雲南 元陽 建水 羅平 東川 住宿資料

建水 聚龍酒店 0873-7621366 人民幣 40/標間
元陽 縣政府人民招待所 10/床 4人一間
羅平 凱舒樓住宿部 13889478105 吳富英 40/標間 須檢查房間設備
東川 109紅土地 影友之家接待站 張開權 0871-6887994 20/兩床

在此先謝謝各位背包客及攝影前輩. 台中 林先生 [email protected]
Thank you all for the wonderful information. It helped us greatly to have a smooth and enjoyable trip to 元陽 and 羅平. I would like to share some of our experiences for future visitors.

In our experience, it is important to have a reliable and pleasant driver to show you around: leaving at 5am to see the sun rise and return after 7:30pm to watch the sunset takes a lot of travel. You need a rental car to accomplish the schedule efficiently. We could not hire "Mr. Wang" as many people mentioned on the web as our driver (he was booked). However we did find another excellent local driver Mr. Lan Zon. (Cell 13887596598). Mr. Lan enjoys his job and is willing to do a lot extras to make sure we had the best time in Yuan Yang. He stopped at any time we asked him to and even offers to carry the tripod for us along the trails he showed us to take the best photos. He has a 7 seater van. We paid $250RMB per day. For a party of 4-7, it is the best way to visit Yuan Yang. He can also pick people up from New Yuan Yang town. It is an hour drive to the old town on the hill. One efficient way to visit Yuan Yang is to take the early morning bus from Kunmin to the new Yaun Yang town and ask Mr. Lan to pick you up (or take the local bus) to the old town. If you have the rental car arranged, you can start the tour in the afternoon (to drive around and watch the sunset). You can continue the tour next morning for a one day rental (and see the sun rise). We did not have the rental car arranged in advance. To save time, we asked the hotel to arrange a car for us, ended up paying another 50RMB commission to the hotel.

If you are into photography. It s important to buy a Yuan Yang photobook by the local photographer(s). It shows you the "spots", "local trails", and "time" to the right places to take pictures.

Enjoy the trip. It is wonderful!

元陽 縣政府人民招待所 10/床 4人一間
羅平 凱舒樓住宿部 13889478105 吳富英 40/標間 須檢查房間設備
東川 109紅土地 影友之家接待站 張開權 0871-6887994 20/兩床


