

很簡單 容易操作 訂房紀錄也清楚

1) B&B Monteverdi (Via Claudio Monteverdi 15, Milan)
這家的官方網站沒詳細說明如何到民宿 於是列印google map
當我按照此地圖找…找不到並問人 第3次很幸運是對夫妻帶國中小孩
那位先生很好心帶我去找並說google map 錯
從出地鐵到找到民宿花了半小時 累死我 背著六公斤的包包在地鐵附近繞
好不容易找到15號 天阿 裡面有好幾棟 好吧1棟1棟找
找到了 但B&B先生跟我說”很抱歉 已經滿了 需帶你去另一間離這裡5分鐘 當我跟他說 你們規定訂房當天需全額付費 應該將房間留給我
最氣的事…他怎麼說 “請款失敗” 幸好我有帶銀行statement
show 給他看1/29已經情款 他才閉嘴 但還是堅持帶我去另1間
那天已經晚上7點多 無其他選擇只好去

2) Affittacamere Lunamar Via Paleocapa 2, La Spezia
當我在尋找住宿時 看到這間的評語不錯於是就訂這家 , 那位女士還不錯 我第一次住窗戶打開就會看到外面的人走來走去 幸好有窗簾. check in時已準備好隔天早餐放在桌子上 3合1咖啡1個麵包 幾個小果醬 1小瓶果汁, 我沒吃

3) Hôtel L'Alsace 2, avenue Carnot, Narbonne
抵達時已經晚上 那天很冷 風又大 當我check in 時 那位老先生 給我key並叫我付費 爬上窄樓梯到3F(台灣的4F) 房間怎麼沒有廁所也有沒有電視機? 於是下樓問 他說法國的房間是這樣的 騙銷ㄝ 以為我第一次來法國嗎 ? 我show booking.com的英文訂房紀錄給他看 明明寫private bathroom with TV 他說英文版是錯的 又說他不會英文 但他可以跟我辯15分鐘 他說是我跟booking.com的問題 叫我打電話 complaint 那我要花多少電話費 ? 快氣死我 錢也給了 又那麼晚 不想跟他講什麼 很不老實的一間小旅館 !! 超級不推薦 !!

4) Residencia Nuria Roger de Lluria, 147. Piso 1o, Barcelona
她們不會英文 check in 時候先付費還叫我簽一張紙條 “ 若check out 沒將key放在mail box 會從信用卡扣30歐 我也不相信他 若我有放進去而她們又說沒 不是多付30歐嗎(網站也沒寫) 我跟他說 what about I give you 30euro cash when I return the key then return 30euro to me 他只說NO 好吧 ~~賭賭看
沒問題 ~

1) B&B Monteverdi ---30euro, single room with share bathroom

2) Affittacamere Lunamar -- 40 euro with bathroom

3) Hôtel L'Alsace-- single room, private bathroom(當初這樣寫) 29euro

4) Residencia Nuria --single room with share bathroom 去年20euro今年元月中旬降到15euro 可能是因為barcelona有太多旅館可選擇及淡季 ...

另PO在 http://www.eurotravel.tw -- 有更多資訊 -- 若有興趣可以看看
自2/18/2013起 我向booking.com 投訴以上二家Hôtel L'Alsace ( Narbonne FRANCE) 及B&B Monteverdi (MILAN ITALY )

也在以下網頁提到booking.com如何處理 等等


Mela 99


eurotravel 網站

至於 B&B Monteverdi , MILAN
一下子旅館overbooking 只要他們有安排住宿是可以的
昨晚(3/14)19:18 接到booking.com的電話(+31207153335)
她們想知道當天詳細情形 我有問他為何我的review沒PO出來 怎麼可以等到答案
今早3/15看到另一個人回email(以下最後1封) “ 旅館在網站弄錯availability 日期而旅館已經安排同等住宿” 是這樣嗎? 那麼booking.com的網頁也不需要寫那麼多旅館detail及照片 只要寫幾星級/商務旅館及價格就好了.弄錯日期也不是我的錯.
訂房那天我已經付全額 抵達後才任由旅館安排住宿 這樣對嗎? 我說過買A給B..有誰能接受?
額外費用收據 --- 這句話還敢講,我是開開心心去旅行,不是去受氣的,先付費而沒有保留房間給我是對的嗎? 旅館到現在還不承認錯 !! 至於收據…是旅費的收據嗎?
以下是booking.com寫給我的 ~~ 請看紅色重點
2/21/2013 8:01AM
Dear XXX,
Thank you for choosing Booking.com.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the B&B Monteverdi not honoring your confirmed reservation XXX.
On the rare occasion that a hotel becomes overbooked, we require the hotel to take all necessary steps to ensure that your reservation is transferred to a suitable alternative hotel or we will do so ourselves so as to not inconvenience you more. Booking.com is an intermediary between customer and hotel and availability of rooms is managed by the individual hotels. When your reservation was made, your booking details were sent to the hotel via a secure online system.
Please contact our Customer Service team, if you would like to discuss this situation.
If you incurred any additional costs beyond the 30EUR, please supply a copy of your receipts using this email address and we will assist you in any way possible.
Email: [email protected]
Thank you again for choosing Booking.com. We apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to be your online hotel reservation choice in the future.
Kind regards,
Ricky Hoover
Booking.com Customer Service Team

3/14/2013 1:05AM
您好!关于您对订单XXX (B&B Monteverdi)的投诉,再次为此超额预订给您带来的所有不便向您致歉! 在您向我们投诉后,我们即与酒店联系调查,酒店方告知,因当时酒店的中央空调出现问题,所以将您安排到替代酒店,并开车送您到该酒店,支付了超出的房费。如您因此超额预订还支付了其他额外的费用,烦请您将收据发给我,我会请我们的专员进一步协助您。您可通过致信 [email protected] 与我联系(请注明预订编号)。再次感谢您的耐心!Min

3/14/2013 20:48
Dear XXXX ,

Thank you for your reply and please allow me the opportunity to offer my sincere and unreserved apologies for this situation.

I understand why you may be upset and would like to reassure this was never our intention. As you are aware of, the Hotel loaded incorrect availability on the website and this error should of course not be affecting you, our valued customer.
On the other hand, in our role as mediators we attempt to reach the best possible resolution for the guest, considering the circumstances, in this case a relocation to an althernative same standard ad originally booked.

On this occasion the Hotel has made arrangements and by offering an alternative hotel which is same standard and price than the original booked.

What I can assure you is that here at Booking.com we have truly done our utmost to reach the best deal for you, by negotiating with the Hotel on multiple occasions for a compensation asked by you. This is our duty, to be mediators between the guest and the Hotel; we are committed to helping solve any issues which may arise. Still, our efforts may at times reach a stall because the cooperation of the Hotelier is also necessary for the final result. However we would like to stress as informed before that in a rare case of overbooking, the hotel must relocate the guest to an alternative that is same standard, area and price and area from the original reservation.

Again I am very sorry that your experience with Booking.com has not been positive this time. We hope that despite this inconvenience you will give us a second another to be of service to you, in the future.

Kind regards,
Fabiano Zonatto
Customer Relations Associate
Fax : +44 208 612 8005 (Cambridge, UK)
Fax : +31(0) 207 153 073 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

很多人回國很忙 沒時間投訴
有些人怕麻煩 自認倒楣

我下週有空再PO在lonely planet 讓老外知道
看看讓我最生氣的Hotel L'Alsace

附件檔案字太小 以下是3封信的內容 :
第一封 不針對房間無廁所及電視機做回應 說我沒問櫃檯如何使用暖氣
當我是傻瓜嗎? 一進房間沒暖氣我當然會下去問 是半夜關掉的 !!

第二封 承認錯了 給我的房間和我原先訂房不同 賠我50%=15歐

第三封 變成20歐


Dear XXX,

Thank you for choosing Booking.com.

We contacted the Hotel L'Alsace concerning your complaint about a possible compensation on the reservation XXXX from the 7 to 8 Feb. According to the hotel Manager, Mr Menier, all the hotel rooms have heater, but you didn't ask the reception how to use the heater. He says he can't give any compensation because it is not his fault. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions. Thank you again for choosing Booking.com. We hope to be your choice for future online reservations.

Kind regards,
Bertin Mubake-wa-wandjo
Booking.com Customer Service Team

Dear XXX

I am contacting you from the Customer Relations Department at Booking.com. After reviewing your case regarding reservation XXX with Hôtel L'Alsace, I can confirm that you are entitled to a refund for the amount of 15EUR. This represents 50% of your reservation at this hotel.Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this issue might have caused you. We have contacted the hotel to ensure that all information represented on our website is corrected to ensure this does not happen again.

To provide you with this refund in the most efficient manner, Booking.com recommends the refund be performed by credit card. In order to perform this transaction we ask that you confirm the following information:

• The refund can only be processed to Visa and MasterCard brand credit cards.
• The link which is generated will be sent to the email address used to make the reservation xxxx Please notify us if this is not an address which you are able to access.
• Unfortunately, we cannot refund in your local currency. Please take note that receiving the refund in a different currency may incur additional charges from your bank. To cover most of these interchange fees, we will add a maximum of 4% to your refunded amount.

You will receive a secure link by email shortly after choosing the Credit Card option. This link allows you to enter your credit card information; the refund will then be credited to your credit card account within 3 business days.
Please reply to this email by 16/03/13 and inform me of which method you are eligible for.
Once again, I would like to offer our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this matter has caused.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,
Javier Corvalan
Customer Relations Associate
Fax : +44 208 612 8005 (Cambridge, UK)
Fax : +31(0) 207 153 073 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Booking.com http://www.booking.com


Dear XXX,

I am contacting you from the Customer Relations Department at Booking.com regarding your reservation XXX at the Hôtel L'Alsace.

Thank you for your reply. The refund offered to you comes from Booking.com for all the inconveniences this issue may have caused. As we value you as our customer I would like to offer you a total of 20EUR as compensation of this situation. I kindly ask you to confirm the refund method described on my last Email if you are happy with this amount but unfortunately we are not able to increase this offer.

This offer will remain valid indefinitely but as per our procedures I will lose the case in our system.

If you do accept please confirm the credit card refund method advised on my previous Email and I will gladly perform this transaction.

Please feel free to contact me, should you have any further questions.

Kind regards,
Javier Corvalan
Customer Relations Associate
Fax : +44 208 612 8005 (Cambridge, UK)
Fax : +31(0) 207 153 073 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

從一開始booking.com回信到現在, 旅館永遠是對的, 當然啦 房客沒給佣金嘛 但沒有房客那來的旅館佣金呢

旅館沒依照訂單內容,旅館一開始一直在說謊不肯承認錯,晚上又關掉暖氣我只好穿外套睡覺,可想而知隔天早上我如何在公用浴室洗澡,不敢洗頭,身體趕快洗一洗冷阿 !房間洗手台也沒熱水等…Javier說正常賠償金只有10%而已經漲到20歐了.至於匯差及信用卡扣手續費 “ interchange” 看第二封信就知道了…雖然是他先提的 但也沒錯,我去的時候匯率1:40多,現在跌到38多.

最後一段有關這個案子Javier Corvalan不再跟我連絡了,是否我不可以回覆了? 還是叫我拿著20歐結案 ?

超級感謝BOOKING..COM把我的耐心摩到凡事慢慢來 ~~ 也非常感謝BOOKING.COM慢慢回覆或不回信(米蘭那家)使我不再那麼無聊 每天可以寫寫東西

Dear XXX

With reference to the reservation XXX at the property Hotel L'Alsace, I would like to thank you for your Email.

Unfortunately as I have explained previously we will not be increasing our offer of 20EUR compensation. I do understand the inconvenience of not having the exact facilities stated on the website but I kindly remind you that you had a reservation for 29EUR. A normal compensation for this type of case does not exceed 10% of the reservation price. As a gesture of good will we increased the offer to 20EUR as we value you as our customer.Booking.com is not liable for the interchange fee as this is a charge from your bank or credit card for international transactions. Not a charge from either the hotel nor Booking.com. Please contact your bank or credit card provider if you would like to dispute that particular charge.

As advised, the offer of 20EUR will remain available indefinitely but I will not contact you further to this case. If you would like to refund I kindly ask you to review the information on my first Email and confirm a credit card refund.

Kind regards,
Javier Corvalan
Customer Relations Associate
Fax : +44 208 612 8005 (Cambridge, UK)
Fax : +31(0) 207 153 073 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Booking.com http://www.booking.com
To : booking.com 工作人員

[email protected]
[email protected]


To : 消費者/背包客等


哈 ~ 真是可笑!

哈 ~ 真是可笑!
