
主要的hostel....Cusco: Hospedaje Turistica Recoleta

"I am the Boss here, U taiwanese are nothing here." said this crazy boss.
I made on-line reservation for one day. I spent 6 days in this hostel. During this stay, I lost my 800 USD in the security box they kept. We didn't check how much money I put inside together, however, after I got my pocket back, I found out that some part of my money------the 800 USD was gone. It's the first mistake they made. The boss there didn't confess the mistakes, but persuade me not to report the police station (they said that it's useless, they said that they know how the police worked) and gave me 400 USD to shut up my mouth and not to mention anything to the public. Initally, They promised to give me 400 USD money back on the last day of my trip in Peru and cusco. (after I go to the tour trip to puno and return to cusco ) However, the last day the boss had a quarrel with my friend.
He probably thought that it's the last day we were in Peru so probably he could kick us out and we had nothing to do. So he threw our lugguage outside and ask me to sign something that i recieved 400 USD and promised not to tell anything to the public.
I would rather loss the 800 USD and tell anyone this story...Then he is afraid.....I tell him all I can sign is this paper: I made a statement that I lost 800 USD and got 400 USD back as a compensation. I will tell the truth without bad intention to ruin the hostel reputation. His English probably is not good enough to understand what i wrote, and he believed that the things are close.
When he thought this event was swept under the carpet, My friend and I decide to go to the police station to sue them. Even it's our last night in Peru. Because of his arragance, we would rather waste our time to waste his time. He said that this kind of event never happened in his hostel. But who knows? Maybe I was the first one that didn't surrender. I just want to make some records for them and gave them a lesson. The police there and the prosecutor questioned us and finally the boss gave us another 200 USD to close this event.
For me, I didn't want to ask more money back in the police station. I just want some justice and give them some lesson. Though we didn't speak good spanish ( poorly defense ourselves), we can still to do something. Which tourist want to spend the last day in the police station like us?

1. Check how much u put in the security box with them
2. Never that the owner get what he wants. Go to the police station.......... Or he will think that the tourist is sheep.

在Cusco我掉了800塊美金,hostel他們願意給我400塊美金,原本我是不太想要計較這件事情了。寫這封評論是因為他們污了台灣人。仗著我們西班牙語不好沒辦法去警察局告他,而且以為我們最後一天應該也不會去警察局報案。對不起,他們打錯如意算盤了。老實說,在國外旅行,本來就有著可能會掉錢的打算。掉錢事小,態度才是重點。他們老闆還有一個律師弟弟,兩個人在警局的時候,整個就跩到不行,翹著二郎腿,恥笑著兩個台灣人。 他們原本勝券在握,因為其他不講英文的警察,都被他們成功洗腦,認為我們兩個是crazy chinese girl,還好後來觀光客警察局有請會英文的警察和檢察官幫忙,事情才得以解決。老闆看起來人很和善,但是這也只有在對其他警察和旅客的時候,才有的面孔,他在我們面前,整個就是露出本性。
也許, 服務業都是要在關鍵時刻才能分辨出功力.
我們在Nazca遇到一個西方男生掉了皮夾 ,裡面有他的現金護照等,當場失控發飆,搜查服務生房間, 那位老闆還蠻理性的,雖然覺得不是自己員工的問題, 也配合安撫, 找警察...
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