Peru, Bolivia & Chile 請幫我看看

請大家幫我看看這樣的行程可以嗎? 請給我建議&指教. Thanks a lot.

Date 行程 交通 住宿

11/7 mon LAX to Lima (Air) Hostel Espana : Jr. Azangaro 105, Lima, Peru (51-1-428 5546)

11/8 tue Lima city tour As above
11/9 wed Lima to Cuzco LP 111S(Air) Hospetaje Torcasa, La calle Marquez N. 238 (51-84- 224952 - 51-84-232265)

11//10 thu Cuzco : Scared valley As above
11/11 fri Cuzco : Machu Picchu As above
11/12 sat Cuzco : churches As above
11/13 sun Cuzco to Arequipa Bus 12h On bus
11/14 mon Arequipa Hostal posada de sancho : Santa Catalina 213A and 223A, (near convent) Arequipa
(51 54) 287797

11/15 tue Colca valley tour ($25) With tour 2 days
11/17 thu Arequipa to Puno Bus 11h On bus
11/18 fri Puno, Sillustani Hostal Extra Puno: Moquegua Nº 124
(051) 35-1123

11/19 sat Puno~ Titicaca Lake tour As above
11/20 sun Puno to Capacabana Bus Hotel Utama, Michel Perez s/n, near Plaza Sucre.

11/21 mon Copacabana to La Paz bus Hostel Galeria del Rosario, Santa Cruz 583
11/22 tue 3 days in La Paz As above
11/25 fri La paz to Sucre Bus 12h On bus
11/26 sat 2 days in Sucre El Hostal de Su Merced : Calle Azurduy No. 16 Sucre (591-64-42706)
11/28 mon Sucre to Uyuni Bus Hostal Hotel Palace Uyuni Main Square (East Side). Tel.+591 714 63854

11/29 tue Uyuni As above
11/30 wed 4 days tour to San Pedro tour With tour
12/4 sun San Pedro de Atacama Valle de la luna KATARPE HOSTEL : Av. Suecia #0119 Of. 408 (+56 2 9462950)
12/5 mon San Pedro to Iquique Bus 10h On bus
12/6 tue Iquique Residencial Manutara : 18 de Septiembre 1512 (tel 418280)

12/7 wed IQQ to National Park Lauca As above
12/8 thu IQQ to Antofagasta bus Hotel Antofagasta
Balmaceda 2575, Antofagasta, Chile

12/9 fri Antofagasta to La Serena Bus 6h On bus
12/10 sat La Serena (nice beach) Francisco de Aguirre Hotel
Cordovez 210, La Serena, Chile
12/11 sun La Serena to Valparaiso bus Hostelling International Valparaiso : Bernardo Vera 542, Pilcomayo 491

12/12 mon Valparaiso As above
12/13 tue Vina del Mar bus Gisela & Carlos house: Avenida Las Mercedes 203,

12/14 wed Vina del Mar As above
12/15 thu Vina del Mar to Santiago bus Bellavista Hostel : Dardignac 0184 - Providencia, Barrio Bellavista

12/16 fri Santiago to Puerto Montt Air Hotel don Vicente : Avda. Diego Portales 450, Puerto Montt (56-41-747000)
12/17 sat M/N Skorpios III 6 days tour vessel With Skorpois III
12/23 fri Punta Arenas Hospedaje Magallanes : Magallanes 570, Punta Arenas

12/24 sat Punta Arena to Santiago Air Bellavista Hostel : Dardignac 0184 - Providencia, Barrio Bellavista
12/25 sun Santiago Bellavista Hostel : Dardignac 0184 - Providencia, Barrio Bellavista
12/26 mon Santiago to LAX-TPE
Dec. 22nd, 05 From Puerto Natales to Parque Los Torres del Paine.

I know this will be a very tough day for me. It takes about 2 - 3 hours to go to the park one way and then I need to walk Hosteria Las Torres to Base Las Torres which normally takes 4 hours one way.

The bus picked me up around 8:30AM and arriving Hosteria Las Torres around 10:50AM. I thought I won't have enough time to get to Base Las Torres. Anyway, it's OK. Just do my best.

I got Base Las Torres around 2:30PM. The last part up to Base Las Torres was so tough and difficult. I almost gave up. But I thought I came all the way to here....I cannot give up at this point. And then finally I made it. It's so great. When trekking on the path, it's so windy and sometimes it's so cold. But the view is so wonderful.

I stayed at Base Las Toress about half hour and had lunch there. It's too cold up there and rainning that time.

I did trekking all myself enjoyed my own peaceful time there.
如有人走在我後面我就會很緊張, 怕擋人路. 趕緊讓路. non stop 的走, 走的真的很累. 有時還會左腳踏自己的右腳. 8-)

On that trekking, I got lost 3 times. But I was lucky for twice. 當我走錯路時都會有人適時的問我要去哪. 把我叫回. 有點路痴. 我沒有時間迷路, 我還得趕7:30的mini bus 回Puerto Natales.

Third time, I walked the wrong way again. 走到"馬"路了. 有些路是人馬分道的. 不行ㄚ, 這條"馬"路是要涉水而過的, 我無法過啦..到河邊, 不管了, 爬鐵絲圍欄過去"人"道啦. 希望不要有人看到.
很不巧的, 右腳才跨上去, 就看到一個帥哥走過來, 進退兩難. 不管了, 還是要過去. 就這樣我爬過去了. 有點不雅. but 應該比涉水過河還好吧. :-P

When I got back to Hosteria Los Torres, it's about 6:50PM. I was totally exhausted. My legs hurted so much, 有點白腳(in Taiwanese). :-S One Germany guy was sitting in front of Hosteria Los Torres, 他看我的走姿, 對我比手勢說:我的腳已經不行了. 我點頭如搗蒜. 重點是that guy is so handsome 長得很像Harrison Ford.

I am glad that I made it....that great trekking in Parque Los Torres del Paine.
Nov. 11th, 2005 in Agua Caliente. MP, Peru

從Cuzco坐火車至Agua Caliente將近中午, 將東西放在Hostel 後出來逛逛. Agua Caliente 真的很小. 一下子就可逛完. 和火車上遇到的Arequipa來的朋友坐在路旁商店街的地上聊天, 他們住Casa Hospedaje Wayna Picchu (AV. Pachacutec #127), 聽說還不錯,只要15/S per night.
和他們約好3PM 去泡溫泉. 10/S for the entry ticket. 去了之後有點失望. 水很髒, 那時人很多. 小朋友在那游泳. 不到20min我就想走人.
跟Arequipa的朋友說一聲, 我就走了. 感覺有點浪費.

在路上走, 突然有個當地人跑過來要跟我照相, 她朋友已準備好相機在旁等候, 我有點措手不及, 點頭就被她們倆人各自和我合照一張了.
ㄚ我是長的奇怪 or what?

oh...yes, if you want to buy fruit, it will be better to buy it in the local market. It's cheaper than those stores near the Plaza.

晚上因跟人有約. 就先到Plaza 等她. 在等的當中有2個女生過來坐我旁邊.
就問我問題, 我隨便回答, 心想不要隨便與人聊天. 其他同學看到我們在說話, 全部都圍過來. oh...NO, too many people around me. around 20 people...我就很緊張, 趕緊將包包抱緊, 事後想想自己的動作真的很滑稽. 8-|

他們只是一群類似台灣的專科生 (age from 16 - 20). 對亞洲人很好奇罷了, 最主要的是希望由我這邊得到日本的資料, 有個小女生還想認識日本人, 希望嫁到日本. 他們由老師代領來Machu Picchu 玩. 我們就這樣站著聊了
一個多小時, 他們還那張紙出來教我他們的語言 (Quechua), 老師叫他們去吃晚餐了, 也沒人要去. 真是一群可愛的學生. 隔天在Machu Picchu 上又遇到. 那種打招呼真的格外的親切.
Dec. 5th - Dec. 7th, 2005. Uyuni, Bolivia - San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

錢被偷光了, 有點相逃難似的來到Uyuni, 在Uyuni的我都無法用, 口袋沒被偷的$$也所剩無幾, 大概只可應付2days in Uyuni. ATM都不可用, 很想趕快出Bolivia.
四處去找可以用Visa card 的旅行社, 我不要被困在Uyuni. 真的很不方便有的travel agent 不接受信用卡.

Oasais Odyssey tour offers me US$55 and Sumaj Jallpha offers me US$60. 但聽前輩說Esmeralda tour 很好, 就笨蛋的去參加3-days tour 了. They charged me 460/B, (用VISA card 去銀行換Cash, 被扣5%費用) 參加比較了真的不好. 大概是driver 個人的原因吧. 他是一個很老的阿伯.

第一天午餐一排車煮的都是類似的東西. I told travel agent twice that I do not eat red meat. They said NO Problem.
Well, the lunch has red meat. If you do not like it, NO other choice. Another girl from England does not eat red meat too. She is so mad about this. 我的份給比利時男性吃.

I told the driver that I do not eat red meat many times. But he just did not care. He cooked red meat most of the time, except 2nd night dinner. The night the chicken was so hard .... 很硬, 很難切. 我吃La Paz 路邊的Papa 都OK 了, 但吃那阿伯煮得食物, 每次吃完後就去拉肚子. 真的很慘. I told the driver that I do not eat red meat many times but I can have eggs. 駕駛座旁放整箱的蛋也不煮. 真是敗給他了.
Salar de Uyuni

我們含Driver 共6人, 2個男生來自法國&比利時, 他們倆人之前不認識,
2個女生來自英國&澳洲, 倆人之前也不認識, 在Cuzco 才認識&並結伴同遊.
加上我. 在車上可聽到法文, 英文 &西文.
我們4個都要去San Pedro de Atacama. Only that French boy will go back to Uyuni. 大家都希望他回去可以幫我們Complain 一下.

On the first day, the driver told us that we can ask him to have photo stop. But on the 2nd day, one of the guys asked for the photo stop for flamencos. The driver told him that you just had photo for flamencos. Then he would not stop for him. After that, nobody asked for any photo stop. We do not know what's wrong with the driver.

On the first night, we stayed at San Juan. I took a shower for 5/B. I am glad that the water is hot enough for a shower. Then I paid money to the owner.
That French guy took shower on the following morning. He said the water is so cold and then in the middle of the shower the water stopped when his hair had shapmpoo on. He kept complaining about it. Ha ha ha...I just made fun of him. I said : you should ask the owner to turn on the switch of hotwater for you. and then you need to pay $. Remember the light will be all turned off around 9PM. 他笑自己的笨蛋.
Of course, he did not pay 5/B either.
One the 2nd night (Dec. 8th, 2005).

We stayed at a house near Getsers. That place has hot shower and no electricity after 9PM. It's so damn cold at night.

That night we had very "hard" chicken. Many different groups of backpackers stayed there. Different groups had their own parties. One of the French guy joined in the group with 5 other girls from North Europe. Everybody said he is such a lucky guy travelling with 5 girls. You will be treat as a king.

Well, NO, he was quite pissed off with the group.
After the dinner, he came over to our table and joined our chat.
他說他是弱勢團體in that group.

At night we had a very joyful time. Everybody talked about their trip and experiences in South America.
我們還去外面看星星(找南十字星), 星星真的很多, 滿天繁星還有明月.
但外面真的冷到不行. 進來後大家唱歌. 一人唱一首兒歌, 還要翻譯, 法文的兒歌沒聽過, 還滿新鮮的. 英國&澳洲女生的兒歌一樣, 很多台灣兒童美語補習班都有教. 輪到我時, 大家眼睛注視著我, 我該唱什麼呢? 不想唱Two Tigers, 不想唱哥哥爸爸真偉大. ㄚ就唱(我小姪女最會唱的一首歌)
:公雞啼, 小鳥叫, 太陽出來了, 太陽當空照對我微微笑........
唱完後得到熱烈的掌聲. 真的很不好意思.

It's a wonderful night to me.
Dec. 4th, 2005 in Potosi

I did not think that I wanted to join in the mining tour until I entered the Koala tour. I knew the tour will be very tough.
But the travel agent said : if you do not go for mining tour, you have not come to Potosi. 我被激將法呼弄付了$80/B參加了. 事後想想很擔心隔日的tour.

oh...When you pay $$$, they will ask you to sign Voluntary Declaration. The tourist acency will not be held responsible for accidents, injury or death occuring during the excursion to the mine. 感覺有點花$$受罪.

隔天一早, 發現當天竟有多於30人參加. 太多人了. 分成五組, 由5個導遊帶開. 換裝.換雨鞋時都很擁擠. 戴上前頭有燈的安全帽, 出發...

走入黑暗的礦坑, 有點可怕, 味道很難聞, 幾乎無法呼吸. 快要不行了...
一排人在走, 還要避開運輸推車. 要走很快. Oh...NO, 我帽子的燈不亮的. 我根本看不到前面, 和泥巴路, 暗暗的走道上又有很多管子. 每個導遊都有交代不可以摸. 前面的人一直走, 我看不到路, 跟不上. 後面的以色列女生也不要超前. 不行啦....什麼???有推車來了, 要讓開, 沒路可讓....Somebody helps me please..

最後前面的導遊看沒人跟上, 才回來找人. 在mining museo 時趕緊將我的燈換新. 聽說雨鞋&帽子都是Made in China. 心想大陸的經濟&貿易越來越強了.

我有買一個紙口罩$2/B. 有時套上會比較好呼吸, 在裡面待了近2.5hours.
出來時整個口罩都是黑的, 臉是灰的. 用灰頭土臉來形容大家應該很適當.

還有不雅的畫面, 是我們這組的導遊P先生竟然脫光褲子, 屁股朝大家, 一群人一齊照相.

One good thing of this tour agent is that 15% of the cost will contribute to the miners & its co-operative mines.
The When I arrived Uyuni, I tried to find ATM. Hope I can use my bank card to withdraw $$$. 很不幸的不可以用. 在Taiwan 時CHB告訴我只要ATM 有Cirrus 的標誌with my pin number都可提當地貨幣. 但要扣手續費. 試了所有的地方皆不行....建議即將做長期旅行的朋友至少攜帶兩張不同銀行的提款卡﹔像meyer這樣﹐到了國外才發現無法使用的案例其實不多﹔帶兩張卡的主要考量是﹕萬一損失了一張 - 有時是不小心被提款機沒收了(有一位此刻正在南美旅行的棧友就不幸遇上了)或不小心被消磁而失效了.....我在大陸有過提款卡被同放在褲袋裡的旅館磁性密碼鑰匙干擾﹐損壞了提款卡磁帶上的資料而無法使用的經驗 - 還有個備用的﹐不至於束手無

Dec. 2nd, 2005.
In Sucre, I stayed at Gloria sur Residencia which is in front of bus station. 20/B per night. 我在Gloria Sur Residencia的東西在我白天外出時全部都被搜過. 又恢復原狀. 我甚至未查覺到有異樣. 直到我到Potosi 時才發現. 這次我真的很想哭. 因真的錢都被偷光了. 不知該如何繼續還有一半的行程???....LP上面說同樣的案例在BOLIVIA很多﹐有意前往中南美且喜歡帶大量現金的背包客要注意了﹕現金是最方便卻也是風險最大的支付工具﹐放在身上會被偷﹑扒﹑搶﹐不放身上也不安全。我出國身上一向只帶200元左右的美鈔﹐其餘一律以旅支﹑提款卡及信用卡應付﹔我被偷過兩次旅支﹐事後都獲得賠償。
請慎選TAXI in Bolivia ... I think that taxi should be safe since it is outside of the hostal copacabana......I asked the taxi driver : how much is the cost to go to bus terminal. He told me 4/B. Well, it is OK. coz I asked others, it is about 6/B to go to bus terminal. .............Well, 2 mins later 1 guy got into the taxi sitting next to me. Oh.....NO, cannot be.
我開始緊張起來. 因我不知在Lonely planet website or somewhere 看過這種事. 為了掩飾我的不安, 我試著跟他聊天. 好在他也是觀光客. 來自厄瓜多. Everything is OK......車子是你一人獨包的﹐你怎麼會讓其他人上車﹖這個自稱是厄瓜多爾遊客的顯然也是他們一夥的。

想逃也不行. 因大背包在後車箱&車子正在行駛中. Then I had to give him the original passport and checked my daypack.

之後竟要求搜身. oh...NO. all my important stuff 都在腰帶的小包包. 被搜到後, 他叫我拿出來. 我整個心跳都快停止了.....在如此不安全的國度裡﹐未來的造訪者有必要在事前擬訂一套對策比如﹕

1 請旅館人員上街幫你招車﹐他們本地人比較了解那類或那些公司的計程車最可靠﹐我在LA PAZ因急性結膜炎於晚間上醫院就診時﹐也是旅館的特約醫師幫我挑選的計程車﹐他們也知道市面上存在很多設下陷阱的計程車。

2 有計劃要搭計程車的話﹐應事先向旅館詢問合理的價錢範圍﹐如此﹐當你遇到開價超低的計程車時﹐才有判斷的依據從而警覺。我是事先搭公車到車站查詢過時間表及票價的﹐所以對方向和距離有點概念。

3 在LA PAZ市區內﹐絕大部份的地點都有公車可達﹐但大部分的公車都是中小型麵包車﹐沒有容納行李的空間﹐大型的巴士數量很少。或者花點時間觀察了解大型巴士的經過時間及頻率﹔或者平時抽空搭一趟公車(約15~20分鐘)到車站事先了解車站的方位﹐距離及路線(有很多單行道)﹐將路線及單行道的方向以色筆標誌在地圖上﹐以便於搭計程程前先和司機講好路線﹐如此起碼可以在不慎搭上賊車之後﹐只要發覺方向或路徑不對﹐立即反應﹐及早於賊車的同夥加入之前強迫司機停車﹔司機不停你可以向窗外呼救。

4 如果只有你一個人或兩人同行﹐沒必要把背包放在行李箱裡(除非你認定絕對安全)﹐一個人與行李同坐後座另一個坐前座就行了﹐如此萬一有了狀況可以快速的連人帶行李脫離﹔也不會給司機製造機會或藉口去接“家人或朋友”。