[斯里蘭卡] Sri Lanka 旅遊討論

我們準備待在 Kandy 2天
→Nuwara Eliya 或 Ella 2天(真糟糕,還拿不定主意= =)
→Negombo 1天
→Galla 2天,
可以和您求些經、請您分享一下您的遊歷,特別是交通方式和住宿嗎? (F)
我想2007年3月去斯里蘭卡.預定約12天左右.在查資料的同時.看到這家到當加入的行程. http://youth-hostels-in.com/ 9天8夜.美金760. 含住宿早餐.英文導遊司機.去kandy.dambulle.sigiriya.polonnaruwa.nuwara eliya.
Ella .Yalla.Hikkaduwa.  我想問...

1 這樣的行程.價錢.旅行方式適合嗎? 只有一個人獨自去時.
3.或著有更好的方式? 謝謝
感謝在這個網站有留言的朋友們. 我順利的從斯里蘭卡回台了.
那的風景挺美的. 美中不足的是.我去的途中剛好沿海有內戰所以路上一堆的軍人和機關槍.
travel的人很少. 因為那的政治因素. 也因此我在住宿上很便宜. 我正在整理資料. 會和大家分享...

一月底1ㄍ女生獨自要去斯里蘭卡自助旅行約10天.請問誰有相關書可以提供OR知道當地 優良ㄉ旅行社或地陪導遊可以接洽.感激不盡
斯里蘭卡真的很值得一遊,九天玩下來超開心的,椰子水幾乎天天喝,約台幣六到八元,此次搭乘泰國航空,利用轉機時間的十小時,出了關參加機場裡的旅行社行程約500銖,加上機場稅700銖,到曼谷玩個五六個小時,很值得這麼玩法。事前便與斯里蘭卡一個旅行社接洽行程規劃、住宿、用餐、租車、導遊及門票,費用約500美金,提供的服務真的是物超所值,除了第一天的住宿因時間太晚(凌晨兩點多)到Negambo 住稍差外(但是旅館靠海、戶外風景很美),其他幾乎是四星、五星級的飯店,吃的也安排的很好,都是在很美的地點用餐。他們的資料也是旅遊前輩提供的,非常的感謝那位前輩。他們真的值得和大家推薦。
JNW Lanka Tours
e-mail: [email protected] 或是 [email protected] web:http://www.jnwtours.com
找一位Mr. Wazeer. (老闆,人超好)
若要我的行程資料,我也願意提供。[email protected] 祝福大家 :-D
我們付的錢是一個人500元,但你可以和他議價,畢竟一分錢一分貨,若您不在意住便宜一些的旅館,價格應可更低。我們是兩人ㄧ間的房間,因您只是一個人,想必旅館費用會較高,反正您和Mr. Wazeer 聯繫,他很希望能給台灣的旅客好印象,他會提供給您最適當的服務的。
在101的PageOne書店 有很多LP可以買 不用等誠品 我也計畫今年要去斯里蘭卡玩玩 希望4~5月能成行


去Nuwara Eliya可以到他們市區---記得到他們傳統市場的雜貨店買珈哩---一包60盧比,約台幣20多元---便宜到不行,送禮自用皆相宜。至於買茶葉的話,我在茶山工廠沒有買,是到Nuwara Eliya市區的一間叫「food city」的超級市場中的專櫃買的,那茶葉的品牌是「Mlesna」,可倫坡的希爾頓飯店裡也有一家這牌子的專櫃,我兩間都有買,瘋狂血拼,結果可倫坡的希爾頓飯店裡的專櫃比努哇拉伊莉亞的專櫃一罐至少便宜20盧比以上,真是奇怪,希爾頓飯店裡的茶葉專櫃算是便宜的了,有經過的朋友可以去買。

去food city記得帶包椰子粉,家在咖哩中很不錯。
以下我收集的資訊給太家作參考 希望回來的人也能分享他們的交通 住宿地點 新的景點 等經驗-----我期待我還能去斯國自助旅行---沒膽的人

http://www.seat61.com/SriLanka.htm 火車資訊有時刻表、如何買票等等(可以查世界各國的及斯里蘭卡,不是去斯里蘭卡也可以參考)
Sri Lanka Railway Headquarters,
P.O.Box 335, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Telephone : (941)421281
Website : www.scienceland.lk/railway
Email : [email protected]

Sri Lanka Offical Tourism Website: (可以查到旅館、旅行社、各種古文化、冒險的行程介紹)

Address: 130, Glennie Street, Colombo 2.
Phone: +94 112 439032
Fax: +94 112 447087
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.walkerstours.com

博物館資訊-----有些英文我不會翻譯 請參考者見諒囉----希望我還能再到斯國自助旅行----因為我自已一人無膽 不敢自己去----ㄏㄏ
National Museum,Colombo可倫坡國家博物館
(Closed on Fridays)每星期五休息Situated in Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha, Colombo 7. It is the first public museum to be established in Sri Lanka (1877). Best known for its collection of antiques and objects displaying the cultural heritage of Sri Lanka, including national treasures and artefacts from all parts of the island. A section of the first floor houses the Puppetry and Children's Museum. It also houses a library with a collection of about 500,000 books, and more than 4,000 ancient palm leaf manuscripts.(Tel : 2697467-8)

National Museum Of Natural History國家自然歷史博物館
(Closed on Fridays) 每星期五休息Situated in the same premise as the national museum, it is also accessible from Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 7. Displays the Natural Heritage of Sri Lanka. Fauna are displayed in dioramas, and there are sections on applied botany, geology and fossils and the natural environment. In the Discovery Room one finds the mounted skeleton of an elephant and a scale model in relief showing the topography of a part of Sri Lanka.(Tel: 2694767-8)

The Dutch Period Museum荷蘭統治時期博物館
(Closed on Fridays) 每星期五休息Situated at Kumara Weediya, Pettah, Colombo11, the old "Dutch House" in Prince Street, Pettah, which houses this museum was built in the latter part of the 17th century. It was the residence of Count August Carl Van Ranzow. Today, the sides of the streets are filled with boutiques and stores of traders. The building embodies the unique architectural features of a colonial Dutch town house. The museum which displays the Dutch legacy with artefact - viz. furniture, ceramics, coins, arms, etc. - portrays facets of contemporary life and culture.(Tel: 2448466)

Kandy National Museum康迪市國家博物館
(Closed on Fridays & Saturdays)每週五、週六休館Situated behind the Temple of the Tooth, in a building of historical and architectural interest. Its collections are all of the Kandyan period in the 17th-18th Century.(Tel: 08 223867)
Ratnapura Museum(Closed on Thursdays & Fridays)The national museum, Ratnapura, is housed in the famous Ehelapola Walauwa, on the Colombo Road in Ratnapura. The museum displays the prehistory of Sri Lanka famous for gems, the process of gem-mining is displayed through a model. Some of the artefacts displayed here reflect the unique arts and culture of the Sabaragamuwa Province.(Tel: 045 22451)

Anuradhapura Folk Museum阿努拉德普拉民俗博物館
(Closed on Thursdays & Fridays)每週四、五休館The Folk Museum is in the sacred city close to the Archaeological Museum. It houses a collection of artefacts which illustrate the rural life of the North Central Province.(Tel: 025 22589)

Galle National Museum迦列國家博物館
(Closed on Sundays & Mondays) 每週四日、一休館Within the Fort of Galle, in a Dutch Colonial building in Church street, is the Cultural Museum adjoining the New Oriental Hotel. Its artefacts reflect the culture of the Southern Province.(Tel: 09 32051)

The National Maritime Museum, Galle 迦列的國家海事博物館 (Closed on Fridays & Saturdays)每逢週五、六休館Located within the Galle Fort in a colonial Dutch warehouse with imposing pillars, this museum displays the fauna and flora of the sea and the environment. Artefacts consist of preserved material and scale models of whales and fish.(Tel: 09 42261)

Bandaranaike MuseumBMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall) houses memorabilia of Mr. S.W.R.D.Bandaranike, Prime Minister, assassinated in 1956. Admission: Adults Rs. 2/-, Children Rs. 1/- Photography permitted. Guides free of Charge.(Tel: 2691131, 2686421)

Jayawardane Cultural CentreArchives and Library situated at 191, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 7, houses many valuable books inherited as "family treasure" by late President J.R.Jayawardena and priceless gifts received by him from many heads of States during his distinguished career.
Maligawa MuseumCenturies old articles given to Sri Dalada Maligawa by kinds, nobles and other devotees have been put on display in a well laid out museum within the precincts of the Maligawa Museum.The two upper levels of the building at the back of the shrine house of this museum where rare ola manuscripts, Royal apparel, life size models of the lost King and Queen of Kandy, variety of antiquities and ornaments, ritual objects can be seen.
Monument To Rajah (Former Maligawa Tusker)To the North of the Maligawa complex facing Natha Devale is the mausoleum of Rajaa, the most devout servant of the Maligawa. Rajah, the Maligawa tusker that carried the relic casket in the annual Esala perahera for 50 year from 1937 to 1987 died in 1988. But the majestic tusker still stands gracefully in still life inside the building with an extended lease of life given by local taxidermists brining nostalgic memories to those who have seen it carrying the caske in the perahera. Visit to the mausoleum is a tribute paid to the dead tusker.
Koggala Folk MusuemKoggala Folk Museum presents a rare collection of folk implements and appliances from different parts of the Island. The items are arranged under twenty five different categories representing handicrafts, folk art and music, cottage industries, agriculture, folk medicines, costumes, religion etc. this museum created at a tribute of Martin Wickramasinghe, the doyen of Sinhala writers is Ginpathaliya in Koggala, the birthplace of the late writer that had once been the playing field of your Wickramasinghe.
Archaeological MuseumThe Department of Archaeology maintains archaeological museums at Anuradhapura, Kandy, Sigiriya, Polonnaruwa, Jaffna, Panduwasnuwara, Ampara, Yapahuwa and Dedigama. Open on all days except Tuesday from0800 hrs to 17000 hrs.Publications on respective archaeological sites are available on sale.Photography: Permitted from Commissioner of Archaeology, Dept. f Archaeology. Sir Marcus Fernando Mw, Colombo 7(Rel: 694727)

Galle Face Hotel
地 址 : 2 Galle road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka
電 話 : 94 11 2541010
網 址 : www.gallefacehotel.com
房 租 : $640 起
斯里蘭卡真的很值得一遊,九天玩下來超開心的,椰子水幾乎天天喝,約台幣六到八元,此次搭乘泰國航空,利用轉機時間的十小時,出了關參加機場裡的旅行社行程約500銖,加上機場稅700銖,到曼谷玩個五六個小時,很值得這麼玩法。事前便與斯里蘭卡一個旅行社接洽行程規劃、住宿、用餐、租車、導遊及門票,費用約500美金,提供的服務真的是物超所值,除了第一天的住宿因時間太晚(凌晨兩點多)到Negambo 住稍差外(但是旅館靠海、戶外風景很美),其他幾乎是四星、五星級的飯店,吃的也安排的很好,都是在很美的地點用餐。他們的資料也是旅遊前輩提供的,非常的感謝那位前輩。他們真的值得和大家推薦。
JNW Lanka Tours
e-mail: [email protected] 或是 [email protected] web:http://www.jnwtours.com
找一位Mr. Wazeer. (老闆,人超好)
若要我的行程資料,我也願意提供。[email protected] 祝福大家 :-D

哇! 那請問一下,您說的500美金是在那裡「一個人」的所有開銷了嗎? 或者是兩個人的? 而且行程是 九天 這麼久嗎? 好羨慕哦!! 謝謝!!