

走過三個國家八個城市小鎮,簡單的結算了一下交通費,兩人一共是75歐,一個人不到1500台幣(L) 一般歐洲交通費如果沒有提早一兩個月訂票,票價真不是普通嚇人。可是提前訂的優惠票通常又不能改不能退,要在兩個月前就”非常”確定行程也不容易,所以真心推薦大家使用併車軟體或網頁。

這次要分享的主角就是BLABLACAR (blablacar.com),進去網頁後輸入出發地和目的及日期,它就會跳出多個車主讓你挑選,可以看到車主的評價、車型、路線地圖、是否可繞路、可載行李大小、還有幾個位子等等,非常detail。而4歐以下的行程是可以私人訊息或電話直接聯絡車主,不透過網站。4歐以上大部分的行程最近開始收手續費。它有特定個公式,簡單說就是出發前三天以上的行程手續費大約都是一成,兩天和一天的就會越來越不划算囉!!

一般三天前確認行程都很容易,但像這次我們從Colmar到Strasbourg的車主竟然當天臨時說生病不能載我們了!!!!而好巧不巧Colmar到Strasbourg的倂車車費大約都在5歐元 = 要手續費,而原本10歐的車票加完手續費為13.62歐 (狠狠多了一個Yufka!! xD) 於是moni靈機一動,就在地圖上找了一個中間點 → Sélestat,在中間點換車,這樣變成2+3,免手續費以外還可以多走走一個小鎮!! 當然這方法只建議不趕時間又非遠距離的人:-$

So far we had travelled to 8 cities/towns in 3 countries, our expenses on transportation was about 75 Euros for both. Normally for the tickets here in Europe, prices will be a lot cheaper if we bought it a month or two earlier. However, then we can’t change the dates of most discounted tickets, and it isn’t easy to be absolutely sure about the itinerary.

Our way to save money is to use BLABLACAR to check if there are cars also going to our destination. We could also see the references and reviews of the drivers, the type of the cars, drivers’ routes, possible to detour or not and etc. all in details. If the fee is less than 4 Euros, we could send a message directly to the driver; but if the fee is higher than that, a certain handling fee has to be paid to the website. The fee is generally 10% of you book it 3 days ago.

Unfortunately, our driver who was supposed to take us from Colmar to Strasbourg was sick, so we suddenly had to find another car. Most of the drivers ask for 5 Euros per person, which means it’s 10 for two and 13.62 Euros after the handling fee. To avoid paying those extras, we went from Colmar to Sélestat (2 Euros), and then Sélestat to Strasbourg (3 Euros). Therefore not only we could save some money but also get to see another town. Of course this method is only good for people like us with nothing but a lot of time.

歡迎到我們的粉絲團 MOCHA TO GO (http://facebook.com/mochatogo) 幫我們按讚支持 謝謝
台灣小夫妻辭去北京工作後 背著夢想 背著房貸
沒有太多預算 沒有目的地 沒有期限

打工換宿+沙發衝浪 偶爾搭個便車的環遊世界小筆記
哈哈,你們由colmar 到strasbourg 被放鴿子是多少號?我在3月13也被一個女司機放鴿子了@@
哈哈,你們由colmar 到strasbourg 被放鴿子是多少號?我在3月13也被一個女司機放鴿子了@@

哈哈哈 這麼巧!!!