travelingsoul 的中南美洲之旅

Hello everyone. Thank you all for being here with me the whole time. I have been here for 7 weeks already. Everything is fine here. Sometime it gets too cold to sleep. School is fine. I am getting a bit fed up with it. And I am getting very homesick. I miss chicken feet, duck feet, duck tognue (Lu-Wai) and Jen-Ju-Nai-Chai.... I miss the food, the people, the weather.... its so wonderful to live in Taiwan....
咦! 瓜地馬拉似乎是不錯的遊學地點呢 ^^
加拿大很多人都是去墨西哥學西語, 他們都說墨西哥便宜0_0
因為之前有個學生在當地教英文, 還拍照片給我看.

大家去那邊遊學都是住homestay嘛??? 感覺如何呢???
突然想到一個問題,為什麼大家學西班牙文會選擇去拉丁美洲呢?消費的關係嗎?我姊在西班牙住了一陣子,跟我講說那裡的消費好像跟南美(巴拉圭)差不多的說... ???...(我姊好像是住Barcelona... )... 還是她太不敏感了 8-)
突然想到一個問題,為什麼大家學西班牙文會選擇去拉丁美洲呢?消費的關係嗎?我姊在西班牙住了一陣子,跟我講說那裡的消費好像跟南美(巴拉圭)差不多的說... ???...(我姊好像是住Barcelona... )... 還是她太不敏感了 8-)

Well, I guess it might because that people want to travel around south America, and just want to learn spanish at the same time. ;-)

By the way, I arrived Lima airport two hours ago. :-D
Spain is actually much more expensive than Latin America. Its bouble the price in Spain. And living expenses is cheaper in Latin America as well.

echo3535, I am so jealous. I love Lima. Eat a lot of Ceviche for me please.
any more updats?
加油!助你好運喔! :-D <:o)
My dear friends,

Long time no talk. I was in Cuba and it was very very expensive to use internet there. Cuba was incredibel. I was only in Havana for 11 days and I am in love with Havana. Music, art and dancing everywhere. You will never get bored. After being in Guatemala for 2 and a half month, you would find Havana is heaven. Very very safe, clean and people are very very nice. I made a lot of Cuban friends. They dont have much but they always invite me for dinner. They are incredible. I higlhly recommand people to travel to Cuba. It's an amazing place. And It's not that expensive. I always eat on the street which saves me a lot of money. Drinking is cheap, too. Too much partying, though. Too much mojito. I would really love to go back to Cuba to see other places next time.

I am in Canada at the moment visiting my boyfriend. It is very very cold. All I do is staying inside. I can't handle cold weather. But at least I get to eat Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese food. And have nice hot shower (shower in Latin America is pathatic) I will be here for 2 weeks then go back to Guatemala to learn more Spanish.

I have been away from home for 3 months. And I am really really homesick. Especially today is Chinese New Year's Eve. And I can't be at home. I miss the food and my family.

Anyway, everything has been well so far. Happy New Year to all of you.
My dear friends,

I am in Canada at the moment visiting my boyfriend. It is very very cold. All I do is staying inside. I can't handle cold weather. But at least I get to eat Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese food. And have nice hot shower (shower in Latin America is pathatic) I will be here for 2 weeks then go back to Guatemala to learn more Spanish.

我也好喜歡Vietnamese food,
尤其在下大雪的多倫多, 吃上1碗熱呼呼的越南河粉, 簡直是救命般人間美味.. :-P
好羨慕你可以在自己喜歡的國家, 學習有自己興趣的語言,
留遊學之夢對我而言好遠 :^)
:-) 不過我不會放棄實現夢想的,
哈瓦那~ 我來了~ 等我喔!!!
Dear friends,

I am back in Antigua to study more Spanish. Semana Santa is coming next week. It´s gonna be crazy and nice. I can´t wait. I have been having problems with my stomach and flea bits. I got bites all over my body. I really miss home. And I think I will go home in 3 weeks. YEAH!!! Home sweet home. The more I travel, the more I love Taiwan. Nothing compares to home. When I go home, I would be delightful to give any advice and share my experience in Latin America with you.
