perth sharehouse 100 per week

房東是馬來西亞人 會說英文 中文 台語也會一點

一星期是100塊 家中所有東西都可以使用

房東太太英文很棒 假日會帶我們去市場或是別處逛逛

這附近有三家超市 郵局 銀行 也有圖書館

假日偶爾會BBQ 房東太太也會煮義大利面給我們吃

還會調雞尾酒給我們喝 人超nice



一星期100 含水含電含網路(但不能下載)


房間的東西都是新的 大概就是這樣囉

離perth city搭火車要二十分鐘 搭公車去fremantle約20分鐘

房子在cockburn centeral 車站附近 要轉公車520約五分鐘


房東說也可以機場接送 但我想應該要貼點油錢

圖片是這邊的生活情況 要搬走前一星期跟房東說就可以了

詳洽0403844065 Fabian(please call after 3 pm)
[email protected] Liz

My name is Liz. My husband Fabian and I are providing a clean, friendly place to stay in Perth for $100 per week.
We are located about 20 minutes away form Perth city, Fremantle and have many shops around the house about 5- 10 minutes away.
There are also bus and train available too all in walking distance.
We like Taiwanese people because Fabian and I speek chinese and enjoy helping people to learn english.
We try to make our house a home away from home providing all amenities and weekly bbq on the weekend.
There are a boys room and a girls room available with bunk beds as well as internet service.
All rooms are locked and you are provided with a key for safety and security.
There is also two lounge rooms with t.v. and a games room with a pool table as well as bikes to go bike riding.
The house is fairly quiet and relaxing with a large garden. So far we have had eight international people come through our doors all on working visa holidays.
All from Taiwan, Korea and Japan. They have all had pleasant stays moving on to the rest of the country with jobs.
[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"] if you are interested please contact me through my email: [email protected]
您好 我們三個男生 預計四月十五到伯斯 不曉得有沒房間 請您回覆我 感恩
MSN/EMAIL:[email protected]
HI !!3 GIRL 15/6 ARRIVE PERTH !!!I NEED 3 PPL 1 ROOM !! PLS SEND E MAIL [email protected]
你好!!! 我目前一個男生要住宿 是否有空房可住????

謝謝!!!!!! MSN [email protected]

電話!! 040-141-5961