Help!! Can you review my 行程 (13 days with 關西+東京) -- Leaving next week!


My wife and I will be leaving from HK to Kansai airport (Osaka) on sept 27th, and will be returning on october 9th from Narita Airport (Tokyo). And this is my first time going to japan, and i read alot of postings in this forum... and here are my itinery..

9/27 Day1: Arrive osaka airport at 19:30PM,
-- Check in to Comfort Inn Hotel at 心斎橋 (
-- Walk around at night, after checking in.

9/28 Day2: Stay in Osaka
-- Tour around the area. ( i have not yet plan out what to do in osaka yet)

9/29 Day 3: Stay in Osaka
-- Tour around the area.

9/30 Day 4: Take a day trip to Kobe.
-- Take a morning train (about 30 minutes)
-- tour around and have dinner in Kobe.
-- return back to osaka around 10PM.

10/1 Day 5: Check out Osaka Hotel, and go to Kyoto. (APA Hotel)
-- Take a train around 11AM and go to kyoto (about 30 minutes)
-- check in to Kyoto Hotel, APA Hotel, 京都駅堀川通. (i made reservation from APA's website, and it is 8500 Yen per Night for a double room)

10/2 Day 6: Stay in Kyoto
-- tour around Kyoto (i have not yet plan what to do in Kyoto yet)

10/3 Day 7: Stay in Kyoto
-- tour around Kyoto (i have not yet plan what to do in Kyoto yet)

10/4 Day 8: Check out from Kyoto APA Hotel, and go to Hakone 箱根
-- tour around 箱根 (i have not yet plan what to do in 箱根 yet)
-- I am trying to find a 箱根溫泉飯店, for my wife and I. Trying to find something that is not too expensive... recommendations?

10/5 Day 9: Check out from 箱根 Hotel, and go to Tokyo in the afternoon (about 3 hours on the train - get to Tokyo about 6pm)
-- Check into Tokyo Hotel (still looking for one)
-- Tour around Tokyo area in night time

10/6 Day 10: Stay in Tokyo
-- Tour around Tokyo (i have not yet plan what to do in Tokyo Yet)

10/7 Day 11: Stay in Tokyo
-- Go to Tokyo Disney world.

10/8 Day 12: Stay in Tokyo
-- tour around tokyo

10/9 Day 13: Check out from Tokyo Hotel, last day in Japan!
-- tour around tokyo and then go to narita airport at around 4pm.

A few questions,

1. Do you think I should buy a JR Pass since I will be taking so much train?

2. The APA Hotel - I searched the japanese website, and I think there is a promotion with a semi double and no smoking room. Can you tell me if it has private bath?

タイプ:Web割 セミダブル禁煙室
室 数:1 室
泊 数:3 泊

3. What is 一泊二食? When i will be in 箱根, I want to get a 溫泉飯店 that is about 10000 YEN / night (for a double room with private bathroom) + Dinner. Is it possible? Can you recommend one please?

4. When I am in Tokyo, i am looking for something cheaper, but must have a private bath - Does 日本東橫INN in Tokyo have private bath? Or can you recommend one please.

5. Is my plan ok? Or do you think I should go to Tokyo first and make a day trip to 箱根?

6. The transportation in Tokyo is very complicated, i am currently trying to find out all the trains that I will need to take.... and how to make transportation cheaper...

Here's Kansai thru pass homepage
Then u can buy Kansai Thru 2 or 3 day pass for urban transportation in Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto... 6 prefectures.
Kansai Airport to Osaka take limousine bus is the cheapest. But railway transportation in Japan is more convenient and save time, although it is not cheap at all.
Shinkansen is also expensive, wondering what train u wanna take from Kyoto to Tokyo?

1. The Kansai thru 3 day pass - is it ANY 3 days (monday, wednesday, friday..etc) ? Or 3 days in a row (monday, tuesday, wednesday)

2. If it is only 3 days, which location I should use the Thru pass 3 days at? (when i take the train to kobe? when i take the train to Nara?

3. Where can I find list of buses / trains available from Kansai airport to 心斎橋? (心斎橋 Comfort Inn is where I am staying in Osaka) If the timing is not too much difference, then I want to take the cheaper way... (is it about one hour from airport to hotel?) And How much? what are the choices? i dont understand japanese that much... :-*:-*

4. I used a travel website to find out the fares from each big location...

心斎橋(大阪府) via 大阪市営御堂筋線 for 230 YEN (13 minutes)
新大阪(大阪府) via [新幹線]のぞみ218号 for $540 YEN or $840 yen for express (14 minutes)

心斎橋(大阪府) for 7 minutes via [普通]大阪市営御堂筋線 (230 yen)
梅田(大阪市営)(大阪府) then walk 7 minutes
大阪(大阪府) via [快速]東海道山陽本線快速 (390 yen) for 32 minutes

京都(京都府) via [快速]みやこ路快速 for 690 YEN (45 minutes)

京都(京都府) via [JR東海] -- [新幹線]のぞみ124号 for 133 minutes (12170 YEN)
品川(東京都) via [普通]山手線 for 18 minutes

Can you tell me, If i want to get to Tokyo from Kyoto about 3 hours (no overnight bus), are there any cheaper way??

5. Kansai Thur pass can be purchased at Kansai airport, right? But when I get there, it will be around 8PM already -- will they already close?

6. Are there any train pass that also includes the train / bus ticket from airport to Osaka?

7. I also read about Suretto pass - will that be better for me? Because I will take the trains / buses inside Osaka / Kobe / Kyoto / Nara too...?

Does my travel fees looks correct?

In Kyoto

APA Hotel 京都駅堀川通 (8000YEN / night)


  ホテルアルファ京都 (7000 YEN / Night)
Hotel Alpha Kyoto

Which one is more convenient?

APA is close to 京都駅 and Hotel Alpha Kyoto closer to 三条..

I will also travel from Kyoto to Nara (daytrip), (or is it better to travel to Nara from Osaka when I am there before I go to Kyoto?), and then from Kyoto to Tokyo... so i think the more convenient is better for me.


WHich one is better?? Comparing quality with their price?

強羅一之湯(和室) -- PRIVATE SPA inside hotel room, Dinner + Breakfast = 12,120 yen each person (2 people = 24240 YEN for 1 night)

箱根の森 -- Public SPA, Dinner + Breakfast = 9080 Yen per person (2 people = 18160 YEN for 1 night)

Which one is better?

Can you tell me which location is better??

I will be leaving the hotel at the last day, and store my luggage in Train station, to go to 箱根 for 2 day / 1 night. And then, i will go back to 新宿 and go back to Narita Airport... So, can you tell me which one is better comparing their prices? (i tried to find something cheaper -- but i cannot find... dates are, oct 4 - oct 8)... i must have private bathroom...

宿泊施設名 ホテル ラ・ガール・ドゥ・ラ ヴィー(旧:ホテルコンチェルト新宿)
宿泊施設住所 〒151-0073 東京都渋谷区笹塚1-61-8
33600 YEN for 4 nights (2 people, 1 room)

宿泊施設名 カフェホテル新宿
宿泊施設住所 〒160-0021 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町2-25-8
34200 YEN for 4 nights (2 people, 1 room)

論地點 APA 不用拖行李跑地鐵

論地點 APA 不用拖行李跑地鐵


But i plan to,

stay in 大阪 for 3 days.
take train to 京都, stay for 1 day.
then from 京都, day trip to 奈良
then stay in 京都 for 1 more day
and then from 京都 再新幹線到東京

Is it better to go to 奈良 from 大阪 or from 京都?

Is this hotel in a convenient neighborhood? ホテルアルファ京都 -- alot of shopping around this hotel? Because ホテルアルファ京都 is cheaper in price..


Or should i get 青春 18 遊覽車票?? It is only 11,500 YEN for 5 days. This is cheaper than the KYOTO <-> TOKYO train fare... and I can even use this for OSAKA + KOBE + KYOTO + NARA + TOKYO??????

Anyone please help.

Or should i get 青春 18 遊覽車票?? It is only 11,500 YEN for 5 days. This is cheaper than the KYOTO <-> TOKYO train fare... and I can even use this for OSAKA + KOBE + KYOTO + NARA + TOKYO??????

Anyone please help.

忘掉青春18吧(還變成遊覽車票:-| 在台灣遊覽車是指BUS)
因為這是季節日期限定 你完全不合用
除了新幹線就是搭飛機 其他想都不要想

光大阪 京都 東京....都不算小地方
你要去這些地方的哪裡? 才有辦法知道你用哪種PASS可以省錢
光是都市名 沒有人可以幫你(W)
而且你本末倒置 用PASS來找旅遊點
旅行會有目的 交通只是手段
請你先了解 你到底要去大阪 京都幹嘛?
再配合交通 想辦法省錢
拜託 客站內的關西関東資訊非常多
先爬爬文 了解自己想要什麼
而不是急急急急急急急 到處找交通票卷:-(

"Is it better to go to 奈良 from 大阪 or from 京都?"
我這樣想,奈良和京都也是 "日" 的地方(京都賞夜楓則例外),大阪可以是"日" 或 "夜","day trip" 奈良回到難波還有很多事可做.
