
因為包含智利和阿根廷兩個國家,所以不肯定可否貼在置頂的「智利」或「阿根廷」主題... 希望有前輩能看到這題目,能幫幫忙... 謝謝啊!!! :-D

各位前輩好!我會在今年10月至明年2月在南美逗留4個多月。厄瓜多爾,秘魯和玻利維亞的部份,算是有了點頭緒。但智利和阿根廷部份卻遇上了瓶頸位。我大約會在11月下旬或12月上旬離開玻利維亞,到達智利的 San Pedro de Atacama,一直到2月中下旬才由 Buenos Aires 離開南美。

我編了兩個行程,一個是由北向南遊智利,然後到阿國Ushuaia後轉方向,再由南北走。另一個是從北向南,智阿兩國交替走,到 ushuaia 後直接回布宜諾斯。



San Pedro de Atacama
(bus) Calama
(bus or plane) Santiago
(plane) Easter Island
(plane) Santiago
(bus) Valparaiso
(bus) Pucon
(bus) Valdivia
(bus) Osorno
(bus) Puerto Montt
(plane) Punta Arenas
(bus) Puerto Natales
(bus) Punta Arenas
(bus or plane) Ushuaia
(bus) El Calafate (via Rio Gallegos)
(bus) Bariloche
(bus) Mendoza
(bus) Cordoba
(bus) Buenos Aires
(bus) Iguazu
(bus) Buenos Aires

San Pedro de Atacama
(bus) Salta
(bus) Cordoba
(bus) Mendoza
(bus) Valparaiso
(bus) Santiago
(plane) Easter Island
(plane) Santiago
(bus) Pucon
(bus) Valdivia
(bus) Osorno
(bus) Puerto Montt
(bus) Bariloche
(bus) El Calafate
(bus) Punta Arenas
(bus) Puerto Natales
(bus) Punta Arenas
(bus or plane) Ushuaia
(bus or plane) Buenos Aires
(bus) Iguazu
(bus) Buenos Aires
some suggestions:
1. I prefer "行程一:先遊智利,再遊阿根廷"..

2. No need for you go back Puerto Arenas from Puerto Natales, you can take bus from Puerto Natales directly to Ushuaia!(only one company runs, $24000p, leave at 7:30 am, 3 times a week, about 13.5 hours)...

3.You sure you wanna take the bus from El Calafate (via Rio Gallegos) to Bariloche? It's very expensive and takes long time..I spent 200p and 34 hours! Bus is NOT really the cheapest way travelling in Argentina, sometimes taking the plane is cheaper than bus and saves a lot of time!

I like Chile ALOT, not only the natural but the people, Chileans are very nice and friendly esp. to Asians...Argentina has a great scenery too, but their visa precess is kind of annoying..
Lespommia, Really thank you for your info and suggestions!! I have been keeping eye on this thread and looking forward to reply for almost a week!! Really delighted to see your reply. :D

Just curious, may I ask is that any reason you feel itinerary 1 is better? Because I've posted the question in some overseas forum, those western people usually prefer itin 2 instead..

You are very right! It seems quite expensive to take bus sometimes... Indeed I guess I will need to take plane for some parts. But at this moment, I try to assume taking bus for most parts when designing the itin.....

I have heard that South american trips can easily got delayed by many factors (weather/strike/overbooking...), so I try to make a very loose itinerary now. If I assume I will spend 34 hours on bus, then I can "release" and add 34 or 30 hours back to my itinerary when I really take plane! :)
heheh..itinerary 1 just my preference :-P ..actually, I don't like to across the Argentine borders, b/c I ALWAYS blocked the line behind me!(and then people would look at you just like you did something wrong :-S..for westerners, they would not suffer the problem like this!)..maybe the Argentine officiers seldom see the Taiwan passport..but even some of them can't recognize the"visa paper"which is issued by their country..a little bit ridicuous!

Basically..both Chile and Argentina..their transportation timetable are realiable..I was never delayed (over 30 mins) by any factors..If you wanna take overnight bus..Chilean buses are better..b/c Argentine buses stop toooo many stops!! hardly sleep well.. |-)

Anyway, I think the plans are always changing (just like mine :-P )...S.America is definately worth visiting! I've just finished my trip from there..Hope you have a GREAT trip there!!
其實我還漫推薦第二種 跨國的行程
因為 這兩國南北相距超遠的 要先走完一國再走另一國 非常辛苦
我今年是 先飛到BA 完玩Iguazu後 從BA飛到Ushuaia
最後從智利北部往南玩回Santiago 再回台灣
總共入境阿根廷4次 智利3次 (-代表跨國路線 /代表同國的路線)
Buenos Aires/Iguazu/Ushuaia-Punta Arenas/Puerto Natales-El Calafate/El Chaten/Bariloche/San Martin-Pucon/Santiago-Mendoza/Salta-San Pedro de Atacama/Arica/Antofagasta/La Serena/Santiago/Isla de Pascua
至於 穿越邊境的公車 唯一的缺點就是沒有夜車 通常得撘一大早的車
不過穿越邊境的路線風景大致都不錯 可以彌補過來
而且這樣走 可以讓智阿的食物 海鮮牛肉交換著吃 還漫不錯 哈哈

不過要注意一點 如果你要從Ushuaia到Punta Arenas
如果 搭的是阿根廷公司的巴士 你的智利簽證需要用到2次
如果 搭的是智利公司的巴士 只需入境智利一次
但因為智利的算是直達 且無需再進出一次阿根廷 雖然貴很多 但省時
那時候 便宜的票已經賣完 只好買貴的
後來是聽說 原來便宜的還要多繞路 才釋懷 哈哈

如果你能拿到 智利的多次簽證 其時漫建議你跨國走
我當初送智簽時 其實也只有提供 兩次進出的行程表
但有特別強調申請多次 在邀請函上也有註明 所以是有順利拿到多次

Angel <:o)