[北印] 烏代浦 (Udaipur) 住宿收集站與討論

恩 我在udaipur
住Kumbha Palace
老闆娘是荷蘭人 旅館裡有花園 很漂亮
房間也挺乾淨 一個人大概RS100左右(我們是住三人房)

104,Bhatiyani Chohatta,Udaipur-313 001
Email:[email protected]

Udaipur一定要去參觀city palace

另外如果體力好 可以爬個850公尺的山
等到了山頂的寺廟 就可以一次看到兩個湖
不過不要正中午去 我就是中午12點爬山
結果把自己搞的死去活來 :'(

Thanks, I will try buffet at least once. The expenses in India is not expensive as compared to Europe and Japan. I spent NTD 30,000 in Europe for 14 days excluding international plane ticket , I think NTD 15000 is sufficient for 9 days local expenses in India.

I will be staying in Jawat Niwas, unfortunately just standard room are vacant, it cost 1250 Rs for double room instead of 500 Rs

It seems Mewar offer you cheaper than the internet rate, as I remember it is not 850 Rs. Did you book in advance or upon arrival ?

Thanks, I will try buffet at least once. The expenses in India is not expensive as compared to Europe and Japan. I spent NTD 30,000 in Europe for 14 days excluding international plane ticket , I think NTD 15000 is sufficient for 9 days local expenses in India.

I will be staying in Jawat Niwas, unfortunately just standard room are vacant, it cost 1250 Rs for double room instead of 500 Rs

It seems Mewar offer you cheaper than the internet rate, as I remember it is not 850 Rs. Did you book in advance or upon arrival ?

Ohhh... my room is not Rs850, I'm just talking about room with very little view on lower floor, I've took the highest floor of Rs1500 (at the end proof not really worth coz the view is very narrow anyway) I think your choice is better though it's a bit older than Mewar (in fact they are of the same owner but a new one). I've check Jawat Niwas, view is excellent and just a pity that when I booked it it's full, but I enjoy a lunch there, so no regret.

And by the way , if you want to try buffet, read from LP that Trident Hilton is great (and not expensive); I planned to have it too but just not enough time. If you go there, don't forget to visit the hotel next to it (I've to check the name or you can check it on map), just next door. It's really beautiful and peaceful, I've take an auto to have a quick visit there and found out Trident Hilton is next to it.
Ohhh... my room is not Rs850, I'm just talking about room with very little view on lower floor, I've took the highest floor of Rs1500 (at the end proof not really worth coz the view is very narrow anyway) I think your choice is better though it's a bit older than Mewar (in fact they are of the same owner but a new one). I've check Jawat Niwas, view is excellent and just a pity that when I booked it it's full, but I enjoy a lunch there, so no regret.

And by the way , if you want to try buffet, read from LP that Trident Hilton is great (and not expensive); I planned to have it too but just not enough time. If you go there, don't forget to visit the hotel next to it (I've to check the name or you can check it on map), just next door. It's really beautiful and peaceful, I've take an auto to have a quick visit there and found out Trident Hilton is next to it.

it seems that visiting hotel is also a good idea, heard about the food in india, no plan to try the food in the street or small restaurant. most probably take each meal at the hotel if it is under my budget of 300 Rs per meal.

I will keep in the mind the hotel next to Jawat Niwas. maybe to take my dinner there or take a cup of coffee. I know the Trident Hilton hotel, at first, I am considering this hotel, but I like the heritage hotel rather than 3 or 4 star hotel as it can be found in other country. if the buffet is not expensive, will try it.

Have a nice weekend.. 90 mins to go... ready to go home...
Ohhh... my room is not Rs850, I'm just talking about room with very little view on lower floor, I've took the highest floor of Rs1500 (at the end proof not really worth coz the view is very narrow anyway) I think your choice is better though it's a bit older than Mewar (in fact they are of the same owner but a new one). I've check Jawat Niwas, view is excellent and just a pity that when I booked it it's full, but I enjoy a lunch there, so no regret.

And by the way , if you want to try buffet, read from LP that Trident Hilton is great (and not expensive); I planned to have it too but just not enough time. If you go there, don't forget to visit the hotel next to it (I've to check the name or you can check it on map), just next door. It's really beautiful and peaceful, I've take an auto to have a quick visit there and found out Trident Hilton is next to it.

it seems that visiting hotel is also a good idea, heard about the food in india, no plan to try the food in the street or small restaurant. most probably take each meal at the hotel if it is under my budget of 300 Rs per meal.

I will keep in the mind the hotel next to Jawat Niwas. maybe to take my dinner there or take a cup of coffee. I know the Trident Hilton hotel, at first, I am considering this hotel, but I like the heritage hotel rather than 3 or 4 star hotel as it can be found in other country. if the buffet is not expensive, will try it.

Have a nice weekend.. 90 mins to go... ready to go home...

I took almost all meals in heritage hotels and I have never take food on street so luckily I'm safe home :) I think your budget should have no problem for food.
個人強烈建議蓋在湖邊的 Hotel Lak Ghat 是我住過最豪華的Dorm room (乾淨到沒話說 床掀起來下面可以置物 還有寬大的浴室和晒衣場 一床Rs75 房間就貴囉 rs300 起跳 沒辦法 view太好 從巴士站搭rickshaw rs20)
但是 千萬不要跟該家旅館買巴士票 貴到不行 早餐也是貴 但是能就坐在湖邊享用並面對著lake palace 也就值得啦

ps: 現在的 lake palace 要訂 rs2000 的lunch buffet 才進的去 但是要排隊一個月 入口的露天bar 啤酒要價 rs300 外加稅 天啊 坐在那活像被剝皮的傻瓜.......
我的烏代浦住宿心得分享 :-P :

烏代浦是熱門的觀光度假城市,臨湖的飯店旅館(特別是旅遊書有推薦的)在旺季時可能會客滿 (我們這次想住的Kumbha Palace與Jagat Niwas Palace就都客滿了)。如果打算臨時找旅館,要有詢問多家的心理準備。一般而言,靠近Pichola湖邊從Lal Ghat往北到Gangaur Ghat這一帶是熱門住宿區,廉價民宿與中高級旅館的選擇也多,從此處可以步行走到City Palace Museum 與 Jagdish Temple等景點。隔著狹窄的水道對面,Hanuman Ghat區域也有不少住宿的選擇。

Lonely Planet有烏代浦住宿的網頁可參考:


我這次實際住過的兩家(都在Lal Ghat附近):

Evergreen Guest House:252-7823,Lal Ghat碼頭附近的廉價民宿。附衛浴無湖景雙人房Rs200。房間有熱水淋浴,但地板看起來有點不乾淨,電壓不穩(把我的相機充電器燒壞掉了 :'( )

Jaiwana Haveli ︰No14,Lal Ghat,Udaipur. Tel:91-294-2411103, e-mail: [email protected]。在Lal ghat渡船碼頭附近,面湖的現代化飯店,一切設備齊全,房間以白色大理石為主要材質,雖沒什麼特色但清爽乾淨,有湖景的房間較貴,每一層樓的1號或2號房景觀最佳。我們住的32號雙人房一晚Rs1650(含份量很充足的早餐),可看到湖景與湖上的lake palace、Jag Madir。旅館屋頂的餐廳view不錯

Poonam Haveli


Poonam Haveli
地址:39, Lal Ghat, Udaipur
e-mail:[email protected](名片上是這樣印的,但我懷疑是poonamhaveli,請自行試試看囉)

晚上沒有熱水供應。所有房間的水管有嚴重漏水。 每次我洗完手之後全地都是水。當我要求每兩天換毛巾時﹐老闆娘居然不肯這樣做。 還開口罵人。

恩 我在udaipur
住Kumbha Palace
老闆娘是荷蘭人 旅館裡有花園 很漂亮
房間也挺乾淨 一個人大概RS100左右(我們是住三人房)

104,Bhatiyani Chohatta,Udaipur-313 001
Email:[email protected]

Udaipur一定要去參觀city palace

另外如果體力好 可以爬個850公尺的山
等到了山頂的寺廟 就可以一次看到兩個湖
不過不要正中午去 我就是中午12點爬山
結果把自己搞的死去活來 :'(