.

另外相機被偷, 在La Paz, Tiwanaku, Valley del Luna and Chacaltaya照得也都飛了. 真的很可惜.

Nov. 22nd, 05在Puno時想剪頭髮, 但又怕怕的, 不知會剪成何樣, 可見人嗎??? 不管了找一間就進去了. 中午時有一間說要5/B. 要剪的這間說6/B. 我就要走了, 她就自動降價至4/B. 我就豁出去了. 剪後真想哭. :'( 真的跟狗啃的沒倆樣. 她的技術就這樣嗎??? 看了真是哭笑不得. 管它的, 帽子戴上就好了.

I was in La Paz for 5 days. 因往Sucre 的道路被霸佔封住了. 無法往下個行程走. 在Bolivia的行程要很有彈性. 5 days in La Paz, 每天都看到路上有人在示威遊行, 鎮暴警察在維護or 丟煙霧彈. 第一天剛到時, 還不搞清楚狀況. I was sitting in front of San Francisco church, 才坐下不到2min, Suddenly 有一個煙霧彈飛過來. 我看到大家都在跑, what's going on? I have no idea. 我就跟大家跑. 趕快跑到小巷子然後問人怎麼回事. 原來是有人在抗議. 我想是接近12/18的總統選舉了, 抗議份子越來越多了. 我告訴我自己要在12/18前離開Bolivia.
But 到後來我也習慣每天的抗議了. 照常過日子.

每天中午會看到一群人圍著小攤子在路旁吃東西, 很好奇想試試看. 那是Papa (potato ball), 我第一次問時, 當地人就讓一條路給我, 並看著我.
還有人熱心的講解該如何吃. 我想那些人都在吃, 我吃了應該不會拉肚子吧.
我就試試. one per 1.5/B. which is very cheap. 竟然別人都在看我這個東方人吃. 有點不好意思. 最重要的是還好我可以適應, 沒拉肚子.
some are made of potatos and some are rice. The only thing that i do not like is they all have red meat inside. 每次吃到一半都要把肉挖出來.
還有一種大水餃用煎的, 有包蛋, 有包肉的. one per 1/B. 也都有很多佐料可配著吃, 很好吃喔.

每天走Calle Santa Cruz 都會經過很多理髮店. 無法往Sucre 去. 想說前個禮拜在Puno 剪的頭不可看. 又想試試了. 問了一家女性開的就進去了. 4/B. 還好啦, 只是有點呆. 戴上帽子都一樣啦.

By the way, 在La Paz 的公廁很像都沒門. 上廁所時屁股有點冷. (H)