中英介紹 - 肯亞, 長頸鹿酒店 Giraffe Manor


在肯亞的奈洛比有一家全世界唯一的長頸鹿酒店 “Giraffe Manor",佔地 12 英畝土地及坐擁140 英畝森林,主建築由一座30年代的英式莊園所改建,共有 6 間房間。酒店內棲息了8隻已瀕臨絕種的野生羅特希爾德(Rothschild)長頸鹿,最近更多了4位成員, 等待適應後與人們見面。

Giraffe Manor in the Lang’ata suburb of Nairobi, Kenya, is the world only Giraffe hotel where you can find 8 endangered Rothschild giraffes inside and has just welcomed four new addition. It has 12 acres of private land within 140 acres of indigenous forest. The iconic historical buildings dating back to the 1930s offer six en-suite bedrooms.

Giraffe Manor 由1974 年開始致力推廣保育羅特希爾德長頸鹿計劃,藉拉近遊客與大自然的距離,進而呼籲大家可以一同投入、關懷保護瀕危動物的活動。

A conservation project was started at the Manor in 1974 with its associated Giraffe Centre, serves as a home to save endangered Rothschild giraffes and operates a breeding programme to reintroduce breeding pairs back into the wild to secure the future of the subspecies。

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